
Hitting Rock Bottom: Video

Written by: Nick Ortner

We have all experienced those moments in life where we felt completely overwhelmed emotionally. So much so that it brings a level of deep, gut-wrenching pain. If you’ve experienced this “rock bottom” emotion you can picture that moment.

Maybe it was finding out that a family member was sick, or maybe it was a really tough breakup, or perhaps a moment where you were just taken over by the stress of a really tough financial situation.

Sometimes those moments can make you feel like you’ve hit rock bottom, and as painful as they can be, the reality is that those moments can very healing for us and can allow us to move forward in a positive way.

My sister Jessica recently sat down in front of the camera and had a talk with Sonia Ricotti, author of the book “Unsinkable,” where Sonia discussed what to do when you hit these overwhelming moments and feel like you’ve hit rock bottom.

Sonia is known for her insights on how to bounce back stronger than ever from seemingly insurmountable situations, and in this video, she discusses that.

Just press play below to watch this video now:

Unsinkable with Sonia Ricotti

Sonia talks on this subject because she’s been through tough situations herself. She shares one of those difficult moments where she found herself in tears at around 5 minutes.

I hope this video helps you understand that no matter how low you may feel, you can always bounce back. 🙂

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

What was your “Aha” moment? Comment below to have a chance to win a free copy of Sonia’s book!

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  1. pam green says:

    for years I have felt so much guilt for being able to easily accept “my new deal” when something changed/ someone passed away/ or I was not able to control the situation. Especially when those around me continue to struggle.This skill is a gift I’ll enjoy guilt free from now on.

  2. ann says:

    Great insights- accept reality now and let the positive energy flow!

  3. Ernie Barde says:

    wise choice . .

  4. Wendy Gillespie says:

    Wow, this seems so obvious but we humans resist !
    I have had a couple “aha” moments, like being over my head
    in debt. When I finally acknowledged that to myself I
    was able to think calmly and formulate a plan. I worked with
    a nonprofit consumer agency, used some 401 (k) funds from
    an old job, and took a chance on a temp job that presented itself.
    The skies really did open up for me after that ! My debts were paid
    off in 2 years and my entire outlook on life changed.
    I even discovered Tapping, lol ! Keep smiling everyone 🙂
    You can do it ! Believe in yourself.

  5. jay says:

    My aha moment was today when I remembered what my doctor told me when I said
    to him that I was being tortured by my neighbours. He just said to me: “this people
    are really powerful, there is nothing you can do about it”
    Now, I am accepting it, then?

  6. Kellie says:

    After watching the video I realised Im over worrying about money. Im not in debt but money goes out just as fast as it comes in and I always worry I dont have enough. My ‘aha’ moment was accepting that this is all the income I have at the moment and at least it enough to ‘keep the wolves from my door’. I then tapped on the acceptance of having just enough and to increase the money coming in. The reduction in stress and worry has left me more open and receptive to new opportunities 🙂

  7. Francine says:

    I really connected with this video and of course, it came to me in the exact moment that I needed it! I had just learned something extremely upsetting and devastating to me about my boyfriend/relationship. Tears flowed, as did negative thoughts, fears and tales of woe inside my head. I felt them. Really felt them because it was OK – normal – expected. And then, I relaxed and felt relief. The door in front of me is closed to those thoughts, but, there are endless unlocked doors surrounding my life and great opportunities are here for me to take ahold of when I am ready. Thank you so much – the lesson was perfect. Would love to win the book, but if it is not my destiny, that is OK. 🙂

  8. David Corduff says:

    My aha moment was when I pressed play on Sonia’s interview!

    What a serve of great basic logic…something we should all know, but which has become lost in lifes up/down journey. Thank you for articulating it!

  9. Delila Jahn-Thue says:

    My aha moment happens often. When I’m stuck at something that either frustrates or brings me anxiety (falling behind at work or facing a test of some kind for example) I release the negative energy by acknowledging; This is not me. This thing that frustrates or challenges me, this fear of failure is not me. I am outside of this. I am, regardless of the outcome here. Somehow the burden of doing to be or get something to make myself or justify my existence is released when I know I am beyond or regardless of the struggle and less energy is spent on the struggle.

  10. arlenehogan says:

    I realize that by staring at that closed door, I am making my self sick.Am I making anything better by doing this ??..why do we torture ourselves????

  11. Jodi says:

    Thanks for reminding me to just accept where things are and just say …it just is. Feels better already

  12. Sue says:

    I just had a big AHA moment listening to this video as I always do what Sonia mentioned, which is to have a (bad) thought after something bad happens. It’s that extra thought that makes the situation worse than it is. And that thought for me is usually that I am a bad/unworthy person who deserves bad things. I know that I learned this as a child, and have spent years trying to work through this issue. But it reminded me that my deep-seated feelings of unworthiness, which still pop up so often, were learned at an early age, and that it’s OK to remind myself that I am a good and worthy person, deserving of love and happiness in this life.

  13. Marcie says:

    Getting to the place of accepting rather than resisting in order to shift the energy is key….it’s often a bit tricky getting there.

  14. Linda says:

    I’ve been living with an injury for 8 years that requires so much of my mind to think differently. I also have an autoimmune disease. I have accepted it gracefully and understand I am in charge of my body. This has been under control with medication. My injury requires a change of pace that has allowed me to look at my existence in many different ways. It is challenging and life changing. I am always learning to live somewhat different than prior. I treat myself well. Keeping my body as physically functional as I can, eating with health benefits in mind. I spend time listening to great motivational speakers, doing exercise that helps my body heal like Yoga and Tai Chi and meditation. When I have moments where my mind tries to steer me in a negative direction I turn the story in my mind to one positive that enlightens me with peace, joy, happiness and then I smile. It reminds me of a Thich Nhat Hann quote. “When I breathe in I calm my body, When I breathe out I smile. Perfect moment wonderful moment.” My Aha moment is knowing I can change the story in my mind to what I want the story to be!

    Thank You for your input and reminder of what we can do during our challenging moments.

  15. Leah Albrecht says:

    My Aha moment was Sonia’s description of it is okay to have feelings that are ‘negative’ and we don’t HAVE to be positive thinking all the time just by giving ourselves permission to feel the way we feel anyway. Thank you!

  16. Pamela says:

    Its always so amazing how things come to us when we most need to hear them! Thank you for this video — for the stories of vulnerability and success. I shall now be asking myself “is the story [in my head] true? or can I change the story?”!

  17. Cate says:

    Very good points that come together with the analogy of standing too close to the closed, locked door. And stating to oneself that the “door” really isn’t closed or locked, when “obviously” according to the analogy, it is. It makes the concept of our refusing to accept something a more tangible reminder of how our refusal blocks the moving forward into something new.

    I’d never thought of this self obstruction in that way before. But the example given let’s us also see how ‘standing at the door’ may be the only thing we think we can do or are capable of, and realize our fear, also, of doing something more.

    Very thought provoking. It’s good fodder as I step out to walk my pups. Thank you, Cate

  18. Paula Graham says:

    I first read Meridian Tapping and had also purchased Nick’s Tapping DVD (as a package) from Dr. Mercola. I immediately embraced the concept and started practicing on myself, with remarkable results! I have found issues going back to 4 years old (boy did I cry too) that have since supported me to reduce my back and hip pain, and even eliminate chronic pain in my right knee and leg. I’m talking pain that did not allow me to kneel and play with my little grandson, nor bend that knee much at all. Immediately after tapping on this area and issue, I found I could kneel and also sit Lotus-style for the first time in maybe 20 years! I went right and enrolled in a yoga class!!

    As a student currently in training to be a certified holistic health coach, I recognized the value of adding “tapping” to my practice. Within weeks I found our local college was offering Levels 1 and 2 certification classes through EFT Universe, so I enrolled in those and had many more breakthroughs tapping with classmates and our wonderful instructor. While I do not plan to become certified at this time, I now tap with people I know, and even have offered this to would-be strangers when I feel guided to support them, always with some level of results.

    I am also having considerable trouble with old debt and I am in the process of tapping on the 7 Levels of Manifestation with Margaret Lynch, thanks to you:) I LOVE to tap! Thank you for your vision and gift to the world. Paula Graham

  19. Polmar says:

    Re :Jamie Fisher’s comment – July 9.

    Jamie, I understand what you mean. My Mom had RA and I have a disability also.
    I was just reading about Malinda Cramer ( Divine Science ) who recovered from
    a very long-standing ( incurable ) illness. What she realized was, she was too
    stoical – too resigned. I saw this with my Mom : a wonderful woman! I see now,
    and I see it in myself, that acceptance / resignation is the thing to transcend.
    We were never supposed to cheerfully suffer – suffer in silence.
    I saw in myself that I had become apathetic / resigned to disability.
    We need to get angry enough to say, like Myrtle Fillmore –
    ” I am a child of God, therefore I cannot inherit Illness!”.

    Dear Jamie, I have found the Tapping really helpful in freeing-up space in the
    Mind. I can then let-go of the old limiting issues. The “problems” in the body
    are still there but I can feel a *shift* in Consciousness, whereby I am now aware
    there is a way forward. Jamie : you are not alone. Many of us are finding a way
    out of DIS-ease. We may draw on our collective strength, and the ones that have
    made it out through the Exit Door, to Radiant Health and Aliveness.
    Reading about Malinda Cramer, Myrtle Fillmore etc. etc. hitting Rock Bottom ,
    gives me the inspiration to keep on keeping on. We draw strength from eachother.
    It seems that going to *Rock Bottom* is the prelude to recovery – so not to be
    afraid of it.

    Have you heard of Dr David R. Hawkins? There are dvd’s available on recovery from
    Illness & Addiction. He recovered from incurable / intractable illnesses and Severe Pain. He tells you how it arises and how to Let-Go of the pain, disease.etc.
    It just might be the one for you? Available from Veritas Publishing.
    Your loving heart is the road to the exit door. Time to LOVE Yourself.
    God Bless you in your journey Onward, Upward and Health-ward.

  20. Gale says:

    My companion has had throat cancer. it is gone at present. He has developed a lump on the fron of his forehead. He had an appointment for a ultra sound biopsy.
    When we went for the procedure it had been canceled and we were not notified. I felt like the rug was pulled out from under us. The aha moment for me was, I had been doing energy healing with him and I began to notice the lump getting smaller, So after the initial feeling helpless, I looked at the cancellation as more time for energy healing and possibly the lump will be gone by the time they reschedule. His doctors are on vacation so it will be a couple of weeks of waiting to reschedule.

  21. Karen says:

    Thank you, I love the wisdom of this! I have had difficult times in my life and whenever I accept and surrender always the peace that follows gives me strenght to go on. Last year I had a complication of surgery and was in hospital for several days and had to go back to theatre to stop bleeding, by accepting and focusing on what was “really” happening helped me to relax and focus on getting well. But the sense of peace and calm was so comforting.

  22. Lani Smith says:

    I needed this talk so much today. Didn’t know what was left for me to do. Thank you.

  23. Roxane Dow says:

    Thank you, Sonia and Jessica! I was sitting here feeling angry, disappointed and overwhelmed about my sister being arrested (I have custody of her children), and while Sonia was describing what to do, I did it, and feel so much relief! The situation is what it is, and I have the power to reframe it. Interestingly enough, I am also taking a course at my church (Science of Mind) on exactly this topic – reframing the negative, accepting what is, and finding the positive. Thank you both so much!

  24. Jim Jankowski says:

    As a “tapper” who is also a member of AA I’ve learned about Acceptance, which Sonia talked about in this video. If more people received her message a lot more people wouldn’t have to suffer as long as they might because once we realize that Acceptance is the key to most any problem we face a great release takes place.

    I enjoyed the video very much. Please keep them coming. I have Nick’s book and would really enjoy “winning” Sonia’s book.

    Thanks so much.

    Jim Jankowski

  25. Nirmala says:

    I have comlex neuro-muscular and orthopadic problems, have had 4 major surgeries and had a recent set back. I know i have to use a walking stick to get about places but have accepted it all.
    As Sonia said I come to terms with everything happening by being as philosophical as I can, accepting my situation and equally determined to move forward. Of course I have “down moments” but try to be as positive as I can.
    I do Tap but should be doing it more often.
    Thank you for the support.

  26. Nancy McC says:

    I feel the simplicity of Sonia Ricotti’s principle is challenging. A “locked door” is personal.(not “closed door”) Locked door implies there is a key to open the door, and Sonia’s principle is the key. I read a very poignant and serious story in the Washington Post this past Sunday about hungry families in Tennessee. When will the door unlock for these families? When they say “I am hungry, I accept I cannot feed my children.”? My present life condition is relatively possible to say “I accept where I am”. Living in this way has not brought on an opportunity…… has not opened the heavens…..
    I most likely survive my present challenge by thinking back to Scarlet O’Hara proclaiming “As God is my witness, I will never go hungry again!”
    I have today, not promised tomorrow.

  27. susie says:

    That was just what i needed to hear! thanks

  28. Wietse says:

    My AHA moment? I am staring ata closed door on which are written all my troublesome thoughts about my troublesome partner… What a relief to learn to let them go by letting his ‘troublesomeness’ and my troubled thoughts just be. By accepting and surrendering…

  29. Marcia Early says:

    The phrase I say often, “Me First no Guilt” and wrote a book with by the same title, is really meant for me. I don’t need to have it published if I learn from it myself. Me first, no guilt, is what I need to work on, and the “tapping solution” is helping me so much. I am happy I wrote the book, even if it’s just for me. Tapping has further helped me when I feel anxiety for doing for others and not doing what I really want to do for me without feeling guilt. Taking time to let the sad feelings out, tapping the deeper feelings out, and then move on to doing what I deep down inside want for me without feeling any guilt. I see it has been helpful to Sonia Cheese as well. Maybe I was to wait for the tapping book to come out and add a chapter on how it has helped me in calming anxiety, getting to the root of the guilt, and begin putting me first without guilt. Smiling, Marcia

  30. Tiffany Smith says:

    Thank you! I needed the reminder today. The funny thing is that you used the amount of $10,000 in debt and that was exactly what I was currently beating myself up about. I just love the synchronicity of life. Your closed door story reminded me of one of my favorite quotes by Helen Keller: “When one door of happiness closes, another opens: but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.”

  31. Chris Petersen says:

    I have a wonderful job. Unfortunately, I have an employer that cheats my pay. I am required to work as much as two extra hours to get my pay for the day.
    I have decided to accept the situation, for now and turn the problem over to our newly created union. My message to any employer, Unions are a pain in the butt! But they are usually the result of failing to treat your people fairly!

  32. Carole Adams says:

    I can hardly wait to read the book and practice the techniques. My pain comes from my son ignoring me. Totally. I feel like he could care less if I live or die. How does a mother release a child? I’m 75. He is 57. I live in a senior community and I see others get visits, get love. I get nothing.

  33. Wendy B. says:

    This all happened within 2 weeks and 4 days, AS OF YESTERDAY. I was $104 away from no car payments. I was T Boned on driver’s side(She was ticketed), had to be cut out of my car, I have 2 broken ribs. I Tap on anger and unfairness. I learn my car is totaled, I cry and Tap on having a brand new car payment and not knowing how to deal with ‘used car dealers’. My friend who used to sell cars come with me and I get a FAB CAR at a great deal. I’m moving in 3 weeks (at that point) and have to ASK FOR HELP to pack- Broken Ribs. I Tap on hating asking for help. I get help and I don’t die from it, ha. My upcoming roommate decides she doesn’t want a roomie any longer. So, I’ve 2 weeks to find an apartment in Chicago or I’ll be homeless. YESTERDAY, upon waking I Tap and ask, “What would it take for a ‘HOUSING MIRACLE’ to happen for me, TODAY?” I GOT A CALL, YESTERDAY, THAT I GOT THE STUDIO THAT I LOOKED AT (ALL UTILITIES INCL) WITH THE POSSIBILITY OF A PARKING SPOT (IF OTHER GUYS CAR IS TOO BIG) FOR $50 A MONTH, IN CHICAGO! HOW IS THAT FOR THE POWER OF TAPPING, BABY!!!!! : )

  34. Heather says:

    My common law husband died 2 years ago. His children from his marriage that had been dissolved 20 years before for all intent and purpose, had me removed from our house, as he had never changed the will that he had prepared when his children were still young. I had to move into a mobile home during a Canadian winter. I was heart broken and almost $40,000 in debt. Hopeless and heartbroken was the theme in my life. Tapping helped me get through this and gave me the courage to take them to court … and win enough money from the estate to keep my head above water and I am now planning on moving to Nicaragua and start a school that will help kids too poor to attend regular school learn to read and write. THANK YOU JESSICA!

  35. Jyoti Bablani says:

    ACCEPTANCE vs RESISTANCE……so powerful,,,,,have seen it work in my life, with my spouse, i spent many years trying to get him to understand me, and me to understand him, our similarities and our differences, constantly resisting, but, eventually, exhausted, resorted to accepting, the positive and the negative, WOW, thats when THE SHIFT happened, our relationship has improved, and the benefits have rippled into all aspects of my life, leaving me feeling calm and peaceful.

    THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS INTERVIEW, being human, and having spiralled my way into resistance presently, was feeling a bit down, but, as i watched and i tapped, and was reminded of ACCEPTANCE, i feel uplifted in less than 15 mins.

    GOD BLESS!!!

  36. Judy Ryder says:

    The closed door metaphor is so easy to use every day. I loved that she says to feel it – revel in it – then accept it. I recently did that and the clarity was amazing almost immediately. Thank You for validating what I stumbled upon. I will for sure remember that. Loved the blooper also – laughter is a wonderful thing!

  37. Susan says:

    I loved the short video interview with Sonia. My favorite take away is “Don’t resist what is happening in your life”. I really needed something like this today. Thank you for all you share.

  38. Laura says:

    My situation is so very bad right now, but I am trying to look for those open doors.

  39. Rita says:

    I really appreciated the discussion with Sonia and Jessica, it was very helpful!!! So simple, how to “re-think” our thoughts! I loved the interaction between the two, especially at the end when you showed the “blooper” of mispronounced name – I happen to love Ricotta cheese!!! 🙂 Thank you very much for sharing such an important tool, and for sharing the conversation between two very important ladies, who just seem to “love” helping and teaching others!

  40. Jaya Vanjani says:

    I was just guided here by my angels, just 1 day before my mother’s operation.. just few minutes before watching this video i was crying like a kid, sobbing and sobbing uncontrollably and suddenly this conversation, needless to say every bit of what Sonia said is my story and after this miraculous co-incidence, do i still think of accepting… i did right away, shifted my energy by accepting and surrendering. I feel light and so much healed inside.. i just have to stop staring at the closed door to slip away from the corner to a better world waiting for me. Jessica, do you know how much i love you?! You are just amazing. Love and Light and Blessings your way!! Keep up the good work dear one <3 🙂

  41. Wendy Leitmanis says:

    Wonderful interview. The closed door metaphor was an ‘aha’ moment …I could immediately picture the predicament we place ourselves in by resisting difficulty. Also the reminder to acknowledge and experience before releasing was important for me to hear. I think many of us bustle through our challenges with a stoicism that sets up a resistance of thought immediately. This interview enabled me to see more clearly what I vaguely knew to be true, and I absolutely love that you both make this valuable information available to so many people. Thank you so much to two beautiful people!

  42. Eric says:

    No, you don’t want to give up Jamie. You can accept the fact you are where you are at this moment, meaning not in denial, but you DO NOT accept the fact you have to live with it! Educate yourself about this disease, learn how to beat it. Be here for your daughters, they want you and NEED YOU! : ) I hope you have blessed week and year and years to come.

  43. Concetta says:

    My “Aha”! moment was to “Accept what is happening” then decide what I can do about it and stop resisting it. We react to the fact that what is happening is making us suffering or uncomfortable so we resist it.
    Thank you for that.

  44. Judit Ksiazak says:

    I feel like i am standing at that closed door (perfect metaphor)since i became my parents caregiver. I absolutely must step back and see whats around me. I do believe opportunity is around me, yet perhaps I have not been allowing those opportunities to present to me. Acceptance is certainly the key.

  45. Susan Ovitt Gancarz says:

    Wow, I didn’t even realize I was thinking that about myself! Awareness is an incredible power! Great interview.

  46. Zora says:

    Oh yes…this REALLY resonates with me! I so believe that we need to allow ourselves to be simply human! Because…we ARE human! Yes, we are Spirit in a human body, but we have agreed to experience all the attendant human emotions and foibles and vulnerabilities and twists and turns of ego. And so we do! All of us! No matter HOW much we work on RAISING ourselves up, we CANNOT force the issue – this is something I have learned over, and over and over again! There is no way we can get around or through a deep-seated emotional issue, without first acknowledging it, examining it without ego-judgement (a big step sometimes) and then ACCEPTING that this is a reality for us AT THE MOMENT. It has been presented to us as a challenge, something we need to heal…and this is precisely why certain things keep coming up for us repeatedly: since we have a tendency to either defer because we don’t have the strength to face it; or to ignore it as if it is not ours to deal with!

    I SO agree – we need to give ourselves PERMISSION to accept these issues as they come up. It is actually the opposite of what we fear, which is usually that we will be trapped in some sort of hell…ACKNOWLEDGING and ACCEPTING something is truly a liberating thing. Because then…we can begin to take that first step of FINDING THE SOLUTION THAT ALREADY EXISTS for us!

    Thanks Jessica and Sonia, I needed to be re-minded of this RIGHT NOW – I look forward to the upcoming webinar!

  47. Suzanne says:

    Sonia’s video came at a time when I really needed reminding of the all the things she said. I have heard them other places before, but her presentation here was really succinct. Like others, the closed door metaphor is powerful for me. I totally see myself doing that all the time, especially when I think about what is going on right now with me in a relationship, and what I have done in past relationships when I think I am going to be sad forever if someone is no longer in my life. I must ignore the door, and turn around to see the open ones! I am looking forward to incorporating the acceptance of what IS even more powerfully into my next tapping session.

  48. Patricia says:

    My “AHA” moment in the inspiring discussion with Sonia Ricotti was when she said you are staring at a closed door nursing all your negative thoughts and emotions feeling trapped as a victim and you can’t unlock the door to freedom – it reminded me so very much of the book ‘Cancer As A Turning Point’ by Lawrence Le Shan – having had cancer and now faced with heart disease I was totally taken back to what helped me overcome cancer and realised that the same method of completely switching away from this insurmountable wall is the open door to healing and freedom to live.

  49. Tammy Reedy says:

    My Aha moment”When I was overwhelmed and so stressed out over things going on in my life I realized when I let it go,I felt so much happier,healthier,and less stressed about it all!With the “Letting it go,and Tapping on the things that were bothering me,I feel as though I am Unsinkable!”Thank You for your wonderful chat video to let me know that I am on the right path to emotional,mental,and physical freedom!Bless You All!

  50. Jamie Fisher says:

    I’ve had RA for years & I accepted that. I had breast cancer 3 years ago & accepted that but now I have an auto-immune disease that I feel doom & gloom about most of the time & think my life sure just end. I’m 68 & live alone but have two sweet daughters that I love so much. But most days I’m in so much pain I can hardly stand it. I can’t accept that so I want to give up.

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