
How to Manifest Quickly Using EFT Tapping

Written by: Nick Ortner

All too often, our goals consist of little more than a “list”…

  • Make a million dollars
  • Get my book published
  • Travel the world
  • Support my favorite charity

…and so on.

It’s certainly a great start to write them down, but if you don’t dig deeper, they’re unlikely to happen as quickly and completely as you probably want them to.

I’m sure you’ve read plenty of information on how to improve the goals: add emotional value, visuals, expand on the feelings you’ll have when you achieve the goal, sometimes timelines, if that works for you, look at them more often…

…etc, etc.

And all of those ideas are great, but if you’re not in FULL alignment with your goal in the FIRST PLACE, you’re basically wasting your time.

Remember, alignment isn’t just a surface, conscious alignment… you need to be aligned at all levels. You need to address your “What ifs” and “Buts” about the issue fully.

When you do that, you get out of your own way and can make things happen without those patterns of self-sabotage that are all too familiar.

Here’s a process with tapping to help you. This process involves having a general understanding of the Tapping protocols. If you’re new to Tapping, take a moment to read about the basics of EFT Tapping and how to use it.

Remember, the more issues you address around all aspects of your goals, the better your results will be!  Perhaps commit to working on one goal or issue a day for 30 days and see what happens!

Step 1: Write down your goal, dream, or aspiration

You can make this a specific goal like: I want to earn a million dollars a year

A more general goal: I want to bring peace to my relationship with my mom

Or it can be stated more as a vision: I’d like to create dramatic social change

With this process, don’t worry about getting it right. Whatever language pops up in your head first, that’s the right language. But DO make sure to write it down.


Step 2: Write down your immediate gut response when you read that goal

How do you FEEL?

Are you 100% in alignment with it?

How does your body respond to reading it?

For example, you might feel and write down, “I feel uncomfortable when I read this, I’m excited, I’m anxious…”

Be specific in your notes and give every feeling a 0-10 rating.

So if you’re feeling anxious as you read the goal, write down, “I’m feeling anxious” and then put a number of its intensity next to it. “8” for example.

You can write down more than one emotion or feeling. Be as specific as possible.

Do you feel tension in your stomach? Write that down.

Are you slightly nauseous? Write that down.


Step 3: Write down what other people would say about your goal if you shared it with them

Friends, family members, society, co-workers, etc.

Whatever pops in your head first, write that down.

So if you think about sharing your goal with your mom, and you picture her saying, “That’s a silly idea…” then write that down, PLUS how you FEEL about her thoughts.

Be specific and give it a number of intensity, as described above.


Step 4: Write down YOUR beliefs about the goal

For example, “Part of me thinks this is impossible… I’ve never been able to do this before… Who am I to think I can achieve this…?”

Note the feelings this brings up and write those down as well.

Be specific and assign them a number of emotional intensity.


Step 5: Systematically tap OUT all of this RESISTANCE and tap IN, positive feelings & expectations!

Go through each item that brought up an emotional response, and tap on it until you bring the feelings around it down to “0” or a low number.

Be sure to keep note of anything else that comes up through the process.

You may not be able to do this in one session, so take your time with it.

When you have tapped through all the issues (and make sure to keep digging for more hidden ones), you’ve then cleared the way for your goal to become a reality!

Tapping Script Example

Let’s go through one example of what this might look like together, so you can tap along.

I’m just making up potential responses so you can see how it works…

Step 1: Write down the Goal

EXAMPLE: I want to earn $250,000 a year

Step 2: How do you FEEL?

EXAMPLE: Looking at this, I get a little nervous. There’s a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, and pressure around making this work. When I close my eyes, I feel this sinking feeling at a 7.

When I ask myself what this feeling is, it’s anxiety. I’m going to do some tapping on this now.

Karate Chop: Even though I have this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Karate Chop: Even though I have this sinking feeling about making $250,000, I choose to relax now.
Karate Chop: Even though I feel uncomfortable in my body when I look at this goal, I deeply and completely accept myself.

Eyebrow: This sinking feeling
Side of Eye: I’m feeling a little nervous
Under Eye: This sinking feeling
Under Nose: In the pit of my stomach
Under Mouth: I feel pressure around making this work
Collarbone: I feel this anxiety in my stomach
Under Arm: All this anxiety
Top of Head: All this sinking feeling

Keep on tapping around the meridian points on whatever comes up until you bring it down enough to find some relief and feel ready to move on to the positive.


Eyebrow: I chose to relax now
Side of Eye: And release this sinking feeling
Under Eye: I let it all go
Under Nose: From the pit of my stomach
Under Mouth: All this anxiety
Collarbone: Releases now
Under Arm: All this fear about making $250,000 a year
Top of Head: Releases now

Step 3: Write down what other people would say about your Goal if you shared it with them

EXAMPLE: If I told my friends I wanted to make $250,000 a year, half of them would laugh at me and the other half would tell me I was being greedy.

When I think about telling my friends, I just feel small and not confident at all. This feeling is at 8.

Karate Chop: Even though I don’t feel confident telling my friends about my goal, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Karate Chop: Even though I don’t want my friends to know my goal, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Karate Chop: Even though I know they’ll judge me if I tell them my goal, I deeply and completely accept myself.

Eyebrow: I don’t want to tell my friends
Side of Eye: When I think about telling them, it makes me feel small
Under Eye: This feeling of being small
Under Nose: I’m worried that they’ll judge me
Under Mouth: I’m worried they won’t like me
Collarbone: I’m worried about what my friends will think
Under Arm: If I tell them my goal
Top of Head: Or if I achieve my goal!

Keep on tapping around the meridian points on whatever comes up until you bring it down enough to find some relief and feel ready to move to the positive.


Eyebrow: I release this feeling of being small
Side of Eye: I chose to feel big!
Under Eye: I’m confident in my goal
Under Nose: And I release any anxiety about it
Under Mouth: I’m confident in what I want for myself
Collarbone: And I’m confident that the right people will support me
Under Arm: Feeling strong and confident
Top of Head: Feeling strong and confident!

Continue on to Step 4 and 5, rinse and repeat. 🙂

Seriously, the KEY on this process is to get specific on your issues, on your feelings, and to be SYSTEMATIC about it, going through all the different ASPECTS of the issue.

I’d love to year your results! Please share them below!

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87 Comments on this post

  1. Gini says:

    I’m a new tapper and your email came at just the right time. I rec’d the overwhelming news that I must move by Spring after only living here 17 months. I feel overwhelmed but something tells me that all will work out without all the trauma I’ve been imagining. I envisioned that in the next year I’ll earn $56.000. That’s a big jump. I discovered thru tapping that I felt arrogant for thinking it could be done, then skeptical, even tho I’m very willing to work to make it happen. I don’t know how yet. After tapping just now, I’m more sure something will come to me. I’ve told several people and most are with me. It’s my family that are the cynics. I’m gonna keep tapping whenever that sinking feeling comes again. I’ll let you know what’s coming my way. Thank you, I’m grateful for the ‘just-in-time session. G

  2. Sudha says:

    I like this I have been tapping lately, but tell you the truth Ido not always feel the desired results always
    I must be doing something wrong. I am not discouraged yet will keep tapping . Keep in touch, like to hear from you always. You are doing amazing things withings with tapping.

  3. Carolyn says:

    I always feel so calm and centred after connecting with you Nick and that is how I’m feeling now. When I tap, I usually go from an 8 (or more!) down to a 2 or 3 and then if I continue, sometimes a 0. Then, when the issue reappears, I’m aware of it, but I just don’t have my normal reaction… which at first feels really strange, because I’m thinking ‘What’s happened to me?! Why am I feeling so calm!’ Its absolutely AMAZING!! (And I haven’t finished your book yet!) Thank you for sharing and giving so much in all your healing messages, which quite obviously come from your heart. I feel so lucky to have stumbled upon both your and Jessica’s inspirational work which is changing so many lives. I really look forward to receiving your emails. You are leaving great big, wonderful footprints on the world! Thank you.

    Sending love, peace and sparkles… Carolyn x

  4. hersilia says:

    Tapping it ´s allways good for me , I allways finish the process with a good feeling, sometimes it´s very illuminating, but allways , allways very positive in my life. Reading this excersise is allready good. thank you for ever Hersilia

  5. Rachel Henke says:

    I’m just getting into tapping and find this so helpful. Thank you!

  6. Marisela Mendoza says:

    You’re Awesome Nick Ortner,you’re the best !!!! your personality & your interest to help people really tuches hearts , thank you for helping me , to feel better & to get ahead in life , being positive & loving & approving/accepting my self I am very grateful & glad that the universe conected me w/ you & your tapping solution staff .;D thank you ! From the bottom of my heart !!!!!!

  7. Tracey says:

    Such a peaceful exercise getting some perspective and space for acceptance and progress to enable and support me.
    Thank you


    Thank you. for the detailed reminder. I shall hand-write all of this out so that it really gets into my sub-conscious. I must remember to tap every day. I have done a few tapping and my heart became so energetically alive. My hope and desire for action is rejuvenated. After going through some very, very, tramatic events in my life and have to now live with family members who are intent on destroying me, I am really glad to have discovered this. Sonia Ricotti.( i am sure you have heard of her)as been inspirational. Now you. The Masters are showing up because I am very ready to pluck out of me the new and improved, much higher version of myself. Happy Tapping to you!
    as been inspirational

  9. Mavis says:

    I felt I could start breathing again . . . more light minded . . . .

  10. Corina Vanana Valcan says:

    Thank you for all the interesting information. Yes, I am following you and the other persons who have students behind. For me, education was and still is on the first places for everyone who wakes up in the morning and after the food and morning coffee she/ he is interested in having some new informations. Of course, the ones who work from the morning or even the ones who are working in the night (there are very many of such working places), the education is not quite so on the first places, because the ones need to sleap more.
    I am interested also on Your education news.

  11. Carmen lalonde says:

    Excellent work my gut feeling is lifted and I will continue this amazing work with tapping thx again

  12. Tania says:

    I think I need a little help on this one. My goal is to earn, say $250,000 dollars a year and as I think of this I do not seem to feel any emotions other than this is ridiculous as I have no way of making this happen. If I were to share this dream with others they would say that’s nice I wish you could but it is a ridiculous idea. I am 66 years old with no qualifications to earn this sort of money. So immediately I think this would be a waste of time.
    Or are you saying that by doing this new ideas might come into my head as to make this a possibility?
    The other thing I struggle with scoring it 1-10 (or anything for that matter that I tap on – I always get the same number 6). so I do not know if any improvement has been made.
    Your comments and advice would be gratefully received.

  13. Pia says:

    Hi Nick! Wow, thank you for this amazing gift. I have been tapping during my daily reading and visualizing time of my purpose, affirmations, goals, Intentions. I haven’t wanted to focus on the negative aspects of these, even after listening to you tell us to, however, after reading this generous email your master advice has sunk in.
    Thank you!
    Love and Light.

  14. victor says:

    Thanks for that a great idea to provide example
    many thanks victor

  15. Daniella says:

    Inmense release and relief …

    Thankyou so much for this process…

    I got the insight, that I had the belief that if I reached my goal, which is achieve my ideal body lean, toned, sexy and feeling radiant, people would see me as a threat and leave me.
    So, it was an issue of being accepted by playing small and not being a threat to anyone.

    Also, I got that this also applies to my professional and financial success

    Wow! great to live in awareness


  16. Wonderley says:

    Thanks for the encouragement. Last night I pulled out your book again
    I’m back to doing tapping again; I don’t know why I haven’t been using it

  17. Jim says:

    I substituted the need for close & loving friends instead of the money, which would be nice, but I need the former more than the latter. The exchange of the words for the tapping fit in well, as I do fill small, like a little boy needing his dad (which I never had), & the fear & anxiety of admitting it, which I feel in early mornings more strongly when I first get up, & before I automatically start using whatever defense mechanisms I can to not fill the feelings of lack of love & friendship so deeply.

  18. Cherune Clewley says:

    This definitely helps. But I’ll need to do it several more times I think.

  19. irmgard says:

    Thank you! Thank you, Thank you!! This is actually THE first thing I have tried and WORKS.

    Thank you for sharing this amazing tool!

  20. Surele says:

    Thanks Nick – that’s a great way of breaking things down, and adding clarity to targeting the obstructing issues. Thanks for your generosity in sharing so whole-heartedly. You’re really helping the world – keep up your great work!

  21. DeAnna Tefke says:

    Try this!

  22. devika says:

    Amazing work nick…..God bless!!!!

  23. Lee Gilbert says:

    Dear Nick, I absolutely LOVE you and Jessica. This particular exercise could not have come at a better time!
    I’m not sure if all my anxiety is released but I can feel that something BIG is about to happen in my career and I want to thank you for offering your help at this very crucial time. I promise to let you know how things unfold…
    With deep gratitude,
    Lee Gilbert

  24. Donna OBRIEN says:

    This is a huge help thank you ! Who knew there were/are so many negative blocks regarding my desire to gain something relatively common… Writing it down brought up even more, much like the tapping tends to 🙂

  25. Oralia says:

    Dear Nick and dear associates..what a wonderful souls all you are! I’m personally feel so blessed to get this opportunity to learn this teachings.. (being 80 yrs old,~
    single parent back in 1972, working hard all my life until last year) I sincerely desire all people to open teir minds and souls to receive help through your teachings!! Because it works.. My sincere Love and prayers to all of youu! humble friend, Oralia (Lala)

  26. Dolores says:

    Dear Nick,
    I followed your instructions in manifasting my fears in reaching my so desperately needed goals. I must confess that I went through crying and body trembling but I came out of it feeling so light, hopeful and strong. What a great theropy this was for me! I feel and think more positive and hopeful about my future. I will keep on topping till I will reach my goal because I realize now more than ever that my future dependts on me only.
    May God bless you for your work in helping people like me alone and very needy in this world.
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Keep on topping everyone!

  27. Kate says:

    I have had a pain in my guts and solar plexus area since yesterday when something from my past came blasting back into my life zapping me of my energy and making me feel an absolute failure.
    After a few rounds of this tapping Nick has suggested I feel brand new, no pain in my stomach, my head has stopped going over and over the past. Thanks.

  28. Ullie says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this particular process, Nick. I’ve been struggling getting a job for a while. Today I decided to use Manifesting Quickly to address my fears/anxieties so I can align myself with what I truly want. I could really feel the shift in the way I felt after I finished tapping on all aspects.
    And what is even better 20 minutes after I had completed it ( I was walking around home on such a buzz, feeling very positive and capable) I received two phone calls for job interviews. Talk about Manifesting quickly!!!

  29. Anne Ligthart says:

    Did you say ‘rinse’ and repeat?


  30. Kerry Fleck says:

    Wow! This was so wonderful – I did this right after listening to Jessica’s daily Meditation (she has such a wonderful voice for meditations), for the Financial Success program. I feel so peaceful and relieved. Thanks!

  31. Trevor says:

    I would find it much easier if these manifesting processes were available as a video or audio.

  32. roberta says:

    I really like to learn about tapping ..I have known how to do this for a few years and I taught it to my daughter who uses it
    I understand the process you used above it is kind of like expanding the story as much as possible but I have to learn how to do it in 2 steps take the old stuff out and put in the more positive stuff
    I am really procrastinating about using it
    So I could tap about procrastination
    and I could tap about stopping smoking
    I feel like I am not committed to myself
    Happy Tapping
    Thanks Nick

  33. Delsie says:

    I harbor no anxiety about this request and receive wholeheartedly the task of success.

  34. Diane Happ says:

    A whole heap of stuff came up and I started crying, need to tap on so many issues. Good to get it out.

  35. Jennifer says:

    Thank you Nick, so easy. You really have to be honest, “warts n all”.

  36. Linda Dubois says:

    awesome info and JUST what i needed! Thank you

  37. Cindy Maree says:

    What a great tool. I’ve recently started my own blog I have directed people to your Tapping site and will continue to do so. Tapping is for me a very powerful healing modality. My issues were around value and judgement. Thanks again.

  38. M says:

    I start doing it and I’m committed to this new journey for 2014..

    Thank you Nick

  39. Aspen Layton says:

    What a perfect day to start on this blog post. The last day of 2013!
    The guidance is very helpful because I feel very scattered and not focus on how to proceed and targeting my goals. Reason number one: I discovered here that I am all over the place.
    I cant be all over the place and scattered to achieve them . For example I want to open a yoga studio with a teacher in the area I admire. She already has a studio and is successful. Having an association with be great.
    But wait, I need income right away and health insurance because my husband is out of work.
    So I actually have another goal , to became employed and have an amazing job at a latin america organization in Manhattan that offers great benefits. I would not be rich having this job, but I would have the respect of my family and would be helping others by using my background in language and culture. Sounds very fun. The post is clearing my ming and organizing my thoughts. Bless your soul for sending this post my way.

  40. Ben A says:

    Wow! I followed your instructions. It worked! It’s amazing how a few moments of tapping changes self-doubt into overpowering certainty. I believed because, as I was tapping, I had a clear vision of how to achieve my goals.

  41. Claudette says:

    This is a very practical and great way to work on my goals. I am going to start doing each step and stay focused on my intention. This process will surely help me clarify the issues and the old beliefs that had been blocking the complete manifestation of my goals. Thank you very much for your generosity in sharing your blessings with us. More power to you and God bless you.

  42. Shelly says:

    I had some very big hills to overcome today, so I decided to start my morning off with 15 minutes of tapping and as I wind down for the day I feel so proud that keep to my goals. I will do the same thing tomorrow and hope for the same results.

  43. Steve Handoko says:

    Hi Nick,
    Thank you so much.
    I will use this guide for other issues too. Soon.

  44. Dany says:

    Thank you soo much, from the end of the world (Chile) we read you and learn from you!

  45. M says:

    step 3

    step 4
    i feel accepted
    i resolve anxiety of the future
    i trsut my heart

    step 5

  46. nadia says:

    very good tool thank you

  47. Roxana says:

    Thank you Nick!

  48. Margie Peacocke says:

    Thank you Nick, this is a wonderful gift, you always seem to have just the right words for getting started and then I can go on tapping as my own stories surface. Will keep on tapping!!

  49. Brij Puri says:

    This is a PRICELESS GIFT for HUMANITY from a very gracious GENEROUS SOUL.

  50. Bliss says:

    This is such an astounding way of peeling back the layers of issues and helps me sort through my thought patterns and ingrained beliefs, I had a real moment of clarity on a particular issue that repeated itself for years, understanding it’s root cause allows me to know where to start in eliminating it.

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