Pain Relief

A Real-Life Tapping Journey: Lianne’s Pathway from Pain to Positivity

Written by: Nick Ortner

Today, I want you to meet Lianne. 

In the middle of a very difficult time in her life, when she was dealing with complex health issues, Lianne knew she needed support, and she knew she needed a daily practice to help her through. But she wasn’t quite sure what that could be… Until she decided to give The Tapping Solution App a try.

Check out her inspiring story below: 

What led you to The Tapping Solution app? Were you struggling with anything in particular?

In 2021, during the middle of the pandemic, I was diagnosed with a rare but unknown neurological disease. I wasn’t given any treatment, and they didn’t know how to support me… so it was very difficult for me.

I had heard of Tapping, and I was aware that a lot of people use it to help with certain issues. And I thought “Well why not? This could be something that could help me!” So I tried it, and it was just phenomenal. I subscribe to the app and I use it every day

How long have you been Tapping?

About a year. I can honestly, hands on heart say it’s one of the best things I’ve done. I would give it a 100 out of 10. And I want to continue doing it, because it’s that beneficial. It has been a massive game changer.

What has Tapping helped you with?

Tapping has helped me with my health, because I am less stressed when I use the Tapping app, which means that I function better and I’m not focusing on pain all the time. I started to feel like I was loving and accepting my body, rather than trying to fight against it. It enables me to live my life to the full.

It’s also helped with my self-esteem, confidence, and self-love. It’s been a big wake up call to me that I can love myself and that actually I should put myself first and look after myself.

What are some of your favorite Tapping sessions in the app? 

When I have a problem, I can go to the app, type in a search for a specific topic, and it will come up with an idea. And if you don’t feel it’s right, you can move onto another one. 

Anybody can give 15 minutes of their life in a day to Tapping. And it works! 

Until next time…

Keep Tapping

Nick Ortner

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