Hidden Healing Secrets of Lyme Disease 4 Part Teleclass with Anita Bains & Kris Ferraro

Spirochetes, the cause of the mysterious and painful symptoms of Lyme disease, are stealthy, destructive, shadowy shape shifters, disrupting lives with often chronic symptoms.

Join us for an engaging and inspirational discussion with EFT expert and trainer, Anita Bains, as she demonstrates the critical difference our state of mind can make between living a life of illness and living a life of wellness.

How can shifting our perspective promote healing and recovery from Lyme disease? Listen as she reveals how she used EFT to create her own powerful shift in perspective that not only led to her own recovery from Lyme disease but has transformed her life. She also shares lots of cutting edge information that will empower anyone who has been affected by this illness to get the best possible care and be their own health advocate.

In these masterclasses, some of the things you’ll learn are:

  • How Tapping can be used with the debilitating symptoms that accompany Lyme disease
  • About the mind/body/spirit connection and how understanding this will help with the stress of Lyme disease
  • The emotional layers of Lyme disease
  • The 5 resilient qualities to cultivating hope in the presence of Lyme and how to bring these out in yourself
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