Financial Success

7 Things Successful People Do

Written by: Nick Ortner

What is it that makes some people successful in life – able to reach whatever goal they like – while others get stuck in the same place for years, if not decades?

Is it their education? Where they were born? Who their family is? Is it genetics?

The reality is… it’s none of the above!

In my working with thousands of people over the years to help them change their lives – to help them create both financial success and personal fulfillment – I’ve found 7 things in particular that successful people do differently.

I’ve outlined them below. How many of these 7 things are you doing?

1 – They Change How They Think & Feel

Change-your-mindset-smallLet’s start with how they think:
Talk to anybody who built success in their life and they’ll tell you that they changed their thinking in order to get different results. Every one of us is a product of our thinking. Our finances, relationships, health, happiness, and every other area are dictated by our thinking. If you want a different result in life, you need to change your thinking first.

How they feel:
Very often people get hung up on “thinking like successful people” and forget a key element: what they’re feeling. Listening to your emotions is critical to understanding what is holding you back, both consciously and unconsciously.

Successful people know that our emotions drive everything. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, afraid, stressed, sad, depressed, or any other negative emotion, your brain is less resourceful and less able to help you make good decisions or take important actions. If you want to have more energy, make better decisions, be more creative, and have more success in life…

Develop the habit of paying attention to your emotions. Then do what’s needed to be in the right emotional state (like using Tapping, which we’ll get to later!) 🙂


2 – They Believe They Deserve Success

Be You And Believe In Yourself Successful people believe they deserve success; unsuccessful people do not.

The area where this is most evident is with money. Financially successful people generally feel they deserve to be successful, and so they’ve created it in their lives.

So what qualifies somebody as “deserving success” or not? Only one thing… the rules they create for it in their own brain.

Oftentimes, people think (consciously or unconsciously) they don’t deserve success because of false beliefs like, “I’m not a good enough person,” or “I don’t work hard enough,” or “I’m not smart enough,” or any other from a laundry list of negative limiting beliefs.

In order to find out what you believe about success just SAY and COMPLETE these two phrases out loud:

  • I don’t deserve success because… (say what first comes up, don’t question it)
  • I deserve success because… (say what first comes up, don’t question it)

When you say these two phrases out loud, your unconscious brain will give you the reasons that have been programmed as to why you believe one way or the other. If you’re not getting the answer you’d like (or you’re surprised by what’s coming up), don’t worry…

I’ll show you how to change your belief systems around success shortly, all using EFT Tapping!

Remember, at the end of the day every person – and I mean EVERY person – deserves success. Every person is capable of growth, of love, of giving beyond themselves… and being rewarded for it! Anyone can succeed financially, in relationships, with their health, in any area of their life.

I’ll show you how to get there. You can start by downloading my free eBook, 103 Disempowering Beliefs About Money and Success, and How to Eliminate them in Minutes.


3 – They Overcome Events & Patterns That Don’t Serve Them

Past-and-FutureMost of the habits, patterns, and beliefs that we have today were developed between the ages of 0 and 6 years old. They weren’t developed consciously, they were essentially downloaded from our parents, and from other people & events happening around us at the time.

We didn’t have a choice about what beliefs were given to us, or events were happening around us. Unfortunately, many of those beliefs, patterns, and experiences were negative and have limited us in our adult life.

Some have had tougher upbringings than others, with more negative experiences and more negative beliefs about themselves and the world, but regardless of the experiences…

There is good news!

Today, as adults, we have a choice over what beliefs, patterns, and habits we want to keep or discard… And we have a choice over the meanings we give our past experiences.

Successful people are aware of how limiting old beliefs, habits, patterns, and experiences can be… and they do whatever it takes to change them!

That doesn’t mean it’s always easy. Overcoming childhood abuse issues, or deep-rooted self-confidence issues, or overwhelmingly negative thought patterns can be a challenge. But successful people are committed to their own growth, no matter what.

They know that the past does not equal the future. They understand that past challenges can either be dwelled upon for years, or accepted as necessary life lessons on their path.

Overcoming limiting beliefs and difficult events from your past is something that EFT Tapping is especially powerful at helping with, more so than any other technique I’ve ever seen.

I’ve had the privilege of using Tapping to help people with some enormous challenges through our Tapping Solution Foundation: Veterans with PTSD, children genocide survivors in Rwanda, first responders of the Sandy Hook school shooting (my home town), and much more.

4 – They Silence Their Critical Voice

Tremenous-Courage-2A common misconception is that successful people don’t have doubts, that they don’t have a critical voice, that they’re not afraid when they face tough challenges. Reality couldn’t be further from the truth.

Successful people face all of these challenges regularly, and probably more often than unsuccessful people, because of how much they challenge themselves.

They just use tremendous courage to never let it stop them.

The good thing is that courage is a muscle that can be flexed and developed over time. Every successful person had to overcome their critical voice over little things before they moved onto bigger and bigger things.

Building this muscle starts with having the courage to address your critical voice, on anything big or little. Listen to what it has to say… And then overcome it!


5 – They’re Willing to Fail, Repeatedly

Failure-JourneySuccessful people see failure as part of the learning process. And no matter how much they fail, they’re never willing to quit.

They also never see failure as defining who they are. When unsuccessful people fail, they see themselves as a failure.

Learn to never see yourself as a failure and to see failure itself as a learning process. Then, you’ll never do the one thing you’re avoiding… failing.

“How’s that?” you’re thinking.

Because failing implies that the journey is over. If you see individual failures as a part of a long journey of success, then you, in fact, never actually fail. 🙂

Here’s a list of some of the most successful people ever throughout modern history who never let individual failures stop them:

Henry Ford – Failed in his early business projects and was left broke 5 times before he founded Ford Motor Company.

R. H. Macy – Founder of the Macy’s department store, R.H. Macy started 7 failed businesses before finally hitting it big with his store in New York City.

Walt Disney – Walt Disney was fired by a newspaper editor because “he lacked imagination and had no good ideas.” After that, he started a number of businesses that didn’t last long and ended with bankruptcy and failure.

Albert Einstein – Einstein didn’t speak until he was four and didn’t read until he was seven, which made his teachers and parents think he was mentally handicapped, slow, and anti-social.

Jerry Seinfeld – The first time he walked on stage he froze and was jeered and booed off the stage. Do you think he quit after that? Nope. The very next night he came back and completed his set to laughter and applause.

I could go on and on with people like this but I think you get it.

Failure never exists IF you see it as part of a long journey of success.

In fact, if you want to hear about how I personally “failed” my way to success, I encourage you to watch this free webinar that I put together just for you!


6 – They Do the Difficult Things First

Important-Things-FirstPretty much every person I talk to or come across on a daily basis feels that they have too much going on, that they’re too busy. It seems to just be a part of this modern lifestyle.

When it comes to our time, and what we do with it each day, successful people have one tremendously important trait that makes them successful…

They do the important things FIRST, not the easy things.

If you wait until you have more time to do the important things, you run out of time. It’s why people don’t exercise, or write that book, or start that business.

Successful people prioritize their lives differently. They know that the important stuff is what will get them to where they want to be. They do the big tasks on projects at the beginning of the day, and they leave the emails to later in the day.

If you want to be more successful, learn how to do the tasks that matter first.


7 – They Take Daily Action 

Clarity-2Successful people know that there is tremendous power in clarity.

They get clear on what they want to achieve and who they want to be in life, and they take consistent daily action to get there.

They never let their current limitations stop them from seeing a better future.

Unsuccessful people ruminate on their current situation and challenges. They never allow themselves to have seemingly unrealistic futures.

Successful people allow themselves to dream and then work to get there, even if there isn’t a clear path to achieving what they want.

They also see themselves not just as they are now, but better than they are now! They hold a vision for themselves of how they can grow into being more successful, happier, more giving people.

If you struggle to dream big or find yourself finding reasons for why your dreams can’t come true, don’t worry. Together, we’ll work to eliminate the mental blocks that are keeping you from building an empowering future.


Where to Start

One of the best ways to begin is reading or listening to the stories of others, to understand how they adopted the 7 steps described above into their own lives. That’s why I want to present to you TWO great resources that I’ve put together to start you on your journey. I hope you enjoy them!

FREE eBook – 103 Disempowering Beliefs About Money and Success and How to Eliminate them in Minutes

Start Tapping Today - Free Guide!

Discover the 103 disempowering beliefs that may be holding you back from achieving the money and success you desire.

FREE WebinarHow to Use EFT Tapping to Create an Abundant, Stress-Free, Financial Future Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible…

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!


What did reading these 7 things bring up for you? What do you think are your greatest strengths or challenges to success? Share your comments below!

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691 Comments on this post

  1. pat davies says:

    I need to change my thinking around- I am old and can see no reason to not reach my goals while I have the strength of mind and body to keep going

  2. Ali says:

    Thanks for this, I have just started tapping but find it difficult to get to the core of my deep buried limiting beliefs. Growing up with a critical father and alcoholic mum has left me pretty fearful of life and on the surface to people I seem relatively successful and outgoing but any criticism I receive still wounds me deeply and i am now procrastinating about starting my own business which everyone says I’ll be great at but there are so many self doubts around the next steps to take and if I can succeed.

  3. Name (required)Bindu doshi says:

    I have tp work on these.

  4. Hafsa rasti says:

    I’m a sort of lady who is very determined. Whatever goal I set in my mind I got it due to my consistency, my attitude, determination, above All my eternal belief in ALLAH almighty. I do agree these 7points, I’ll practice where I’m lacking. Stay blessed for sharing wonderful beliefs.

  5. Julie Nolan says:

    This article got me thinking in the right direction and made me believe I can be successful. Thank you!

  6. Neera says:

    Thank you so much for these tips. I loved tip number 5 – failure never exists if you see it as a part of a longer journey of success. Also, tip number 6 and 7 – they do the important things first, not the easy things and they get clear on what they want and who they want to be.

    I know at times I tend to do the easy things first and somehow there is little time left for the important things. It is important to prioritize.

    Thank you! I have heard some of these things before but it I really enjoyed reading this – Wonderful information.

  7. Tam says:

    Thanks Nick,

    The seven tips are great for me, in encouraging me to look more into myself and my business.
    I love being a chiropractor. There is so much healing that takes place through prayer and adjustments. I’ve been surviving financially. Thus I realize that just making it financially is very stressful. I want to give people a deal, though it is breaking me. I realize that I do need to make goals that will better myself in order to better others. I do realize I do deserve success, but not at a cost??….
    Thank You, Tam

  8. Sue says:

    I am hopping beyond hope that this is going to work. I have come to realize I have been depressed on and off most of my life. My great struggle is my emotions. I know the program and I understand the process. It is hard to sell yourself on your self worth and value when you feel like going out into the street and scream at the top of your voice only to retreat back into the house crying uncontrolably on and off all day. I am going to stick with this because I want it to work. I haven’t much left to work with. I am alone, I live alone and I have no friends. My grown kids are my life and they are leaving me behind as they move on with their life. I need to radically change my life. I pray this is the way. God Bless all of those of you who are struggling. I hear your pain.

  9. Isabelle says:

    Hi, reading the seven things that successful people do, has allowed me to realize that I am more successful than I think and just how I am sabotaging my efforts to actualize myself.
    First off, I find that I’ve fallen into my old habit of depressing my system. Of course, my “critical voice” is a master of disguises and I’ve just now realized why I’ve been so down on myself. My husband got sick this year and in the process I put my wants, my feelings aside and focused on him getting better. It has almost been a year since he had his pulmonary embolism, and things are indeed getting better for him. However, I seem to have lost my sense of self and where I am and what I want is not lining up.
    Three years ago, my sister in- law, father in law and aunty passed away , all within six months of each other. I have a small therapy practise and my husband is retired. With more free time than the rest of the family members, we chose to walk with them in the last stages of their lives. This experience was profound and put me on a path that woke up the true spirit in me. My search led me to volunteer in Palliative Care. The ease In which I could be with dying people, was a journey into the mystery of death that oddly enough brought me to wonder if this is my life’s purpose.Much to my surprise, I discovered my abilility to listen with the ” ear of my heart” and to help others connect with what is real and true for them, not just a valuable skill, but rather
    With this new belief, I saw my childhood trauma from a different perspective and am now aware that being a victim is now my choice. That said, my belief about money has a pretty strong hold and given that tapping has helped me in the past, a very small part of me is saying maybe I could move myself forward if I tried it again.
    Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share. Just writing my thoughts has helped me shift my thinking.

  10. godwin says:

    Reading these 7 things now has giving me more courage to move on in life with more determinations and to know that success requires consistains tryals and strong motives, before one can achieve success.

  11. Hazel says:

    Hi Nick
    Self esteem and the belief that you deserve to be successful in what ever you have a passion for is the key message that I take from reading these 7 things.
    I had a difficult childhood (based on an abussive alcoholic father) but as one of 6 children; I decided at a very young age not to be bullied or controlled by his bad behaviour and believed that I deserved to be loved and respected for what I could do both for myself and others.

    I had inspiring teachers at school (one of whom wrote in my age 10 report “a cheeky, chirpy child who will go far….”). My own son’s teacher wrote an email to me several years ago where she relayed a conversation she had with him to ask who she should speak to his mum or his dad and he thought about for a few minutes and then said “speak to my mum because she makes things happen”…priceless said his teacher!.

    I was inspired by some of the comments others have written and will look to learn more about EFT in the hope that I can help others to overcome the challenges and fears they face as we all deserve to achieve our dreams.

    Best wishes

  12. Amal says:

    I feel frustrated, angry and not knowing what to do to change or how to change. the critical voice still coming to me even when i m fighting it. I feel stuck. I can’t prioritize my needs I don’t know what is priority is it money first or business first. but deep inside i feel that i deserve success and wealth and don’t know how to get to my dream.

  13. dyti says:

    I am always puzzled about the definition of ‘successful people’, is it a rich person. a blog writer, a good father and husband, a simple and human neighbor, a hard working professional…..?

  14. Carlos Janeca says:

    Thank you so much for these 7 important advices. After all it seems so simple and easy to change and to practice all of them. Congratulations for your always wonderful job. I am greatful for it !

  15. majekodunmi olugbenga john abiodun says:

    I was tremendously touched particularly by number six on doing important things first instead of going for easy things.
    At times it is very difficult to distinguish between important things and easy things because some of the things we consider easy may even at times in some circumstances be the important things.
    Although, it is not to say that I do not fully agree with your write up.
    For instance, I embarked on a building project some couple of years ago with the intention of giving out as rent to generate additional income but a problem came up in that land that hitherto prevented me from continuing it.
    Another one, is the issue of my professional program which I did some couple of years ago but due to my inability to devote more time to reading I failed my first attempt of the professional exam because the nature of my work.
    Sir, I want to be candid with you I am not really happy with the work that I’m doing now because I have that longing desire to be an employer of labor. My purpose of engaging in the building project is that I want to use it as a stepping stone to commence an Estate Business that grow my own business. I want to live a life where I would have ample time to take care of my family.

  16. Kim says:

    Creating a clear vision for my future and believing in myself, not giving up on myself. Biggest strength-my challenging childhood, there is a depth and knowledge of my spiritual need in me as well as a maverick spirit. Greatest challenge, believing God loves me and is for me and having the courage to move forward through and past my fears.

    Thanks for that, those 7 poInts. Clear and helpful.

  17. Sherry says:

    These 7 things, have made me want to start to reach my goals again. I have had many many obstacles in my life. I am in my mid 60s, but still have many dreams of what I want. I bought the Gold package and find something everyday that helps me. I do feel a lot more peaceful, calm and joy. I have been eliminating the past negative patterns and realizing I do deserve happiness and success. Tapping has helped me so much. Thank you, Nick Ortner.

  18. Pranoti says:

    Dear Nick,

    I would like to thank you deeply for giving these tips. I am at a turning point in my life where my decision could affect many lives. From the overwhelming, scary stage, I grounded myself and have come a long way with my 2 kids.

    Almost on the street, I am grateful to everyone to make me realize the potential I have which was buried due to putting everyone else first. The tapping techniques helped me clear some blocks in my brain.

    My challenge is to overcome the past beliefs which are not working for me. My career, aspirations always took a backseat. Supportive and abusive husband thought its my duty and I was always taken for granted.

    My husband had a special place in my life. My spirit was shaken up by his blames and the abusive behaviour towards me and the kids.

    Perseverance, positive attitude, extreme compassion for people, creativity, are my strengths. My friends always shared and confided in me with their problems. I never realized till today as I have the innate ability to look for solutions and connect to people with empathy.

    I struggle to stop the voices in my head which hold me back and make me feel stuck as I keep thinking what will happen to my husband.


  19. Lynne says:

    I’m afraid my route to success has not been easy. Now as I get to an age when most people are slowing down I feel I must now, at last, have my moment in the sun, no matter how old I am. My motto of late has been ” You’re never too old and it’s never too late”. However, I have a lack of self esteem and self confidence due to a very difficult and unsettled childhood. I have many creative talents but was never praised or encouraged by my father.( my mother died when I was 9 months old) I cannot seem to get past all the negativity of my upbringing, so that the real ‘me’ can come out of my head and into the spotlight. I’m a fan of tapping, so this could be the making of me. Thank you for all your wise words over the years.

  20. Sylvain says:

    The fact that Einstein didn’t speak until he was 4 and didn’t read until he was 7 says nothing about success or failure. If he had been “TRYING” to speak and couldn’t, if he had been “TRYING and STRUGGLING” to read and couldn’t, then those could be looked at as failed attempts at something. But just because he simply DID NOT speak or read until a certain age says nothing to this effect. Do we really know what was going on in his mind then? Was he simply insecure, fearful and hesitant, as any young child in an unfamiliar situation, and just didn’t make any real effort to try to speak or read, until one day when a small spark of courage and trust inspires him to take a step forward? As far as I know, we perceive something as being a “failure” only after we’ve taken a step forward in an attempt to succeed and fall short of our expectations of ourselves. According to your account of Einstein with regard to the first times he spoke and read, he hadn’t actually made an attempt to do either, but simply DIDN’T.

  21. margo says:

    Biggest challenges would be silencing the critical voice, also because I am an older individual age does come into factor.

    My strength is once I know what I am striving for I am very persistent. I work step by step till I achieve and get what I want.

  22. Daryl says:

    Great steps we read them all the time, its the changing from reading to doing is tge fantastic journey

  23. Sophie says:

    Thank you so much Nick for such an honest, helpful, genuinely free resource as the recent summit and this article. I was shocked, in believing I’ve been becoming aware of and freeing many of my subconscious blocks over past few years, and replacing negative mindsets through tapping since the summit (previously using counselling and positive affirmations and feeling good about such, yet not realising having negative subliminal thinking was like building a house of positive affirmations on poor foundations), that answering the question as to why I don’t deserve, and do deserve, success, I’m still caught in a sense of unworthiness/undeserving compared with brother and father and men generally, plus ‘I’m not pretty enough’ (ouch!) yet in answering why I do deserve that’s because ‘it’s my birthright’, ‘we all do’, ‘I’m alive’.

    Great to understand ‘failure’ in context of successful people viewing life long path and experiences simply as such towards goals they have. I related with the ‘unsuccessful people viewing themselves as failures rather than something not turning out as desired as simply a learning opportunity’ even though psychologically I would have identified with the successful pattern, clearly my feelings are stuck/influenced by the unsuccessful negative subliminal beliefs I am holding.

    Tapping here we come!

    May your next article Nick reveal how better to incorporate an answer that has revealed by asking questions such as you just posed.

    I find as soon as I tap my first three grounding statements on side of hand, the ‘even though I feel ‘x’ I deeply love and accept myself’ often is enough to stop me feeling the intensity of how I was feeling at the start, so often I don’t then continue to tap – is this self sabbotage? My ego protecting me from change/addressing my deeper imbalances, hurts, disappointments, and trying to ‘keep me safe’? For as soon as I endeavour to rate my feelings on 1-10 scale, I sense that I ‘ought not’ be anything other than great (a protection of perhaps realising others genuinely feel confident in being who they really are and successful [as opposed to behaving and believing how and what I was brought up to, despite this going against what and how I desired to be and knew innately was good for me?] so I stop myself admitting the strength of my feelings [a fear of being a ‘failure’, being humiliated for getting a low score in educational tests, not achieving my ‘life’s/soul’s purpose’, not being good enough to deserve the opportunity to be better, get better, achieve?]. Wow, so much hurt and squashing of my self and of my light. Thanks for listening folks 🙂

    Question, Nick: I am learning about/practising universal laws including abundance, adopting an attitude of gratitude/having abundance in order to also be able to pass on/create good, not just for self, and within this I am challenging the idea of ‘no pain/no gain’, preferring a more peaceful, loving, respectful approach (of ‘love and above’, to quote Christie Marie Sheldon) towards self and others – how then does successful people choosing (perhaps initially forcing themselves) to do the ‘important’ tasks before the ‘easy’ tasks relate to living within abundance and love (and who is judging what is ‘important’ and why can’t ‘important’ also be ‘easy’ ? Change of mindset necessary?

    I know I was taught I couldn’t have the nice or easy things until I had done my chores (eg tidy bedroom before playing, do homework before something more pleasurable, do washing up before resting after dinner, tidy house before going out for a dog walk, wait til you’re earning to have things you want, til then be grateful for what you’ve got [even if not what I desired!] – always a focus on lack, fear, unfulfilled desires, waiting [so patience and money therefore not seen as virtues/good but a ‘necessary evil’] ) so is it changing mindset to seeing challenging tasks I’d rather put off til last minute as something more positive, ie towards achieving the end goal?

    Yet LOA webinars recently have suggested there is no need to set goals if genuinely believing in an abundant universe/God to always provide, as we supposedly always receive what we need and this isn’t necessarily what we desire – or is this in itself a controlling limiting mindset suggesting an external force/soul contract/spiritual aspect defines and/or governs our choices and experiences? Where does freewill fit in, and when is freewill actually self sabbotage?

    So, I question if leaving things to the last minute is a way of coping, feeling I can’t cope if anything else crops up to be dealt with (fear of failure?), or fear of success so I don’t give myself best opportunity and resources to achieve best outcome? or am I addicted to the ‘drama’ of the adrenaline rush of achieving at the last minute/almost against the odds? If so, what am I avoiding by behaving this way and am I comfortable with this, is this the ‘all or nothing’ character my mother criticised me as having in her opinion that meant she could dismiss my needs and she didn’t choose to explore her own motivations or risk ‘being wrong’/failing? I see “failure” and the connotations and power ascribed to such is a really huge issue in my life to date. I’m sure this comes from a place if lack of self worth. I continue to tap to explore and restore.

  24. Tine says:

    Thankyou for the article. I allready knew the reason that i do not deserve succes, but i actually thought that i had overcome it……. But, well i obvius have not:). So i’m looking forward to experience more about, how to overcome that believe, Thankyou

  25. Christiane says:

    I knew about this 7 things you talked about, reading this give me more strenght to continue what i’m doing now, i know i’m on a good path 😉

  26. Katherine says:

    Thanks Nick, love that name by the way.

  27. Juliette says:


  28. Judy says:

    It totally rings a bell what I read. It was so easy to come to the answer to “I don’t deserve success because I don’t work hard enough”…actually a BIG lie…
    Thanks for this very inspiring post!.

  29. Ellwood says:

    I’m 74 years old & l went on disability insurance when I was 49 so the wife and I have been living from cheque to cheque . I is tending to you has given me hope that I still might have a chance thanks

  30. Arlette Kelly says:

    Interesting,enlightening and thought provoking

  31. trisha donnelly says:

    I do the most important tasks first and usually try and get the most difficult tasks done after,as early in the day as possible.Its great to read the 7 things to reinforce what brings success.I try to think of my goals when things appear difficult.i have just started using eft and it has really helped a stiff knee.i am so looking forward to using it some more.

  32. anthony says:

    the 2nd.part of no.1 how you feel is very helpful to me of 7

  33. Vi says:

    I read your insites and work on being successful but it doesnt happen but I will keep listening to your messages Thanks

  34. Vera says:

    Growing up poor and unloved, unwanted,8th child of 9 to blind parents who passed away at an early age leaving me with people who never liked me,to marry a man on the rebound at an early age having 4 children we could barely feed and it goes on and on to bad health leaveing me very careful of what I do and now support a son who is ill and cant work so Im pinching pennies so tight just to get through another day,often wondering why me,I am getting into tapping to help release stress and pain from fibromyalgia and triple by pass surgery..Knowing somehow I will make it..and someone else is worse off then me..Life gets tough to some people…

  35. Kay says:

    Successful people do the important things first. Too often daily busy ness pulls us away from the important things that lead to the results we want. Having been a mother and wife, running a house etc. I have to make that conscious decision to focus on the most important step towards my long term outcome.
    Nick thank you for all your information and support and particularly the World Tapping Summit. Brilliant speakers.

  36. Diane says:

    I signed up for thismonths ago and thanks for the year. Immediately I came down with chronic Lyme/MSIDS disease. Incredibly ill. Its still here, I am just stubborn and will not give up. one morning I woke and could not move anything. It took an hour and the pain hit, my memory is affected and this hs definitely gotten in my way of projects I was working on. My work is down to1/4 of what it was and in addition I lost everything; bankrupt, house gone and living with a relative in one room with 2 cats. Not bad, nothing to clean. I have been using tapping to get moving. Thanks! I think I am good until May!

  37. Rebekka says:

    I know that I can reach any goal if I really want it. The hard part was to get more clear about what I really want… and then I received your e-mails 🙂 Thank you!

  38. Angelique says:

    Wonderful, absolutely right !

  39. Madeleana says:

    Do the important things first – it is so easy to spend time getting organised, straightening things into priorities without considering that you know exactly what you need to do now, its a good way to put the inevitable off – do it and do it now. By the time I am organised etc. I am too weary to face the things I know I have to do. This will go up in large letters where I can see it daily.

  40. NEWTON T. OBRO says:

    I realize that l have great limitations l have to overcome to become successful. I always feel paralyzed by the thought of failure and at the same time l feel there is a greater force preventing me become successful

  41. jim from Greece says:

    And the Universe,whispered to me:Love your enemy and,finally,that”s what i did:I LOVED MY SELF!!!

  42. Karrie says:

    Looking forward to seeing more..

  43. Mary says:

    I feel intimated by almost everyone and can’t say no and fear being judged if I voice my opinion or try new ventures. I dream of the day I feel self confident, can follow my dreams and be happy in my own skin!

  44. elsa says:

    My life is my family I am a person whit good hart but I never have time for myself other come in fist place. Looking forward to change my life. Tapping help!! Thank you.

  45. Jim says:

    I’ve finally reliesed I’ve never believed that I’m worthy of anything . So it’s time to turn it all around . I AM worthy ,so it’s time to work on my effort problems and really have a go. Thanks for opening my eyes

  46. Raye says:

    Procrastination is a big thing for me and then thinking ‘what’s the point, I’m not going to achieve anything and am no good at it any way!’. So I’m going to just try and enjoy the process more and I look forward to your next email. I good at being positive and getting better at doing the work to change. I’m enjoying tapping and I feel at least I’m doing something positive to help me move forwards! Thank you

  47. G Simone says:

    Good advice. Would like to see examples of women who have failed and then succeeded– overwhelmingly the examples used in “success” literature are all about men. It’s hard to identify with their stories, because I bet most of them weren’t responsible for caring for a home and kids.

  48. Edwina says:

    I think my greatest strength is love and compassion and my biggest challenge is self doubt I don’t think I am clever enough or worthy of good things however I am working on that x

  49. Johanna says:

    My greatest strength is courage. Having the courage to move forward no matter what.

    My biggest challenge is feeling overwhelmed. The belief is “Success takes more time and energy than I have available.”

  50. Denise Toffey says:

    Such a powerful message Nick. Doing the important things first was particularly noteworthy for me. I often find myself cleaning out my emails first because the sheer number of them feels messy and overwhelming. I want them gone so I can work in peace. By the time they’re gone I’m no longer fresh and able to give my best to my work. Thanx mucho!

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