Change Your Reality Using Power Vision Tapping

Join one of our past hosts of the Tapping Insiders Club, Kris Ferraro as she interviews tapping expert Gwenn Bonnell. Whether your goal is to improve your financial situation, attract a better romantic partner, or create a healthier lifestyle, this interview will help you understand how to use tapping to supercharge your manifesting abilities.

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4 Comments on this post

  1. Sharon Smith says:

    Always fun to tap with you, Gwen–nice work.

  2. Kayla says:

    I enjoyed some of this content, but think it’s counterproductive to focus upon being “skinny” as the goal, as that in itself breeds self-loathing for how one is already presenting in their lives. If the intention of this example was to push us to imagine what’s possible, she missed the mark and left a superficial vibe to a healing modality that is supposed to help us achieve a higher self-actualization.

  3. Kayla says:

    I enjoyed some of this content, but think it’s counterproductive to focus upon being “skinny” as the goal, as that in itself breeds more self-loathing, If the intention of this example was to push us to imagine what’s possible, she missed the mark and left a superficial vibe to a healing modality that is supposed to help us achieve higher self-actualization and most importantly, self-acceptance with wherever we are! I am a therapist that works with clients who long to be “skinny” and just depise that word. I believe this is a very triggering episode that I wouldn’t recommend to those that already struggle with shame and not feeling like they are ever “enough.”

  4. Deonne Naticchioni says:

    That was wonderful! I am wondering if the power vision you do before getting out of bed is the same thing you should do at night before going to sleep. Should they be the same vision or can they be different?


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