
Doctor’s Take on Tapping for Chronic Stress

Written by: Nick Ortner

Chronic stress affects every area of our lives.

If you currently have a financial struggle, I know stress is playing a role in it (because I’ve been there).

If you’re trying to lose weight, stress is scientifically proven to cause more weight gain so addressing it is crucial.

If you have a relationship challenge, Tapping on the stress related to it will help significantly.

Whatever you’re looking to improve, addressing the stress around it with Tapping is step #1.

Here’s a video interview that I conducted with my favorite doctor in the world… a guy who I listen to any time I get a chance to hear him speak.

He’s been on the Dr. Oz show, Larry King, The Today Show, Good Morning America, The View, The Katie Couric Show… you name it, and he’s probably been on it.

I’m also lucky enough to say that he’s my personal doctor.

In this interview with Dr. Mark Hyman, he really hits on the importance of removing unnecessary stress from our lives, and how much he loves using Tapping to achieving it.

Beyond chronic stress, here are some of the other things Dr. Hyman discusses in the video:

• How childhood trauma affects our health (He shares a story of a client with whom he was struggling to get results, and who he actually referred to me so that I could work with her using Tapping. The results you’ll hear about are very powerful!)

• A fascinating monkey study that shows the importance of love, meaning and connection with others in our lives

• The importance of both eastern and western medicine and how to know who to see when you’re having a health challenge

And much more!

Hopefully by now you’ve seen just how powerful Tapping can be.

But for today, make sure to watch the above video. 🙂

Until next time…

Take care, and keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

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157 Comments on this post

  1. Denise Lucille says:

    As a physician recruiter and energy healer/ hospital chaplain, I am so impressed with EDT tapping and it’s amazing value with healing the root issues that are responsible for the majority of chronic disease and mental emotional pain. Cannot wait to become certified in my energy business to implement and use tapping for my clients! Thanks Nick!

  2. Rosario Gallegos Ibañez says:

    I have listen the video, but I don’t understand very well because my english is not so good. But I understand that to be healthy you have to eat well, excercise, and manege your stress.
    And also the importance of love, and what happened in your childhood. I am tapping two times a day or when I feel so stress and I’m feeling some reliefe. So I will continue and let you know how is working for me. thank you for sharing your expirience. God bless you

  3. Judith Morrish says:

    Extremely interesting, thank you. I have read about Dr. Hyman on line. Am becoming more interested in tapping…..getting used to the idea.


  4. Oma says:

    Hi Nick,
    Enjoyed the interview so much and thank you
    for all the great tips and information you send to us.

  5. Wanda says:

    Great Interview–Thank you for all the interesting info you send out to us!

  6. Audrey says:

    Hi Nick
    I have used the taping to relieve my fear of the dentist I have started much neede dental work I wish I had known about tapping before I lost some teeth to decay I have introduced my son to tapping he is having great results thank you Nick

  7. pam says:

    I live in LA and I would like to find a program here to really learn to do the tapping. I have tried it on my own and would like to do it more with my patients. I would like scripts to formally begin the journey and then I will be able to create my own for a variety of issues both personal and professional. Thanks for all you do.

  8. Reine Roberge says:

    Wow, I love the way this doctor speak and think. I wish there is one like this in Montréal, Québec. If you know one, please let me know. Good day.

  9. Janet says:

    You and Dr. Hyman would do well to study/research Medical Grade Essential Oils in treating infectious and auto immune diseases, including herpes and shingles. They are very effective and there’s no fear of any future resistance from overuse. They also heal on every level/layer: emotional, physical,psychological, spiritual.

    I just treated my worst sinus infection I have ever had by making capsules with Thieves and Frankincense for my head. I also applied the oils on my sinuses, neck and chest, alternating Peppermint, Eucalyptus and Thieves wherever I had pain and/or congestion. I then made some capsules of Eucalyptus and Peppermint for my chest (as the infection traveled there also). I healed inside and out.

    Another phenomenal natural (most powerful) anti-inflammatory is the mangosteen fruit with over 60 xanthones. The wife of a man in a coma with MRSA asked his doctors to please give him Xango (100% juice – no water) and he not only came out of the coma, but his MRSA disappeared.

    The Xango and essential oils together create an amazing synergy. I have used them and suggested them to many – all who are amazed at the fast heaing they experience.

    I have not been to a doctor in over 40 years. I cannot live without my oils and Xango. I don’t think there truly is a need for anything more when treating any illness. Of course there are definitely some herbs I would take/suggest for cancer like essiac tea, graviolens, AHCC, etc. But God gave us things that grow to cure any disease (without synthesizing them with harmful, side effect inducing chemicals). He/She knew we would have illnesses and has provided us with healing. As Hippocrates said ‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.’ I truly believe that.

    I also truly believe in Tapping, accupuncture, reflexolgy (any meridian work) and all energy work.

    Thank you for your great video!

  10. Diana says:

    Perhaps we may not have to wait 20 years for medical research trickle down to see functional medicine become mainstream. With the upheaval in western medicine and insurance from the Obamacare initiatives, my general practioner has gone boutique and more holistic in his thinking. So traditional medicine is already heading in a new direction. Hooray!

    I would like to know how Dr. Hyman cured his Chronic Fatigue because I have suffered with it for 11 years now and am in the process of weaning off the antidepressant I was taking. Also thank you Nick for reintroducing me to Tapping.


  11. Janet says:

    So glad that Dr. Hyman is teaching in China. What about the USA? What about our medical schools. We need to see the whole person for healing one person at a time, although our world, country and society need wholistic healing badly.
    So glad we have begun!

  12. Janet says:

    Hi, Nick,
    I totally believe in tapping and I believe it to be healing therapy.
    I am grateful for the reminders from you which I have thoroughly enjoyed reading and have tapped some of the time.
    I need to make it a steady diet of tapping for my success story. I have felt shifts after tapping however I get busy and you know the reasons. So, I am grateful for your emails and encouragement.
    Self care is something that is so important yet I fail to give myself the daily courishment with tapping and relaxing. I know that I have helped many people through nursing and chaplaincy.
    Now, I just need to do it consistantly.
    My weight which isn’t extreme but I want to lose 10-15 pounds, lymphedema from cancer surgery, psiorosis, from my genes.
    Thanks again,
    I have enjoyed Jessica’s Tuesday radio show too but I usually am with patients then.

  13. Amanda says:

    Wow !!!! I can’t wait to do more tapping! I have your book and this is going to change my life!! I know it is, thanks so much, love my life Amanda

  14. vilma says:

    Hi nick, thank you everytime I read your message I learn more…vilma

  15. Pam Lidgard says:

    Dear Nick
    Enjoyed your vidio with Dr Hyman very much. Thankyou for sharing. He has my email and I receive advice from him on a regular basis, it helps.
    I have Jessic’s new book arriving this month and hope to start peeling away the layers.
    Also have been to a Jon Gabrial seminar and have his book on eating whole foods which I follow more or less, sometimes more sometimes less.
    I apprecaiate all your emails and send them on to my daughter. Thankyou.

  16. Eileen Yacyno says:

    Hello Nick,

    I’m trying hard to get into tapping but I just can’t seem to connect… I start out with the tapping points… Start my .. Even though I… have emotionnal eating problems, bad money perceptions and am stressed out of loosing my old little home because of mountains of bills I cannot pay because I have not had a decent job for 6 years etc…. but, 2-3 rounds of power points and I stop and get to think of something else…

    I just cannot focus on this and I do not feel anything has changed eventhough I’ve been attempting tapping for a couple of weeks now… What I am doing wrong…

    Please help!

    Eileen Yacyno
    Pointe des Monts Québec Canada

  17. Jase says:

    So reassuring to see Dr. Mark get to the root of problem and consider the best approach for care and treatment beyond the basic reductionist approach.

  18. Linda Mattson says:

    Hi Nick,

    Thoroughly enjoyed the conversation between you and Dr. Hyman. I’m so glad I’m receiving your emails.

    The outstanding thing about this conversation, for me, is how real and authentic you both are. I was already familiar with the content. Your and Dr. Hyman’s honesty and openness are part of the cure we all need in this shutdown culture. Thank you so much.

    Linda Mattson

  19. patricia says:

    Looking forward to releasing childhood trauma and transformation from physical,emotional pain and disease. Chronic stress and cortisol. Family betrayal and loss. The time is NOW. Detoxing three years from meds and distanced friends. New Beginnings.
    Thank you Nick!
    Want to peel off the layers and be free with calm nerves and joy to pay it forward.
    God Bless You.

  20. Ura says:

    Many deep thanks
    For your work
    And for the generosity and thoughtfulness of the sharing you do
    Happy moments

  21. Jan Juniper says:

    Please, please Doctor come out to Australia and teach our doctors. We need you Nick also. A very informative interview. Thank you.

  22. Ann says:

    I have been Tapping as instructed for my chronic pain for about 2 months and nothing is changing. I am a personal trainer, nuitritionist and life coach and would like to help my clients but I can’t endorse it if it’s not helping me. I have tension in my teeth (it’s not TMJ…I’ve have had numerous dentists look at me since It started 33 years ago and nothing helps ) and a 4 year back pain that doctors can’t seem to figure out. If you have any additional ideas I would really appreciate some input and /or I will just keep Tapping I suppose…’s free! Lol!

  23. Divna says:

    I know that many things are working for advertising, but when something good comes as taping and then do an ad that gives people the opportunity to live a better, happier, live healthy. Thanks Nick, every time I seen all your Meil I learn something, thank you.

  24. sheila says:

    ur awesome tks

  25. sheila says:

    awesome tks <3

  26. Marjorie Cole says:

    I have suffered from Arachnoiditis for many years – had myelograms with Myodil in the sixties – think you call it something different in the US (Pantapaque?) I am in constant pain in spite of drugs & I wondered if tapping could help my nerve pain!

  27. marian says:

    Wonderful session, very inspiring and real. Love to get deeper into tapping but have difficulty in coming to grips with the basics

  28. Pauline Crespin says:


  29. Mary Kendall says:

    Very many thanks Nick for arranging to pass over too me the changes that are happening at this moment of time.

  30. behailu abera says:

    wow i liked this .I get best information on how the body works

  31. faye carole says:

    really enjoyed watching this as I enjoy all your videos. I am a therapist practising tapping in Manchester, UK I really love feeling connected to others in this feild. Thank you

  32. Robyn Hope says:

    Thank you Nick, for this very informative video with Dr. M. Hyman – really enjoyed it !
    You have movie star looks, btw.

    I lack love, meaning and connection at this point – and am aware this adding to my already existing stressors in my life. Where can I buy it – no, seriously, one can’t just manufacture it out of nowhere. I find that when you’re hurting, people tend to stay away from you – that’s a fact – but I love and accept myself, anyway – no matter what !


  33. Asha says:

    Thank you for teaching Tapping. It is easy to learn,no side effect, and no tools are required! Thank you again.

  34. Amanda Adam says:

    I hear people talking about surrogate tapping but I don’t understand that. I thought tapping was personal to you because it’s your acupressure points you are tapping and affirming on to reprogramme your cells? How can tapping on myself help someone I am thinking about if they are unaware??

    Is it it more to do with sending intentions? Just putting it out there into the universe and is tapping more about concentrations and intensifying those intentions?

    Thank you kind regards

    Amanda x

  35. jackie says:

    im new to tapping and really enjoyed this talk. just qualified as nutritional therapist and attended functional medicine seminar. great to find another tool for stress relief and enjoying my new tapping journey. thank you

  36. Shelly says:

    Many people are skeptical about tapping- I was until I tried it, now I’m a believer, it works (when I use it). Here’s my problem…. Why don’t I always use it? It’s like I’m self-sabotaging my efforts. I know the power of tapping and I think of doing it when I need it most but I make excuses not to… Like I’ll start tomorrow, I don’t want people to hear me, too busy to give myself a few minutes… The list goes on and on.
    My mother asked me the other day why I didn’t use tapping to help me through a situation that lead to a worse situation and my reply was because it would have worked!

    Really struggling with keeping tapping consistent. Any suggestions?

    I think your truly amazing, thank you so much for putting “hope” back into my life-

  37. engemi ferreira says:

    This is amazing. I have been waiting more than fifty years to hear this news about the general medical world finally cottoning on to the deeper truths about our bodies and out lives. Thank you Nick, for keeping the fire burning about Tapping and thank you dr Hyman for shifting the mindset of the medics, and then some. This is a giant step for mankind on this here earth; much more so than that first step on the moon. We are living here – not there ;~)

  38. Lisa says:

    Than you so much for this, and for all you do. Can you give me a sample script of how to deal with the trauma of losing a parent at a young age, and as a result is not able to let go of addictions. I would so appreciate any advice you can offer.
    Blessings to you.

  39. mike says:

    stuck in a cycle of very little……

  40. Fran says:

    20 years? What a beautiful world it will be!

  41. Sharon says:

    how I would love to work with someone to help me through the process of becoming healthy, leaving behind anxiety, depression and chronic pain.
    I am tapping but feel there is more needed but not quite sure where to go?

  42. Cheri says:

    Excellent & encouraging for the future of medicine. Thanks Nick. 🙂

  43. Ruth Blanchard says:

    It makes so much sense I’m glad to see the progress that the new way of thinking is bringing to wellness Carry on!

  44. Name (required) says:

    You both mention functional medicine. Bring it on! I work with music and can see the shift in thinking . Thank you!

  45. Kimberly Dawn says:

    I have every one of the symptoms described (except actually dying!). 🙂 I’ve been in pain for 20 years, have CFS, FM, MS, Adrenal Insufficiency, allergies to practically everything, yada, yada, yada. Every system is affected (obviously!). 🙂

    The biggest factors seem to be 3 of the 4 areas he listed:
    – chronic stress (including traumatic), – environmental toxins, – connection

    In addition to mercury, I was exposed to toxic mold & a slow carbon monoxide leak, for several years in a rental home. I became unable to take care of myself but no one would help me or even believe me. I would have partial seizures, suddenly lose consciousness, with my body stiffening, flipping over, & hitting my head first, hard, on hard objects. This happened over 70 times! It’s a miracle I’m alive. But not really, because I’ve been tortured with the pain from my neck getting major injury during these falls, where the spinal cord, CNS, & brain stem were injured. My spinal cord’s been twisted into scoliosis. Of course there’s toxic and traumatic brain injury. The toxic mold was one that’s used in biological warfare. So, it feels like I’m being eaten alive (which I suppose is actually happening).

    Doctors just refer me to other doctors. And while I was still in the house, there were doctors who actually treated me atrociously, only making things worse. Having to stay with family now, they don’t want me here, so they are even abusive.

    Is there somewhere I could go, perhaps in the Boston area even, where I could get treated by you both (Nick and Dr. Hyman)? Or is there somewhere else anyone could suggest?

    I know these have been spiritually related somewhat and have good insight into core causes. I’ve always had this knowing that I was meant to somehow get through this, so I could then help others somehow. But I have to be able to help myself first. I’ve tried doing the tapping program via the computer and other things, but I’ve even had my computer break down and problems accessing the internet. It gets more distressing. I really need to be in an environment where I can get personal treatment. If not, I’m to just praying and trying to remain open for a miracle.

    I apologize for the length and all the gory details (some anyway!) 🙂 But I thank you for all your wonderful work and thank those who are committed to healing and helping the world.

    Much love and gratitude,


  46. marlene says:

    Wish the dr could see me, but Nick, my tapping with you is the next best thing I believe our western medical system needs to incoperate the eastern way of thinking I totally agree our diet in this country is the biggest hinderence togood health I want to learn more about surrigate(didn’t spell that right) tapping so I can help my grandchildren with thieir stress You are a blessing to us who are so sick emotionally as well as phycially

  47. Cherie Tetz says:

    This video is great! I am so encouraged that Dr. Hyman believes in 20 years more and more doctors will be practicing “functional medicine”. That is good news!
    I appreciate again, as I am new to “tapping” …. this testimony of it’s credibility. It is a practice that can seem really too way out there for sceptical friends and family but this video speaks to it’s effectiveness for all kinds of issues in a person’s life.

    Thanks for sharing this!

  48. Janet Aitken says:

    I worked as a Registered Nurse till I was 76 yrs old, it was after retiring I had difficulties with walking, became stressed and anxious easily, but since I commenced Tapping , have cleared some of my fears and anieties which stem back to my childhood which I had repressed. I now accept myself and no longer make negative remarks towards myself. I find your videos of great help and have spoken about EFT and tapping to my friends, thank you for this valuable Technique which has aided to make me feel so much brighter and now like myself.

  49. Frances Scotvold says:

    OK…I know Tapping is great and I do get it…but I do NOT get how my new iPad works…some of the time…like trying to access Mark Hyman’s current video. The space is just blank. Have you any idea what’s happening?
    I’d be most grateful if you can help me.

    Frances Scotvold

  50. Anne says:

    Very inspirational and hope-inducing. So good to see the changes that are happening in medicine and the tools that are available to us now.

    Thank you, Nick, for sharing this and for all you do.


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