
Some Inspiration for You

Written by: Nick Ortner

Today, give someone the gift of your presence. It’s the greatest gift you can give them and it can change their life AND yours. Truly, simply, magically, divinely, when we show up, the world responds. When we’re THERE, we notice, we feel, we breathe.

5 Simple Rules for Life. Share your “Rules” with me below!

There may be no greater spiritual practice than this simple act.

Comment below: What are you practicing today?

My secret to success

One other note: Perfectionism can be a huge block to finding financial freedom, because it doesn’t allow us to take the big leaps forward in thinking and action that we need to create a new reality.

Comment below: Do you struggle with perfectionism? What can you let go of today?

If you’re feeling #shame about anything, ease your burden and let it go.

You can simply think about what happened, what you did, what you said, and tap through the points to ease the pain.

What are you going to release today?

Often we hold on so tightly to the “truth” of physical pain and disease – to what we know about it, to what others have told us about it- that it becomes part of our identity, part of who we are.

We are no longer ourselves, we are no longer our hopes, dreams, goals, and desires. Instead, we become the pain. We become the diagnosis; we are ruled by everything that’s wrong with us as opposed to everything that’s right with us. – Nick Ortner

You decide where to look…where are you going to look today? Tell me below!

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Follow the host of the Tapping World Summit Jessica Ortner on Facebook or Instagram!

Follow the producer of the Annual Tapping World Summit Alex Ortner on Facebook or Instagram!

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