Goodbye Insomnia, Hello Restful Sleep 4 Part Masterclass

In this digital series with Ruth Stern we’ll look at:

  • Different types of insomnia that are common (there are 4 of them) and which category you fall into
  • The relationship between insomnia and anxiety
  • The 4 steps to blissful sleep that you can start today
  • How to use questions to reframe your thinking to reduce your anxiety and emotional strain
  • The process of Tapping for insomnia
  • How to find the core issues that are blocking you from sleeping (& how to overcome them)
  • Tips to create an environment that allows your body to relax and prepare for sleep
  • Understanding your resistance to creating a healthy habit by creating boundaries and learning how to ease into it
  • How to use imagery in the most effective way to positively impact your sleep
  • How to use the technique of NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) to help shift your perspective and behavior
  • How to use your senses to create personalized, positive, and empowering visualization
  • The tools to use Tapping to turn your fears into a feeling of relief and healing
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