
Tapping Case Study – Attachment, Identity, and Spiritual Beliefs

Written by: Nick Ortner

Tapping together with so many people over the years, I get to witness again and again just how many of our adult beliefs are a result of our childhood upbringings.

Here is one such story of a woman’s journey of having to let go of her attachment to old patterns of belief to be able to discover her true identity through Tapping.

Amy Lloyd was brought up in a “very restrictive environment” by a fundamentalist Baptist family. Even after several years into her dysfunctional marriage, she was taught to never question any of it.

So when she finally had enough and left her abusive husband, she lost everything – custody of her children, her extended family, her community…

Amy knew deep inside that she didn’t want to be angry and she didn’t want to be a victim.

But after her divorce, when she began dating again, she would continue to follow the same pattern of building her life around the man. And when the relationship would end, she’d be back to square one.

Amy recognized that she needed to change this pattern because she didn’t want to jeopardize her life or put it on hold until she met the right person.

She wanted to fix it – she just didn’t know how.

During the turbulent period that followed, a friend gave Amy the book, “The Tapping Solution.” (Thank goodness for our friends, right?)

“At first, I thought, what is this voodoo thing?” But when she tapped for the first time, she noticed a change.

“It allowed me to breathe when I couldn’t. It took my anxiety down when the room was closing in on me.”

Amy left another relationship a short time later, which spurred more searching.

She was living with friends and doing some freelance work, but she couldn’t fully reconnect to life.

“My dad had given me his old car, my computer was way out of date… Just recently I took it into the Apple store and the sales rep called all his colleagues over and they were marveling at it, like a dinosaur.”

Amy was just keeping her head above the water. I think most of us can relate at some point in our lives or another. It’s just an awful feeling.

She had been on the Tapping Solution mailing list since her first encounter with the book, but really didn’t pay much attention to the emails she’d be receiving, until she saw one mentioning the Financial Success Program.

“Making money was a big issue for me. I had learned in my family that poverty is spiritual, that I needed a man to protect me, and that I can’t have money without that.”

With this realization, she knew something had to change, so she purchased the seven-week program.

As Amy immersed herself in the course, things began to surface. She discovered patterns and associations she had never understood before.

“When you do Tapping, you go into the subconscious and it brings things out. Part of me had just not been aware of much, especially what happened in my childhood, my family roots and siblings – all very deep. I was able to pull these crazy things up, understand them, grieve them, and then let them go. It’s changed my life.

After completing the program, Amy found a part-time job as an office manager, which provided her with a base salary.

A singer, Amy also began working on some music, which was possible because of having the job. She bought a new computer, a car, and brought her life up to speed.

She also stopped dating. “If somebody comes along, I’ll go out, but I’m not pursuing that which is very different for me. For once, it’s not my primary focus. All of that is transformation.”

Amy credits not only Tapping for her positive changes, but also the community she found through The Tapping Solution’s Facebook page.

“Cathy, the woman who manages the Facebook page, is such a wonderful resource, so encouraging, and the Ortners provide such a great service. I’ve also been so grateful for the other people on the website. Everybody encourages each other.”

Amy says the course is the best investment she’s ever made.

“What I’ve been able to move through in just one year, is more growth than I experienced in my first 51.”

Now Amy uses Tapping every day. At the moment, she is working on anger. “Because I didn’t want to be an angry person, I went to the opposite extreme: very passive. Recently I realized that in order for me to stand in my voice and truly be me, I need to be able to tap into my anger. So, I use Tapping.”

Amy can connect with all levels of her anger with Tapping, allowing the feelings to surface and resolve themselves through expression. Tapping is the tool that helps her do that in a safe way.

What advice does Amy suggest for people considering Tapping?

“This is your life. It’s hard to go though those hard things. But we have the ability to go through and heal, and be changed. Tapping is such a great thing: it’s easy, it’s not expensive, there are no pills and no side effects. It takes you deeper and helps you live better. We can change the world, we can change ourselves. It’s so worth it.”

I couldn’t have said it better myself. ?

Thanks so much for sharing your story, Amy!

Until next time,

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Do you have some strong family beliefs that may be hindering your personal growth? Please share below.

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