As you saw in Chapter 13 of my book, the work being done around the world using Tapping to help those who need it most is simply astonishing. From genocide survivors in Rwanda, to veterans with PTSD, to children with cancer and now (not included in the book since it only recently happened), the residents of Newtown, CT, my hometown, people around the world are experiencing the power of EFT to heal trauma and relieve stress in the most difficult of situations.
Shortly after the tragic events of December 14th, 2012 here in Newtown, we established The Tapping Solution Foundation, to help people here deal with the incredible stress and trauma of that day, and the aftermath of shock and pain. It’s been a long road but the results have been simply astonishing, as I’ve witnessed incredible light and healing coming out of the darkness. (If you’d like to learn more about the foundation and the work being done here, you can do so here:
Personally, I’ve witnessed time and again that when I make an effort to give in some way – financially, with time, with resources, even in tiny little ways – my life changes. I’m sure you’ve had the same experience! And that begs the question…why don’t we all "give" more? If it feels so good, if it changes the world, if so many wonderful things come out of acts of service, what’s stopping us?
I believe the answer lies in that ancient, primitive part of the brain that we’ve come to know so well, "the amygdala!" You see, when you’re stressed, when you feel lack, when you don’t feel safe, it becomes really hard to give to others! Even though that’s often the most important time to do it, because your whole experience of life can change when you step outside of yourself.
Let me say that again… "Your whole experience of life can change when you step outside of yourself!" So if you want to create magic and miracles in your life, give! But if the resistance to giving is there…
What to do? Tap of course!
So tune in to the idea of "giving". Whether it be supporting some of the great organizations outlined in the book with time or money, or your own personal favorite, or giving to a friend or family member who needs help, tune in to that thought field of "giving" and just notice any resistance that comes up.
You might hear things like, "I don’t have the money," or, "I don’t have the time," or, "I’ve got to take care of myself first." Whatever comes up, don’t judge it, just notice it, see how it feels in your body, and also pay attention to any memories that come up with it, because you can tap on those specifically.
Make sure to give any resistance, emotions, memories, feelings a number on the 0-10 scale in intensity, and then let’s do some tapping.
Karate Chop: Even though part of me doesn’t feel safe giving… I deeply and completely love and accept myself…
Karate Chop: Even though I don’t have enough for myself, so I can’t give, I deeply and completely love and accept myself…
Karate Chop: Even though I don’t want to give…I choose to accept and forgive that feeling now…
Eyebrow: I don’t want to give…
Side of the Eye: I don’t have enough…
Under the Eye: I need to take care of myself first…
Under the Nose: I don’t have enough time…
Under the Mouth: I don’t have enough money…
Collarbone: I don’t have enough to give…
Under the Arm: All this resistance to giving…
Top of the Head: All this stress and resistance to giving…
Eyebrow: I wonder what it’s all about?
Side of the Eye: I wonder what’s really holding me back?
Under the Eye: I wonder what’s stopping me from giving?
Under the Nose: I wonder where I learned this pattern?
Under the Mouth: And I wonder if I can let it go?
Collarbone: What would it take to feel safe giving?
Under the Arm: What would it take to release these old patterns?
Top of the Head: Of holding on so tight…
Eyebrow: It’s safe to give..
Side of the Eye: I have enough to give..
Under the Eye: In big way and in little ways…
Under the Nose: It’s safe to give of myself…
Under the Mouth: And I can do it without guilt, fear or shame…
Collarbone: I give from a full heart…
Under the Arm: I give from a place of abundance…
Top of the Head: I give from a place of love…
Take a deep breath…and let it go…
Tune in again. How do you feel? What came up for you? Check back in to the original resistance, or memory, or feeling and see how it’s changed. Keep tapping, using your own language or doing the rounds above, again and again until you feel calm and centered and like you’ve let go of the resistance.
When you find yourself in a more positive place, where the feelings of wanting to give are strong, act on them! Reinforce these positive feelings and positive behavior by doing something about it.
I’m going to share below some of what we have going on with The Tapping Solution Foundation and how you can help, but I promise this email wasn’t all a big setup for that! 🙂 However you give is PERFECT!
Give by sending someone a nice note…
Give by donating money to your favorite charity? Even a dollar COUNTS!
Give by donating some time to someone who needs help…
Give by giving advice to someone who needs it…
Heck, give by writing a nice comment on someone’s Facebook post!
It doesn’t matter how – just GIVE a little. And feel the feeling of changing the world – feel the feeling of releasing the resistance, releasing the idea that there’s "not enough" and give…
This is the fourth and final lesson in this short, "My Gift" course. I hope you enjoyed going through the exercises as much as I enjoyed writing them! 🙂 Please let me know how the experience above was for you, and if you have any questions or comments!
If you’d like to revisit any of the ealier lessons, please use the links below:
Lesson 1: Let’s Talk Mom and Dad
Lesson 2: Tell Your Body What Happened
Until next time…
Keep Tapping!
– Nick Ortner
P.S. I’m obviously passionate about the work that The Tapping Solution Foundation is doing and I invite you to join us in making a real difference. I don’t make a penny off the foundation, and have in fact donated tens of thousands of dollars of my own money to help spread the word! If you’d like to help, you can learn more about the work we’re doing here:
What we need most:
1. Connections – what professional or high-level people (in hospitals, VA centers, trauma centers, etc.) do you know who might find this information useful?
2. Time – Do you have some spare time to help spread the word?
3. Money – We’re always looking for contributions (tax-deductible), to keep things going! You can contribute here:
4. Love – Even if you don’t have any of the first three right now, we’ll take some good vibes from you – they count! 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
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