
Bulletproof Radio with Dave Asprey

Written by: Nick Ortner

If you’re a bit newer to this whole Tapping world, you might want to watch/listen in as I chat with Dave Asprey from Bulletproof Radio. We cover all things Tapping and my 3 biggest tips for performing at your peak.

Listen in as I chat with Dave Asprey from Bulletproof Radio:

What did you think about my 3 tips for performing at your peak? Do you have any to add? Comment below!

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4 Comments on this post

  1. Kay says:

    Relaxing and worthy of proof that it works. I will try it!!!!!

  2. Gerri Bradford says:

    Thanks to both of you…have known about tapping, but forget ….needed this reminder.
    Thank you, thank you.

  3. Mardell says:

    I’m also an EFT Master, having learned the initial information from Gary Craig’s works. I find the updated research that Nick Ortner has done is nothing short of amazing – the strides the research has made in this industry over the years. This is an excellent interview. Thanks guys! Keep up the great work. Sharing because it really does work. Today I had stiffness and pain in my neck – a chronic thing since I had an accident where I landed on my head. Just a few minutes (that one little round) going through the routine with Nick and Dave made it go from an 8 level of pain to a 3. I will continue another round to get it down to 0. Just give it a try. . . it works on pain, fear, emotional issues, you name it, you can address it and resolve it.

  4. Catherine Harrison says:

    Thankyou this has been so helpful to me as I have recently pushed myself forward and was invited to talk about EFTon life in the universe HeyZradio and how I came to train last year. I am Grateful love the synchronicities when we decide to let go and embrace changes the universe has our back eftwithcatherine UK xxx

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