Taking a New Look at Those New Year's Resolutions With Nick Ortner

It's almost February.... how are you doing with those New Year's resolutions? Whether you made any or not, listen in to this podcast and learn how Tapping can help you get to the root cause of why you may be sabotaging yourself and what you can do to move forward and manifest your desires.

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18 Comments on this post

  1. Wow says:

    I suffer from chronic pain. 7 compression fractures in my back. I feel like a prisoner. Ty this helped me a little first time have things to do and people who love me. I want to move forward to be functional again

  2. Patricia says:

    This session was very good for me to hear and thank you for making it available.

    Getting in touch with feelings that impact how I am today plus knowing what to say can be daunting. This was most helpful in giving me some tips on how to proceed for myself.

  3. Sheelagh says:

    Looking forward to this.

  4. CAROLgosh, says:

    Gosh, how I need this!

  5. Veronica schepis says:

    I’v liver In a very dependent relationship of co-depency with my husband now I need to find my own thinking and Independency

  6. Marcella says:

    I would like to suggest a tapping meditation for anti aging! I think it would be great and I would like to see if it would work.


  7. Matthew says:

    I’m confused! The tapping solution talks about focusing on the negative emotion like anger, anxiety etc in the set up statement and reminders and sticking to these narratvies, but there are many youtube videos that start with negative reminders but move in to positive affimations. An example is Brad Yates ‘fear of driving’ video where he uses reminders like’…this anxiety, this fear, and so forth but eventually makes statements like ‘ I choose to feel calm when I drive, I will be a model driver etc. So…which is correct??

    • Nick Ortner says:

      Hi Matthew, great question! There are actually multiple ways and different techniques to use with Tapping. There really isn’t just one “cookie-cutter” way to tap. However, I typically tap on the “negative” statements first to acknowledge them and release them. Then I usually end rounds with “positive” statements to set the intention of how I would like the result to be. πŸ™‚

  8. Beth says:

    I cannot seem to find information on the cost of the subscription. Why have you made it so hard to find this information?

  9. Nick Ortner says:

    Hi Carolyn! Sure! I’ll forward your message along to our Customer Support team to help. πŸ™‚

  10. Nick Ortner says:

    Hi Sandy! Please reach out to our Customer Support Team at contact@thetappingsolution.com and they’ll be able to help you out. πŸ™‚

  11. Marge says:

    I purchased the Platinum program for $197 a couple of weeks ago but haven’t received it yet. Today a Tapping friend that I met on Facebook messaged me that the same program is now $37. Is that possible? Any idea when it will arrive? Thank you.

  12. Dawn says:

    I have not received my free Tapping solution book and you sent me a email and said it would be sent in 24 hours I sent it april 8th have not even got a order # or anything

    • Nick Ortner says:

      Hi Dawn, I’m sorry to hear that. I’ll forward your message on to our Customer Support Team to see what the holdup might be. πŸ™‚

  13. Danno says:


    I have watched your film, enjoyed it. Read your book also and am on Dawson Churches
    Book also. I am tapping but getting poor results. My sud score never gets down there.
    I suffer from depression , GAD anger and rage issues .
    This effects everything in life especially sleep. What do you do when you cannot remember
    Specific past traumas or there are too many or you don’t know if any of that is making you anxious.


    • Nick Ortner says:

      Hi Danno! in psychology, it is known that our subconscious purposely places blocks in our memory or otherwise detaches us from a past trauma as a way of protection. This is very difficult to break through ourselves unless we remain diligent with our tapping. In these instances, though, it is often very effective to work with an EFT professional or therapist who uses EFT because not only do they have the experience from working with similar cases, but having someone other than ourselves guiding us through the tapping is very helpful for getting around our own subconscious blocks. I hope this helps. πŸ™‚

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