
You’ll remember and then you’ll forget…

Written by: Nick Ortner

You’ll remember and then you’ll forget…

You’ll remember and then you’ll forget…

You’ll remember and then you’ll forget…

You’ll remember and then you’ll forget…

And on it goes…

So, do you think I’m talking about:

A. Where you put your keys.

B. Your grandma’s cookie recipe that you always forget to write down and just figure you’ll remember.

C. How exactly to use the TV remote to watch a movie.

D. The fact that you are a being of great spiritual power, loving, kind and compassionate, full of life, energy and vibrancy, able to climb the highest mountains and accomplish the greatest deeds.

Well, while technically the answer might be, “All of the Above”, I am, of course, referring to “D”.

And I’m referring specifically to that fact that ALL of us go through these cycles, of consciousness, and unconsciousness. Times when we’re inspired, in the flow, connecting with our highest self, letting go of stress, being productive, loving more and forgiving more. We’re reading inspiring words, we’re listening to inspiring media. We’re having loving, productive conversations. We’re being all we can be in this world.

And then we’ll go through a cycle of unconsciousness, when the world just seems to overwhelm us, when we hold on to grudges, when we want to be angry and we want to be right. When we refuse to forgive ourselves and others. When we eat without awareness and ignore the real needs of our body. When television or social media dominate our consciousness and we simply don’t feel the way we want to feel.

And then something will happen, perhaps a blog post like this one, or an email. Maybe it’s the inspiring podcast you put on, or an image that moves you on Facebook.

And then you’ll remember!

Oh, yes! I am a powerful spiritual being, I want to feel expansive and joyful and kind. I’m going to continue striving to create the life of my dreams. I can do this!

And then… yeah, you know what comes next…you’ll forget again. 😉

And that’s OK. This is a cycle ALL of us go through, the key is to remember MORE than you forget. So to help you do that, here are three simple tips to help you remember more than you forget.


Tip #1: Put The Keys In The Same Place Every Day.

Of course, this is a simple tip that works really well when it comes to not losing your car or house keys. Put them in the same place, every day, so it doesn’t have to be a random search for them. I put mine in a drawer on the kitchen, right by where I normally walk in. That means that I ALWAYS know where they are. I can’t remember the last time I couldn’t find my keys, because they’re just THERE.

So the question is, what can you do to “REMEMBER” the truth about who you are and what you aspire to be? Maybe a post it right by your keys that says, “You’ve Got This” or “Love More” or “You are a powerful spiritual being”? You’ve got to grab your keys every day, why not grab that message with it? Or even better, something on your key chain that really stands out and reminds you of these truths?

Whatever it is, make sure you see it once a day, as early in the day as possible!

Tip #2: You Keep Forgetting Grandma’s Cookie Recipe Because You’re Not Writing It Down!

So this is pretty simple… write it down! Both Grandma’s cookie recipe (if you have a great one…share it with us in the comments below!) and the fact that you are a being of great spiritual power! Write it down! Affirm it! Acknowledge it! Commit to its reality. Whether it’s by daily journaling, or goal setting, or writing down affirmations, the process of writing has power, it can help you cement these truths in your mind body and spirit and you can use it to reconnect to these powerful ideas on a daily basis. And after you write it down, put it someplace you can see it. Put a sticky on your bathroom mirror or as discussed, something next to your keys. Remind yourself as often as possible of these great truths about yourself and your life.

Tip #3: Using the TV Remote To Get The Movie On Is Rarely Intuitive, There’s Usually A Set Of Simple Instructions To Follow, But You Have To Read Them!

What has changed my life in the past two decades has been the fact that I’ve been reading instructions, on how to live my best life. I’ve been reading instructions on how to use EFT Tapping to let go, release stress and shine my brightest. I’ve been reading instructions on how to love more, give more and be more. I’ve been reading instructions on financial abundance and creating a healthy body.

That remote doesn’t have a button that says, “Press here to put on the movie and do exactly what you want to do” – you’ve got to read the instructions. Our lives operate in the same way. We weren’t given an instruction manual at birth (would have been useful…) and in fact, many of us have been taught rather poorly. We’re following the wrong instructions.

Now it’s time to get the right ones. If there’s one thing that’s made the biggest difference in my life is that I’ve committed to filling my brain with positive, uplifting, grand, abundant instructions.

Audios, books, videos, anything and everything to help me REMEMBER. The more of this good stuff you put in, the more good stuff that will come out!

So that’s it. Some simple tips to help you REMEMBER more. Tell me, what tips do you have to help you remember the truth about who you are? Comment below! (and don’t forget the great cookie recipe if you have one…)

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

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31 Comments on this post

  1. Gwendolyn Scott says:

    Thanks for the reminder. I do the first three, but knowing and believing that I’m a being of great spiritual power is a little tricky. I think that being kind and listening/hearing are the way to go, plus thinking/feeling myself as an energy field.
    Again, thank you.

  2. Rick Bradford says:

    “Practice is easy; remembering is hard.” Dr Thynn Thynn.

  3. Candace says:

    Thank you Nick!! I really needed this right now…it’s like you have put words to what I have been experiencing the past couple of months.

  4. Linda says:

    Nick I love your tapping methods and they do help me a great deal. However I have been diagnosed with Borderline personality disorder and I don’t know if this will help me.

  5. Grace says:

    You are spot on. Thanks for the reminder. Now I must remember to practise this (smile).

  6. Carolyn Hacker says:

    How about: “I remember who I always am – even when I am ‘forgetting”

  7. ute Davies says:

    Thank you so much for all your tips and reminders ! it helps me a lot ! 🙂

  8. mary dicerni says:

    Thank you gain, Nick. I may start to cry out of frustration, but crying does not help. Tapping does. When will I remember this? I am 83 and love what you do. God Bless you.

  9. Merelyn Lobe says:

    Thank you Nick. Wonderful reminder how wonderful life is when we take notice of the LITTLE things in life. Especially new babies!!!

  10. MaryAnn says:

    Usually, when I feel tense or pressured, recalling some specifics can be difficult.
    As soon as I relax, the information or names or words appear.
    I’m already on your list so please do not double-send. Yes, I like your suggestions and e-mails.
    I was trained in tapping several years ago and appreciate your updates.

  11. doris says:

    Learning & using Tapping has saved my life. I faced dealing with a rare & aggressive cancer without chemotherapy or radiation. Tapping calmed me greatly so that I could research & make my medical decisions easily & confidently. It has helped alleviate the fear associated with the word cancer & it rid my body of the anger I had held onto for so many years. It is an incredible tool that needs to be taught to many, many others. I’m trying from my end.

  12. Betty says:

    Never say Don’t forget”…..the brain remembers DON’T so you forget.. Now say “Remember” ….. voila.

  13. Noelle says:

    Hi Nick, I love this post……and I’m going to start posting as you have advised. Thank you for all you are giving us…..your generosity is awesome and your advice right on target. Love and light to you and your family!

  14. Luba says:

    What an awesome idea — to post reminders in personally prominent places! The last three days I have been working on a complicated document that had me glued to our PC, my laptop at my side to access YouTube tutorials and my cell phone to text friends who could help with input and potential solutions to my technical problems. After reading this article, I realized I must have typed my password 300 X throughout this project. I may have been a less frantic person if my password had been “LifeLovesMeX3”. Since we are encouraged to change our passwords regularly, one could pick a special reminder for the month. PayPal password could be something like “PayOffImmediately!”

  15. Neil says:

    As usual,You allways send me good reading.Thank You

  16. Anne says:


    I. LOVE. THIS. POST! Fabulous reminders!
    Here are two affirmations (reminders) that I keep above my computer at work:
    “I am imaginative and my creativity flows effortlessly”, and “She believed she could, so she did.”

    Thank you for this practical message, which is timed perfectly!
    Your tapping solutions have helped me resolve some jaw pain and anxiety. They are wonderfully therapeutic.
    Keep spreading your good message,


  17. Laura says:

    Okay, I have to admit that I scrolled down to the comments looking for the Grandma’s cookie recipes.

  18. Christine says:

    When I turn on my cellphone, it says: Welcome to this beautiful day!
    I find that really uplifting, and now I added: You will do well today!

  19. Nikki Brown says:

    Thanks Nick! I needed that this morning. So many of us live such hectic lives these days, it’s easy to forget how much power there is in just this one moment and the choices we make right now. Thank you for the reminder. 🙂

  20. niki says:

    This couldn’t have come at a better time! I wondered if I was the only one who cycled through awareness of truth and being in the flow and times where ego takes over and I give up trying.

  21. Meg says:

    Excellent advice, Nick.
    So simple… effective !!
    Bless you.

  22. rosemary says:

    Great message as always; I look forward to your blog; just like you said in this post; we need as much of this positive energy as we can find on a daily basis.

  23. Elise says:

    Some of my reminders: scripture verses on postits by my computer ; an app to reminds to take a 5 minute mindfulness break ;
    My spiritual family

  24. Cath says:

    Thank you Nick for these helpful tips! I will endeavour to REMEMBER!

  25. Joy says:

    Nick Ortner is truly amazing! This message came to me “You’ll Remember then you’ll Forget”, when I was at my lowest point in life. However, after reading the above I’ve dragged myself out of the anger, self pity pot and beating myself up due to his electrifying wisdom! Thank you, thank you; I am so grateful.

  26. marianne says:

    Just like I used to have to remember to take my birthcontrol pill or else… time was every day before I left the bathroom, I would have a shower get dressed, brush my teeth and take my pill. A yellow sticker on the bathroommirror was left for 21 days. It takes 21 days to implement a new habbit. Now instead of the pill I stop and look myself in the eyes and say, welcome to this new day, you are going to do well today as you do every day. You can’t do anything else becouse you are great. Than I give myself a big smile and say thank you. Iam ready to start the day. And believe good things, ideas and people come to me. I just love my life it is one happy play ground. Do bad things happen to me? Ofcourse they do, but that does’nt mean Iam not still a great person. I allowe myself to grief over that one thing and say thank you for my life. It make the unbearable bearable and full of hope.

  27. Vikki J says:

    Thank you Nick, this couldn’t be more timely! I’ve just had a few bad days and not been coping very well. Energy medicine and work needs regular work and from time to time I forget this. I’m off to write a note….! X

  28. Lene says:

    Thank You for this Post!! I have created a successful morning running/walking routine of breathing, gratitude, incantations, visualizations and stick to it regardless of how I feel. I have committed to doing this every single day no matter what. If it can’t happen in the morning, I make sure it happens some time during the day. I have made it flexible so it can be 15 minutes or 1 hour or how much time I have available.

  29. Claudette says:

    Loved this clever little article tying everyday examples to the bigger picture.! Made me smile.

  30. Susan says:

    Thanks for this blog! Some simple, usefull and easy to do/arrange tips. Realy helpful for me, as I get lost easely…

  31. amanda says:

    This is exactly how i feel. It’s difficult to keep these positive feelings as a part of my everyday life. The idea of using my keys as a reminder is a great tip.

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