Cultivating Excellence and Peak Performance Within Your Professional and Personal Life with Steve Wells

Peak Performance is not an accident. It is usually the result of a powerful vision and a workable plan put into action over a period of time. However, there are some definite strategies and mental/emotional patterns which can accelerate your success and leverage and enhance your performance. In this teleclass Steve will teach you how to work through the 7 steps to peak performance.

Step 1: Decide to be a Peak Performer
Step 2: Break Through the Barriers
Step 3: Clarify and Align With Your Highest Values
Step 4: Set Big Goals
Step 5: Build Commitment
Step 6: Engage in Organized Planning
Step 7: Take Massive Ongoing Action

In these masterclasses, some of the things you’ll learn are:

  • How to create excellence in a variety of aspects of your life
  • How the mind/body/energy connection is related to success
  • The importance of noticing your identity beliefs and how they can transform your life (for better or worse)
  • How to build commitment toward your goals in order to develop clarity
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