
A Taste of My Own Medicine (How Gratitude Can Change Your Life)

Written by: Nick Ortner

there-is-beauty-quoteRead this post if…

You fall into the trap of thinking everyone else has it all figured out (especially the “experts”) and you’re the only one who can’t seem to get it right!

I had to laugh at myself the other day…

In the midst of editing my next book, “The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self”, I was… shall we say… a bit stressed.

I felt overwhelmed, rushed, just too much to do and not enough time to do it. I had to get this editing done, and we were in the midst of launching my brother Alex’s new (amazing) kids book, which was exciting but taking a lot of work.

I was tired from a live event I had held just a few days earlier for my local community of Newtown, CT, an amazing evening where we came together to tap and heal. I could feel the pressure of so much to do, so many projects, so many people to help, so much creative energy to unleash… and it was just a bit much.

And of course, I was editing a book about the importance of releasing the stress response… About how to bring our deepest resources back online. About how we manifest our greatest self not by being miserable, and pushing and striving and stressing, but by letting go, being present, being grateful, and releasing these old patterns.



I wasn’t following my own advice. It’s funny isn’t it? Stressing out while editing a chapter about not stressing? Lol! Yes, I am profoundly human.

But… in that moment, I said to myself, as you’ve probably often said to yourself, “This isn’t working,” and “What if I did something different? What if there was a better way?”

Fortunately, that better way was literally at my fingertips…

It was both within the text of what I was editing and within the magic of Tapping.

The particular chapter or “day” (it’s a 21-day process) I was working on was about gratitude and how we each respond to success differently. I’m sure the idea of gratitude and its importance isn’t new to you as a concept, but if you’re not using it consistently, well… then it doesn’t do any good!

So I paused, recognized I wanted to have a different experience of life and a better approach, and I used the tapping within the chapter itself.

I took the time to actually CELEBRATE the amazing things that were happening, as opposed to rushing on to the next thing.

I tapped in celebration of launching a kids book that I truly think will change lives around the world (we’re already getting incredible feedback from it). I took the time to really FEEL the love and beauty behind the Newtown event – the years of work that led up to that and the continued dedication to a mission of healing.

hiker-gratitudeI looked at my bookshelf, which is lined with Tapping Solution books (including over 30 foreign translations which are just the coolest thing ever) and really, almost for the first time, took in the joy and magic of it.

There is beauty ALL around you.

There is success ALL around you.

There is love ALL around you.

But you have to stop to notice it. And then you have to stop again to notice it. And then again.

Because that’s where the magic of life lives. That’s where the miracles unfold, from that state of gratitude, from that place of joy.

To help you do that today, here’s an excerpt from what I’ve been working on. It’ll be a little out of context because it’s not the whole chapter, but I pulled the tapping section out so you could do some tapping now. If you’re new to Tapping, learn the basics here.

I hope you enjoy it and use it to SAVOR your amazing life!

Savoring the Smaller Wins

smiling-spoonWhen you think back on recent days, what everyday “wins” have you had?

For starters you’re on day 5 of this book.

That’s a win unto itself! (Please accept my virtual congratulations and big hug for making it this far!)

You’re also probably not climbing Mount Everest, which means you’re far less likely to suffer frostbite. (reference to earlier in the chapter!)

Win #2!

Really think about what good has happened in your life.

Have you tapped today? That’s a win.

Did you go to bed earlier and wake up feeling more rested? Great!

Were you calmer than usual when you got stuck in traffic? Well done.

Were you more patient with your children, spouse, or co-worker? Impressive.

Think back on the last few days or week, and notice any and all victories.

Either on paper or in your mind, list three of those wins now:

My 1st win is _______________

My 2nd win is _______________

My 3rd win is _______________

With your list in mind, we’re going to do some positive tapping.

i-will-no-longer-allow-quotePositive tapping is a powerful way to train your brain and body to notice those everyday wins in your life, and feel the positive emotion they can generate.

To start, focus on your list of wins, and notice how much positive emotion you feel.

Give that positive emotion a number on a scale of 0 – 10, with 10 being the most positive (joyful or grateful, excited, etc.) that you can imagine feeling.

With positive tapping, instead of lowering stress, the goal is to elevate positive emotion. This means that your goal is to INCREASE you SUDS number, which is the number of intensity scale.

For example, if your joy begins at a 3 out of 10, you goal with positive tapping is to make the number go up, perhaps to a 5 out of 10, or 8 out of 10.

So let’s get started!

Take three deep breaths.

We’ll begin by tapping three times on the Karate Chop point.

KC (Repeat three times): Even though I forgot to notice the good in my life, I can see it now and let myself feel joy and gratitude.

Eyebrow: I [insert win #1]
Side of Eye: It feels good to notice!
Under Eye: I also [insert win #2]
Under Nose: It feel good to notice this, too!
Under Mouth: I also [insert win #3]
Collarbone: It feels great to notice all of this!
Under Arm: It’s safe to feel good about this
Top of Head: It feels weird to celebrate these little wins

Eyebrow: I forget to notice them most of the time
Side of Eye: I can see them now
Under Eye: I can see that they resulted from positive choices
Under Nose: I can start noticing these everyday wins more often
Under Mouth: And let myself celebrate each one
Collarbone: I can feel more joy more often
Under Arm: I can stop and feel gratitude for these everyday victories
Top of Head: Even though they seem small and meaningless sometimes

Eyebrow: I can stop and notice them
Side of Eye: I can feel joy about them
Under Eye: I can give them the meaning they deserve
Under Nose: It’s safe to feel this joy more often
Under Mouth: It’s safe to notice these little things
Collarbone: It’s safe to value these everyday wins
Under Arm: Letting myself feel joy now
Top of Head: Feeling joy and gratitude now

Take a deep breath.  Give your positive emotion a number on a scale of 0 – 10. Keep tapping until you get the desired effect.

helpful-tips-signTapping Tip: If at any point, you struggle to feel genuine positive emotion from positive tapping, you may need to release something negative first, before positive tapping can feel authentic.

If that happens, pause your positive tapping and do a few rounds of tapping while asking yourself questions like:

Why can’t I feel good about these everyday wins?

What is holding me back from feeling more joy about them?

Once you have a clearer sense of why positive tapping isn’t resonating, tap on releasing the negative emotion, limiting belief and/or event that’s distracting you. Then, when that negative charge has gone down and you are ready, return to positive tapping.

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

What came up for you in this Tapping? How important is gratitude in your life? Please leave me your comments below.

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16 Comments on this post

  1. hoc noi mi says:

    don’t do tapping enough, but since I receive your emails, I was sparked to tap the other day on the anger and sadness that I’ve been feeling. I sobbed and sobbed and then…felt much better. I tapped again yesterday, but now the anger had dissipated and I felt the underlying losses that I’ve been holding for many many years. And I felt better.
    Read more at hoc nghe spa

  2. Katharina says:

    Thank you for letting us partake of your “Medicine”. I am truly thankful.

  3. Heather says:

    I take time each day to feel gratitude for 3 things in my life and it’s changed how I feel, especially if I’m sliding towards depression.
    I haven’t tapped for a while so it’s good to be back! ?

  4. Sandy says:

    THANKS, Nick! I sat down and did this just now. It only took 2 complete scripts to go from 5 to 10. Yay me! I’ve resolved to be more aware of everyday wins and mentally celebrate them more often. I know that the more I do it, the more joy and gratitude will manifest in my life! Woohoo! ?

  5. Najla says:

    Thank you for this round of positive tapping. I guess some negatives emotions need to be discarded first so I can feel confident.

  6. Heather says:

    Fabulous posts, Nick! Thank you for sharing your beautiful, tender & human self with all of us.

  7. Dr. Latrice says:

    Brand New to Tapping. Always working on renewing me… Many Thanks & Much Appreciation!

  8. Lori says:

    This tapping sequence has come at the perfect time for me. I’ve been more focused on being aware of how too often I’m replacing love with fear and this tapping sequence helps to focus on the wins, feel the energy of the wins and relax into the energy of love. Thank you!!

  9. Melinda Martin says:

    Great work. Have been tapping for 10 years and combine it with A Course in Miracles.
    Life changing! Gratitude and ❤

  10. Pauline Irving says:

    Once again Nick thank you for sharing what you learn with life on a day to day basis.

  11. Malathie says:

    This article is great! It’s going to be very useful. We are at the tail end of the year . This is the time to recall the memories and notice the good things happened in our lives and give gratitude to them. Thank you Nick:)

  12. Merrikate says:

    Thanks, Nick – so refreshing and revitalizing, worthy reinforcement anytime and especially now at the turn of this tough year. Re-centred now and rarin’ to go!

  13. Ana says:

    Hi Nick, thank you so much. This days I feel overwhelmed by a family problem. Waiting for my son to connect through skype I got to this tapping and it has really changed my perspective. My best wishes for your amazing work!

  14. Joy says:

    Wow …. I love the tapping to increase joy and raise gratitude …. makes a fabulous change from sore, hurt, angry etc stuff!
    Thank you to you for all you bring to the world and to my world – Tapping is the best and you do it so amazingly well.
    All the very best to you and your family for 2017.
    Sent with love and gratitude.
    Joy x x

  15. Shirin says:

    Hi Nick,

    I have been tapping for more than 2 years now, slowly it’s getting into a routine. I just start tapping if I hit a barrier.

    It felt nice to tap without problems, in celebration of life.

    thank you for creating this space

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