
10 Affirmations for a Difficult Day

Written by: Nick Ortner

If you’ve been having a tough week (or a tough month, or a tough year even), you aren’t alone. It’s normal to have days when life feels overwhelming

And during those hard days, inspiration can feel hard to come by – but it’s when we need it the most.

So right now, I want to share a few affirmations for the day to help us all feel a little bit stronger, a little bit more energized, and a little bit more ready to take on the rest of the day – no matter what has happened so far, and no matter what comes our way next.

Read them here, and notice how just reading them begins to change your mindset…

  1. I am stronger than I think.
  2. I am more capable than I realize.
  3. I recognize how far I’ve come.
  4. I call on my strengths of creativity and determination whenever I need to.
  5. I give myself permission to ask for help and lean on my support system.
  6. I can do really hard things.
  7. No storm lasts forever.
  8. I trust good is on its way.
  9. I trust in myself and I trust life.
  10. I’ve got this!

Now let’s take one deep breath in together, and one breath out… (pause)

Whether you are facing a small hurdle today, or you are feeling overwhelmed with many challenging things that have been piling up for a while, I want you to know that I believe in you.

You’ve got this, and I’m so proud of you for persevering, persisting, and continuing to move forward when things are hard.

You are doing a great job!

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

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