Posts Tagged ‘Nick Ortner’

When I Forget to Tap…(Going Public!)
Written by: Nick Ortner
Perhaps the statement or question I see most often when I ask about successes and challenges with Tapping is, “Tapping has worked so well for me! It worked for X and Y and Z…but then I forget to do it! ...
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Pain Relief
EFT for Pain Relief
Written by: Nick Ortner
Many of you have been with us over the years and participated in one of our Tapping World Summits. But a lot of you may have just joined us or otherwise missed the Summits, which are always chock full of great ...
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Money: A Love Story
Written by: Nick Ortner
I was recently interviewed by my friend Kate Northrup to discuss my personal money story, as part of the release of her new book “Money: A Love Story.” Kate’s new book is a real breakthrough ...
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Can you not complain for 24 hours?
Written by: Nick Ortner
Do you consider yourself a complainer? Do you feel like you’re somebody who complains a lot, or do you feel you make a conscious effort not to? And I’m talking about all forms of complaining: Do ...
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Over 20 Million Tapping Meditations Played in Our App! Get Instant Access to our "Releasing Anxiety" and "Sleep Support: Quiet The Racing Mind" Tapping meditations.
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Recent Posts
The Benefits of Face Tapping and How to Do It
The Benefits of Face Tapping and How to Do It Written by: Nick Ortner
7 Reminders All Caregivers Need to Hear
7 Reminders All Caregivers Need to Hear Written by: Nick Ortner
The Tapping Solution in Times Square
The Tapping Solution in Times Square Written by: Nick Ortner

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Over 17 Million Tapping Meditations Played in Our App!
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