
Hitting Rock Bottom: Video

Written by: Nick Ortner

We have all experienced those moments in life where we felt completely overwhelmed emotionally. So much so that it brings a level of deep, gut-wrenching pain. If you’ve experienced this “rock bottom” emotion you can picture that moment.

Maybe it was finding out that a family member was sick, or maybe it was a really tough breakup, or perhaps a moment where you were just taken over by the stress of a really tough financial situation.

Sometimes those moments can make you feel like you’ve hit rock bottom, and as painful as they can be, the reality is that those moments can very healing for us and can allow us to move forward in a positive way.

My sister Jessica recently sat down in front of the camera and had a talk with Sonia Ricotti, author of the book “Unsinkable,” where Sonia discussed what to do when you hit these overwhelming moments and feel like you’ve hit rock bottom.

Sonia is known for her insights on how to bounce back stronger than ever from seemingly insurmountable situations, and in this video, she discusses that.

Just press play below to watch this video now:

Unsinkable with Sonia Ricotti

Sonia talks on this subject because she’s been through tough situations herself. She shares one of those difficult moments where she found herself in tears at around 5 minutes.

I hope this video helps you understand that no matter how low you may feel, you can always bounce back. 🙂

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

What was your “Aha” moment? Comment below to have a chance to win a free copy of Sonia’s book!

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  1. Namke says:

    Wow! liked the Sonia cheese bit. Thank you Jessica. It’s given me the confidence to know that when things look black, that I don’t have to be in despair, I don’t have to go into fear and panic. That it’s thru acknowledgement and surrender and a very very accurate delineation and perception of reality … that I can choose my responses. And in the middle of darkness when I choose my responses from a place of peace and certainty that opportunities open up.

  2. Nancy says:

    My AHA moment from this video came with the reinforcement that thoughts create story. This morning I was dealing with a relationship issue and found myself making up scenarios, most of which could never be true. I recognized what I was doing, but it takes a great effort to quiet those inner voices from the unconscious. I have found it effective to have a dialogue with whatever part of me is showing the fear and help her realize that the past is past and as a conscious adult, I make the choices that form my life and she is safe. Tapping also helps when I remember to do it.

  3. Kelly says:

    Thank You Jessica and Sonia! My Aha! moment was when Sonia mentioned that it is not the situation that has you down, it’s your thoughts about the situation that has you down. Surrender to (accept) the situation as it is and find some positive thoughts about it. I’ve known this intellectually for quite some time and yet, I seem to forget it when I need it.
    Today I visited the dentist. I came home with my mouth in pain, and my mental-emotional state in anguish about the dentist’s proposed treatment plan that I have no idea how I will be able to pay for, and my usual thought – Why am I paying people to torture me? It’s insane! – ok – step back, take a breath, take some ibuprofen. Say to myself – I will get through the pain so that I will be healthier in the end. The bill will get paid somehow. I don’t know how, but it will get paid. I will be healthier and happier by doing this. Now I feel better.

  4. Lindsey says:

    This interview came at the most perfect time for me. I hit rock bottom a little over a month ago, and am still struggling. My aha came when Sonia talked about resistance. She said all resistance is when you are staring at a closed and locked door, yet the reality is there are new doors of possibilities all around you. Step back, open your eyes, and see the unlimited possibilities unfold. There are whispers (angels) all around telling you what your next step is.

    Thank you! Thank you Sonia. Thank you Jessica. Thank you Nick. I needed this so much right now. I am grateful to God, who has led me to you.

  5. sim says:

    My boyfriend left me. I allowed myself to be upset and release it. I then decided to have the courage to explore myself more deeply. It’s opening the biggest door of opportunity i’ve ever had in my life. So to him i say thankyou. I’m working through this and will be a better person once i’m done. This my Aha moment.

  6. Carla says:

    Thank you Jessica and Sonia for such a great interview. I have been staring at the back of my “locked closed door” regarding losing weight for 20 years which in turn is stopping me from doing the things I want to do!! Time to let it go and step away from the door…..

  7. Lauren Pena says:

    I love the video…it helped me accept my financial simple as that

  8. Heather Hemphill says:

    I loved the reference to the story. I found it was bang on to understanding that I can reframe it and live differently with a new vision. Thank you for a great interview. I will pass it on. There are so many people in my life I would love to hear this wisdom.

  9. KARINA SHEARD says:

    My aha moment was the realization that when people are disrespecting me, and I take on that disrespect I am in reality, totally disrespecting myself my doing so. It has nothing to do with the other person. They were doing what they felt was necessary for them to do, I made the agreement within me, to say this was disrespect, I choose to feel hurt, humiliated, angry etc. Just by allowing those emotions to surface and act on them I am no different to the person who I assumed was disrespecting me. By becoming aware as soon as I realize I’m taking on board those emotions and shifting to a higher awareness greater benefits occur immediately.

  10. Karen Randall says:

    I have a building that I live in and work in and I’m financially unable to pay for it. I have gone through all my savings and don’t earn enough to keep it going or for repairs. I’ve tried selling it but that hasn’t worked. This has been going on for 3 years. “Somehow” I am still here. I usually handle it by going crazy for awhile then getting calm for awhile from reading self help books and listening to online seminars. This talk and hearing the closed door analogy was eye opening. I think this will help when the fear sets in and the worry starts. Finding peace during those moments will get you through the tough times. Thanks for that analogy, I think its a good one. Also thanks to the woman who said she is going to put a picture of a closed door in her office. I think that would be good for me too!

  11. LeAnn says:

    I recently hit “rock bottom” in every area of my life! Relationship, finances, emotional well-being, physical health issues, name it, everything was bleak and overwhelming. Then I changed my mind. I decided to quit labeling it all “bad” and just see it as what is, knowing that would be the only way to stay focused on enjoying my life today. Today, not when the debt is gone, or the guy shows up, or I lose the weight, but NOW.
    This is MY life, and I love it, and I love ME! 🙂

  12. Paula says:

    Thank you so much! I watched Sonia’s first webinars for “Unsinkable,” and learned so much. I watch Jessica and Nick all the time, and have been fortunate to improve EVERY aspect of my life with tapping, starting in June of 2006. I had left a whole life behind (husband, inspiring career, 3 dog-kids, and more….) to come to North Carolina to be with my Dad for the last 3 years of his life. We had many issues to resolve, and a big bunch of adventures to share. Thanks to the motivation of you three, (and Hay House, and Healing with the Masters, and the amazing Lissa Rankin) the issues were resolved; we took trips, went to meals and concerts and had a wonderful time together. Dad passed away peacefully at 97, and I am so grateful for everything we had. Everything you do, everything you teach and everything you share are SO appreciated and pivotal in my life. Many, many blessings to all three of you, and as Sonia says, “Love and Light,” Paula

  13. Leanne says:

    Thanks Jessica & Sonia … I so needed to hear this today. I have been struggling for 18 months with a situation in my life where I’ve been trying to recover money that was stolen from me. I still don’t have resolution and it’s been a long frustrating battle. The consequences for me have been very far-reaching with many knock on effects. I can see now that I’ve been staring at the closed door … I can already feel a shift of ‘accepting what is’ without the need to hang on to a specific outcome. This is very uplifting, thank you.

  14. carla says:

    I totally enjoyed this video. I have been dealing with a lot and wondering what to do. after listening to it…it made sense and I feel the calmnest come over me..thank you for sharing

  15. christine says:

    Am struck by the surrender to what is. It is a pertinent reminder that I create my own difficulties when i resent, resist, denounce, denigrate whatever situation is in front of me. Growing up in the Northern Ireland with the slogan ‘No Surrender’, I now dream of surrendering, that is turning to face what is and going with the flow…… in peace…

  16. Katie says:

    My aha moment — just saying what is so, without all the drama and story my mind has attached to it. I am working through an awkward time financially – I loved Sonia’s shift in just acknowledging where I am — shifted me from lots of internal dialogue about how I have messed up, how could I be so stupid etc — to just what is there right now.

    And looked at that way – it is just something to work through….not a judgement on my worth.

  17. Kim Roy says:

    I totally agree with this! I wanted out of my apartment so much and wanted to be anywhere except here. My husband and I married after both going through a divorce several yrs. ago. So we are both basically starting over and getting out of debt. I just use to be so upset about being in a 2 bedroom apartment at our age. One day something just told me to let go. Stop the internal battle. I was allowing my peace to be taken from me. This is where you are and because it came from that inner place of knowing, I went out and started purchasing things for our apartment and the apartment not only looks better, the anxiety about being here has decreased so much!

    Al and I are seeing new opportunities opening up to help us move forward and into a home and a new business! We are heading to get our EFT training in August and so excited about it! I can see a different future for us! Thanks for all you do for society Jessica and Nick! You are great people! Kim

  18. richard says:

    It’s amazing how things come into your life when you need them. This is very timely for possible relief to our situation. I’ve had some aha moments in individual therapy. My wife is really struggling. Hopefully this will help both of us.

  19. Anne says:

    Accepting and surrendering without giving up, but knowing that maybe the situation ia out of your control and move on.

  20. Hetty says:

    This is great. I’m going to share it on Facebook. I am a counselor and these ideas have helped many of my clients.

  21. Pat says:

    The worst aha moment was when my cat passed away last year. I went into a deep depression until I replaced him with another that makes me laugh at his antics. I can now accept that Jet is not around any more

  22. Suzanne McRae says:

    For me the closed door metaphor also taught me something in the video, as well how to deal when someone close to us is going through some health issues… wonderfully explained. Thank you both!

  23. Sharon says:

    Accepting “what is” is the hard part, because as Sonia said, it’s your “stories” that get stuck around the issue. Then, I guess you need to also look at your stories and see if you can accept them as well if they come to pass.

  24. tracy says:

    Loved the video

  25. Linda says:

    I LOVED this interview. It really reminded me about accepting what is. Saying to myself, “o.k. This happened. I accept what is happening or I accept how it is”. I have been resisting the loss of a special man in my life. Every time I think I am over it, I have these thoughts about how I messed it up. The interview reminded me about accepting what is; how it is and how it’s not. And then asking myself, how else can I look at this? How can I look at this that would make me feel better? !!! <– What a great question. Thank-you for the clarity about allowing yourself to feel what you are feeling, looking at what am I thinking about this? is it true? How else can I look at this that would make me feel better? The closed door metaphor is a great metaphor as a visual.

    It's amazing to me that so much wisdom gets packed into 11 minutes. I usually don't like watching long videos Thank-you for the depth, wisdom and useful tips we can apply right now in a short video of only 11 minutes!

    I surrender.
    It's happened and I accept it.
    Now, what, if anything can I do about it?
    Most importantly, how can I think or look at this that will make me feel better? (and by the way!!! I already do! 🙂


  26. Maria Regina Barbosa Mello says:

    After years of losses: separation,(44 years of marriage),death of loved ones, having to leave my house,(move to another town),try to start a new life professionly,living in a very hard economic condition,(my husband left debts),and worst of all the lack of understandig of my kids, it took a LONG time to find a way out! When I accepted this to be my new life,and prayed GOD to LEAD THE WAY,and finally believed and I could make it, by accepting,(again) that good things could happen,(this wasn’t me!),a huge light went on!!!

  27. Bernardo says:

    I,ve staring at a closed door. Now I am looking for the other open doors. Thanks .LOL

  28. Danielle says:

    Your right a job doesn’t define who you are but it helps pay the bills and the way I feel now who cares, I am doing the best I can with what I have, so be it. I too can’t seem to find a job I am letting it go there is something out their that is more than just a job. I am allowing myself to be free what ever happens I am open to it. Something good is going to happen, I am letting these feelings of hopelessness go and just be. There are endless opportunities awaiting me.

  29. frank bellizzi says:

    great interview! My experience When things happen that seem to interrupt the flow or my schedule, I’m beginning to surrender to the fact that things do happen in life, and to take a breath, and move on to do whatever I’m able to do with the available time.

  30. Owlman says:

    Great video and insights. It comes at a perfect time for me. I just lost my job of 10 yrs. Even though I’ve been very unhappy there and felt trapped I’ve been feeling terrified, angry, rejected, and paralyzed by fear. Sonia addressed all my anxieties and I feel a lot of hope and peace. Thanks!

  31. Diane Patterson says:

    Hi – loved your video clip — think I am still in the moment of pain – My husband had heart surgery April 3 & had a stroke April 4 — he is now at home & is recovering — but, it is a journey and many stressful moments — I must work full time & the demands some time are overwhelming — I try to do Tai/Chi – Qigong — it helps – but, I must still work on releasing negative emotions – Thank you for your encouraging video.
    Diane 🙂

  32. stewart says:

    A lot of time we are so egotistical. I can handle, I can go through this, I can, I can. But WE can’t! Sometimes we have to acknowledge our ego and say “I need help”! Then let this shift happen. Not easy said then done. But in the right direction. And when going in the right direction, you notice the right signs showing up to get you where you want to go easier. Tapping helps to ease this calling of help! Use this tool and others to help you make this shift. It might just be your own hand that leads you to a better awareness.

  33. joanna says:

    first of all thank you Jessica and Sonia I really enjoyed that video and
    it was perfect timing for me.. needed that boost,
    my aha moment was when my boyfriend of 10 years left and I was facing paying
    all the bills by myself—I searched and researched and yes then came back to my
    good friends nic ,Jessica, Sonia and other mentors
    I tapped like crazy I listened to all my email/internet friends-I had that aha moment when I finally knew I would be ok–I could survive
    I have sold my house and what a feeling of relief//I have the freedom to spend
    more time with my children and grand children and I have the freedom to persue
    the things that I want to do to make me a better person as well as help my family and the mother earth ..I feel great and I am grateful to all my internet mentors
    thank you Joanna mangan -hall

  34. Kristen says:

    I’d like to say that I’ve always been in an anxious place when it comes to my business. I am able to let go of why it’s not happening as fast to I am where I am and where I need to be and it’s perfect, my process is perfect. When i am in that place of anxious energy I only hold myself back longer because I am not letting things flow. So that is my piece and I do have to remind myself and remember this because I can easily go abck to those thoughts. Great video Sonia and Jessica.

  35. Lee says:

    I agree completely with Sonia’s comments! Anytime I’m challenged negatively I follow Sonia’s rule, release all negative emotions, then remember, your thoughts are your reality and you are the one that controls your reality. Sometimes the method of releasing the negative emotions is difficult and that is why I’m trying to learn Tapping. Perception has many faces, but if I could release my negativity thru Tapping the nice faces shine thru much brighter. Thank you so much for the directions to a wonderful life.

  36. Janice says:

    this is an excellent approach for dealing with all adversity. In my life, there have been MANY departures, lots of them seemingly way too early and unexpected. However, we know that after all of the stages of grief, we aim to reach acceptance and hopefully a serenity. ‘Allowing’ the feelings of sadness, accepting that ‘this too shall pass’ has proven to make this ‘process’ much easier for me. Reframing the loss is also very important. Thankyou for this reminder. My dearly departed aunt, told me ‘this too shall pass’ when I was just a child, and I’ve used this phrase often & effectively, in my life. It works!!! Good work, you two.

  37. Jayne Lowe says:

    I had a few aha’s during this interview, the most profound was the visual of standing in front of the closed and locked door. I could actually see myself in front of my locked door and was able to turn and see that there are other options available to me. Thank you so much for sharing with us!!

  38. Daniela says:

    I believe that the major aha moment I had over the last couple of years is when all of a sudden the words I kept hearing over and over again started to have a real meaning, I stopped blaming others or sometimes even me for what was going wrong; from then on problems might still be popping up but it takes far less effort to overcome them because I am just concentrating on the action plan; and now I am in that stage where I can show with facts and not just with words how you can simplify your life and achieve way more; thank you ladies!

  39. Xandra says:

    So grateful to hear about Sonia’s method! I feel like life is a constant of ‘aha’ moments, and mine is also about debt and feeling like I don’t have what I ‘should’ have, or ‘should’ be. I’m starting to come into acceptance, and realize that pushing against a closed door doesn’t help, it’s wasted energy! Thanks for tips 🙂

  40. Tanya Marie says:

    This was right on time for me. I was already tapping using a Jessica audio for weight and had lifted my vibration. This made me smile. I didn’t get a job that I thought I wanted and I realized for many reasons, it is not for me and that is fine. I may have an opportunity where I am currently working as a contract worker and I really got a message in my spirit that I didn’t need that job and I need to write and that I am fearful of doing this because of some shame issues and these are the things I need to tap on. I am so grateful for that email. Jessica had already made my gratitude list (which I did as soon as I got the notice I didn’t get the job) and I was honest with myself about conflicting feelings. Yes, THE VIDEO WAS THAT GOOD!!!!!!!!! Thank you too Ms Cheese …LOL

  41. Nancy Tillman says:

    I broke up with a guy 2 years ago and he does just enough to keep me “wondering” if it could work someday. Your reference to a closed door is so appropriate because it is a closed door to what I want from the relationship. A closed door to respect, transparency, good friend communication, etc. I just finished with the World Summit through Hay House, I do realize WHAT is wrong. Stepping back from that door with COURAGE means that I leave God to do his work….which reminds me that I’m not trusting God. Thank you, it’s just what I needed this morning.

  42. Deborah says:

    This was so perfect. I did not sleep last night and felt overwhelmed this morning.
    I have been tapping but too depressed and tired to tap. Now I will tap and let go.
    thx so much

  43. Lisa Hernandez says:

    I agree completely 100% with Marje, I could not have said what you just stated any better. To Nick, Jessica and Sonia, Thank you so much for the video, It could not of had come at a better time for me.

  44. Gilian says:

    Thanks for the “Rock Bottom” Video. I am experiencing one of these times right now, with a very difficult financial situation. Your comments Sonia are really helpful, and I realize that having accepted where I am, and as you say — letting go of the guilt and retribution — feels so much better and lighter.
    My AHA moment this morning has been to see that there is a small glimmering light that I had thrown aside, and now I’m going to nurture the opportunity it holds.
    To know that everyone hits “Rock Bottom” is very reassuring. Thanks!

  45. Jaqueline says:

    Thank you – I enjoyed Jessica Ortner’s interview with Sonia Ricotti. Something I have found to be helpful when I feel like I have hit rock bottom is to visualize my emotional pain and anguish as a fire that is burning away all negative thoughts and feelings and purifying my spirit, then visualizing myself as a phoenix, rising out of the ashes, free of the past and the pain, and stronger than before.

  46. Marje Kimberly says:

    I think when we refer to anger as a “closed door” . . it is extremely helpful! Clear openness to possibility and anger cannot mix; therefore by keeping our dimmer switch on “high” we can go through our day connected to source. What an interesting life we lead! By realizing we are so much more than our limited thinking, we can open up our lives to endless possibilities! When we are calm, we can hear the voice of possibility come through us dozens of times a day! We are never alone! Thank you for the great little interview that leads to a better understanding of our endless possibilities! I appreciate you!

  47. DonnaJoy says:

    In December of last year, my husband had brain surgery to remove a tumor and this was followed by radiation treatment. I cried and prayed that he would get through all this. He is back to work and things are going well for him. I accepted his illness and we seem to enjoy each day even more than we did in the past.

  48. Pam says:

    I have been released from two jobs in the last two years because of positions being eliminated. Searching for work is not easy — there have been so many rejections and still no job — the self-esteem dwindles daily. My AHA moment came with the realization that a job does not define me. I have so much more to offer to my family, friends and volunteer organizations than simply being at a job every day. The skills and talents garnered throughout my professional life are now spilling over into doing good things for the world, not just an employer.

    The return to professional life and an income will come soon enough, and it will be at the perfect time.

  49. Anne says:

    WOW! The timing of this video is amazing! I just had a rock-bottom meltdown this morning! Sonia’s suggestions are spot on… I allowed myself to be upset to get it out of my system, and some new ideas came to me in my moment of anger and frustration. I would love to read Sonja’s book!
    Thank you Sonja, Jessica and Nick for sharing this work at this time in my journey.

  50. Kathleen Pedro says:

    My aha moment – When I accepted that I have to take care of my Mom who is 96 yrs old. I have help but still I am fully responsible, which cuts into my free time.
    I am now at peace as I have accepted and enjoy whatever I can find time to do.

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