
Doctor’s Take on Tapping for Chronic Stress

Written by: Nick Ortner

Chronic stress affects every area of our lives.

If you currently have a financial struggle, I know stress is playing a role in it (because I’ve been there).

If you’re trying to lose weight, stress is scientifically proven to cause more weight gain so addressing it is crucial.

If you have a relationship challenge, Tapping on the stress related to it will help significantly.

Whatever you’re looking to improve, addressing the stress around it with Tapping is step #1.

Here’s a video interview that I conducted with my favorite doctor in the world… a guy who I listen to any time I get a chance to hear him speak.

He’s been on the Dr. Oz show, Larry King, The Today Show, Good Morning America, The View, The Katie Couric Show… you name it, and he’s probably been on it.

I’m also lucky enough to say that he’s my personal doctor.

In this interview with Dr. Mark Hyman, he really hits on the importance of removing unnecessary stress from our lives, and how much he loves using Tapping to achieving it.

Beyond chronic stress, here are some of the other things Dr. Hyman discusses in the video:

• How childhood trauma affects our health (He shares a story of a client with whom he was struggling to get results, and who he actually referred to me so that I could work with her using Tapping. The results you’ll hear about are very powerful!)

• A fascinating monkey study that shows the importance of love, meaning and connection with others in our lives

• The importance of both eastern and western medicine and how to know who to see when you’re having a health challenge

And much more!

Hopefully by now you’ve seen just how powerful Tapping can be.

But for today, make sure to watch the above video. 🙂

Until next time…

Take care, and keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

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