Tapping Through Your Past – Thank you

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Are you stuck?

Have you come to a point in your life where you just can’t seem to move towards happiness or your dreams? Worse yet, is there something from your past that’s keeping you running in place?

It’s time to get over it for good.

No matter what happened to you, or what you did, you don’t deserve to remain unhappy because of it. You’re absolutely worth whatever you’ve been dreaming of, and it’s time for you to claim it.

Tapping can help you get there.

Whether you’ve seen our movie “The Tapping Solution” found our website in your quest to learn more about EFT Tapping, or read my book “The Tapping Solution: A Revolutionary System for Stress-Free Living” you know that EFT Tapping is one of the fastest and most powerful ways to address any emotional or physical pain you’re experiencing. If you’ve started tapping on your own, I’m certain that you’ve made tremendous progress in working past problems in your life.

With some issues however, we do need a little help, and past traumas – whether they’re due to childhood issues, old relationships, or accidents of some kind – can be the most difficult ones to tackle on our own. That’s why we’ve created this special program to guide you through this intense but tremendously liberating process.

Once the program gets underway in a few months, we’ll invite you to take a journey into your past to finally tend to those old wounds that never truly healed. We’ll walk you through an intensive tapping therapy that will free you from your painful history.

Check out the audio included below, “Overcoming the Damaging Effects of Childhood Trauma” with EFT expert Rick Wilkes. It was a highlight of our 2010 Tapping World Summit and it will help you to immediately start addressing any childhood trauma you’re still feeling the repercussions of today. Normally you’d have to buy the entire summit in our store to access this incredible session, but I don’t want anything to get in the way of the work you have to do right now.

Are you ready to move on? Your incredible future is waiting for you to catch up with it.

Right Click and “Save” Here to Download this MP3 Audio

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