Step-by-Step Approach to Address Autoimmune and Chronic Conditions 4 Part Masterclass

In this digital series with Dr. Anne Merkel we’ll look at:

  • How Energy Therapy and Meridian Tapping modalities have proven beneficial in addressing many aspects of various autoimmune disorders
  • A protocol you can use when the body is in pain (and taking all of your energy!)
  • The importance of clearing the emotional causes of your physical issue – then the steps to take to further heal, rebalance, and rebuild your health
  • Tips to look into your own limiting beliefs, such as “My family has this so I will too” in order to dismiss them and eliminate it as a reality
  • How to get started addressing the mind/body connection and looking at your health as a whole picture
  • Tips if you’re having trouble saying the set-up statement, “I deeply and completely accept myself.”
  • What’s running the show – your critical voice’s impact on your outer health and how judgment and negativity causes more stress on your system
  • How to clear and turn down the volume of your inner critical voice
  • How to use Tapping to release energy taken on from others and held in the subconscious
  • How to peel away the layers involved with your feelings about yourself and this condition
  • Understanding the hidden emotions underneath your diagnosis – and what caused you to feel that way
  • How to clear the blocks you’re feeling about your own security – in relationships, financially, within friends or groups, your job, the stressors in your life, and more.
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