
Take the Next Step, Again and Again

Written by: Nick Ortner

A few years ago, I spoke in front of a small audience at an event called, “Passion Into Profits”. This event focused on – you guessed it – turning personal passions into profitable ventures.

I had just finished relaying my story about making the film, “The Tapping Solution” and what an outrageous and incredible journey that had been. I was emphasizing the point that during the process I used EFT with every new challenge that came up. With every new frustration, and every setback that normally would leave me feeling powerless and stuck, I tapped.

If I hadn’t had tapping available to me through the process of making the film, there would have been countless points along the way where I might have simply stopped, given up, or gone in the wrong direction.

Next StepsI also focused my talk on only looking at “the next step”, whatever was directly in front of me and needed to be accomplished next in order to move the project forward.

When I came up with the idea of making the movie, my first question was, “Who can I get to join and support me in this vision?” The next question was, “What kind of equipment do we need to film a movie?” I then took the necessary actions to answer this question and continued to move the project forward.

I wasn’t clear enough on the importance of this, because the first question from the audience completely ignored the ‘Next Step’ philosophy!

A lady came to the mic and said, “I see that you’ve been able to create a physical DVD and I want to do the same thing with a physical CD. Can you tell me how you were able to get that created? Because I’ve never made a CD before and I don’t know how to create it, what vendors to use, etc.”

I replied, “Sure, I’m happy to help. So you have all the content ready for the CD and now you just need someone to create it?”

“No, I’m working on the script for the CD now…I haven’t finished that yet, but I’m worried about getting the CD made.”

Can you guess what my reply was? That’s not the next step! The next step is to work on the script, the next step is to record the CD, the next step is to do the artwork for the CD, not the step she was jumping to.

She felt stuck because she focused on something farther down in her project.

I see this happen again and again with any goal, vision, or dream.

It’s important to see the end goal, the grand theme, the big vision, but once you see that clearly, then you just have to take the next step in front of you.

What’s amazing about using EFT is that it works on addressing just the next step, or the next obstacle. Choose to focus on what’s in front of you right now!

You can begin with tapping phrases like…

Even though I’m overwhelmed by all the project tasks or needs…
Even though I’m not sure what to do next…
Even though I don’t feel confident that I can figure out how to get this done…
Even though I’m out of my league and don’t know what I’m doing…

The lady who asked me that question could have even tapped on, “Even though I don’t know how to make the CD and I’m overwhelmed” etc. Once she did that, she could see that everything is OK and she just needs to focus on the next step.

Tapping diminishes the “noise” that surrounds us and increases the mental, emotional, and even physical responses we produce when faced with life challenges.

Goals, visions, and dreams are complicated by our rapidly moving lives. The speed of email, constant interruptions, etc. can be too much and paralyze us.

Here’s a great Tapping Meditation from our Tapping Solution App that can help!

Turn Your Day Around: Release Overwhelm


Use this simple tool to quiet that noise, move yourself to a place of peace. From there you’ll have the resources to make the best decisions and take the next step.

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Download The Tapping Solution App today!

What’s in your way right now? Have you used tapping to overcome overwhelm or procrastination? Share below!

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129 Comments on this post

  1. Bel says:

    I’m not really sure what is keeping me from getting the profits. I am putting myself out there but it seems like I keep hitting brick walls when it comes to actually attracting clients.

  2. Marlene says:

    I would like to start a blog, but I don’t know anything about setting it up. I have done research on the internet, but I feel overwhelmed by the information. I guess i need to tap! Thanks your email came at the right time.

  3. Mira says:

    Thank you nick for this advice.I am a little bit out of money and you told me hov to make improvemet in feeling by small steps. I look foeward to seeing your next advice.
    Thank you once again.

  4. Tanya Edwards says:

    Thank you again Nick, just before the start of Carol Look’s Tapping into Abundance, I sent an email to you thanking all of you for having such big hearts, and for helping so freely, and need to say it again. Step by step-so obvious, but not remembered until someone points it out, and you explain it brilliantly, so thank you, another fantastic “epiphinay” for me. God bless,
    P.S. My biggest subconscious fear it seemed, was unworthiness, and while tapping that away, I also realised why I had an eating dis-order, especially after an event that happened in my life at the beginning of this year-I was eating less and less, slowly starving myself, because even food became too “good” for me. I am happy to say that since Monday(yes, only yesterday, Jun11), I have taken a new healthy path towards eating, and am eating healthier and more of it, and actually enjoying the taste of food- tapping is a life-saving tool, really xxx

  5. Solon says:

    Louise Hay has set the path for me to follow and accomplish my dreams and goals in life, but Nick Ortner has given me the tools necessary for me to see the light at the end of the tunnel and how to calm myself to be able to think and make the right decisions. Between trusting myself and the universe and doing tapping to rewire myself, i am extremely happy that i can heal myself and help others to heal themselves with this wonderful technique. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this and I promise to keep the message going, i am teaching tapping to my patients that i see on a regular basis in class for obesity, diabetes, pain, metabolic syndrome ect….I am teaching them to love themselves and to learn how to heal themselves.

  6. Beatrix says:

    Thank you very much Nick.Exactly what I needed to hear. I have been wondering how to move forward to get my NetworkMarketing business moving forward. And here’s my answer in your article.
    Excellent! Thank you again.

  7. Charlotte says:

    You have an amazing ability to define the problem. You wrote….”She felt stuck and had moved to far down the line of her vision.” I am a true visionary and always see clearly the “big picture” and become overwhelmed by all the steps, just as you described. I always jump in too soon. Investing all types of money before other more elementary steps are completed.

    There is such comfort when you describe the problem with such clarity. I can’t wait until you share with us tapping of this issue. I already feel at peace knowing there is something unfolding that speaks to me. Blessings to all.

  8. Shirley says:

    KAIZEN !!! Small steps lead to big changes!
    I may not be able to run a marathon today…but I ‘can’ walk around the block….and next week the park….and the week after that the shopping mall….and then the next week….you know!
    I get so overwhelmed with the whole picture. The ‘next step’ is doable.

  9. Namzie says:

    I’m actually in a massive transitional phase myself….where i’m juggling far too many goals at once….
    I did need a round of tapping this morning to clear my head of the noise and pangs of worries…
    So your words have indeed been JUST what i needed to hear….
    Much love and many blessings for all the free nuggets of wisdom you keep sending us Nick!


  10. Dr. Larry Quell says:

    What a great reminder—–Take the next small step. that also comes from the Japanese “Kaizan” the art of taking small steps. keeps the body out of fight or flight. (But Im sure you know that already!!)

  11. penny yaworski says:

    Tapping is fasinating to me would like to open up my own business soon offering this service!!

  12. Gail Valeskie says:

    For the past three and a half years, I’ve been suffering from a combo of major overwhelm and burnout, both of which have negatively impacted me financially. Discovering tapping has seemed like a God-send to me, as it appeared/appears to offer possible solutions to healing some deep-rooted issues I’ve carried for years and now there’s a way to release them! Being in the process of redefining myself and what I want to do with my life is still a challenge, though, and working with words daily like I do, tapping stresses to me the importance of using using the right words — which sometimes get me hung up and stalled. But I like this next step, next step approach and think it will get me over some of the humps I’m encountering. Thanks for sharing this, Nick!

  13. soad says:

    hello! my regards to you – soad from libya .

  14. Beverly says:

    Thank you, I truly appreciate your enthusiastic approach to this brain training tapping solution. The “next step” reminder will be a morning mantra for me now. I know this will assist me in getting out of my own way so that I can finish the mountain of creative projects that I’ve begun. One small step …!

  15. Shane says:

    Timely and inspired message. I feel overwhelmed with the speed and information overload in today’s world. I will try EFT to keep me more calm and focussed. Thanks for the message!

  16. Beatrice Allaert says:

    Hi Nick,

    Thank you for your gift,it is indeed something I need. As it is my birthday tomorrow I consider it a birthday gift, for which I’m very grateful. Most of the time I see the whole picture of what I want to realize, and then junp into action doing things of step 1,2,3,… all at the same time. Needless to say this only brings along frustration and bad results. Not to mention the nervousness and the feeling of being inadequate.
    So I will use this information tapping.

    thanks again!


  17. Melissa J Magnus says:

    Great advice Nick, thank you! I will share this with my clients (who are overwhelmed mothers). I know it will help them.

  18. Karin Sahlman says:

    Thank You, Nick .. Well, right now I’m doing some abundance tapping and I have also included some clearing statements, for me and my loved one. We will be married soon, this summer,
    and we are doing the above to raise more money. So that’s where we are right now.
    Thank you for All you do .. :))

  19. Kathleen says:

    I need to charge higher prices,not to be greedy but to value myself and be able to buy supplies and turn a profit so I can support myself and child and grow business wise, I also need to have sales on a more regular basis instead of living sale to sale. This very challenging for me right now. From a challenged stay at home mom with 2 self employed businesses.

  20. Justine Poyntz says:

    Thanks, this is a reminder that I needed – one step at a time, and use your tools!!!
    i had realized recently that I was stuck and not moving frwd in career goals, and when pondering why, it became apparent that I was too many steps ahead, and there were issues within my psychologyto be addressed: that was the next step!
    YOur discussion gives me a sigh of relief as it helped me to realize, I am not stuck, I just need to take the next step, and just because it is not a logistical buisness step, does not diminish its right to be addressed.


    Strange! I was standing before my mirror to do my tapping routine, and a question came into my head “How does one use tapping to utilize the laws of attraction” I heard that clicking sound that tells me that I have mail, and there you were.
    Maybe you can advise me on my question. Thanks.

  22. Angela Albano says:

    Dear Nick,
    This is exactly what i need for today. I am faced with the task of marketing my first book of poetry and I am feeling overwhelmed because I don’t know how exactly how to go about this.
    I will tap with your suggestions and find what the next step is and go from there. Thanks, Angela

  23. clare says:

    keep on keeping on

  24. Rob Leifso says:

    I retired in September 2011, from being a Financial Advisor. I thought I would just take some time to decide what I would like to do next with my life. I’m not one who likes to just sit around and do nothing.Part of my problem being is that I have Atrial Fibrillation and my heart races unless I’m on strong medication to control it.This results in me being very tired much of the time. I’m frustrated and want to get started on something that would motivate me. I like your next step,next step, approach,which makes a lot of sense.I realize it’s up to me to decide what I would like to do,but I need something to get me started. I believe in the tapping concept, but get hung up on what words to use to centre in on the thing that would motivate and excite me.

  25. etta says:

    Thanks for the excellent insight. This is a great tip.

  26. June says:

    Reading “the next step” helped me understand my feelings of being overwhelmed. I knew life is a journey, made one step at a time, but that fact didn’t stop the overwhelmed, must not doing it right, feeling I often had in pursuing my goal of spiritual enlightenment.

  27. Vinay says:

    Thank you. That was most appropriate, just what I was looking for.

  28. Eduardo says:

    Nick, I am overwhelmed by half way projects that keep on pulling me away from my real goal, needless to say , is that the real goal is fading away slowly as I age and the years are taking the energy out of my life. I look forward to see Your next sessions and maybe motivation gives me one more chance. Thanks Nick

  29. Jennifer T. Grainger says:

    Thanks for the great reminder to use EFT on everything! I was certified in EFT eons ago, and use it with my clients when they get stuck, and still sometimes forget to use it for myself! I loved the DVD and love getting the emails that keep EFT in front of me.

  30. jasazii says:

    I’d like to hear about tapping myself to unstick my stuck creativity. Thanks.

  31. Gladys says:

    TIME IS IN MY WAY. I either need to speed time up or extend it.
    My goals are my finances

  32. Nancy says:

    Great suggestions~ and an answer to prayer. I am writing a book about my experience with cancer and I almost gave up…not knowing how to get an agent…or how to find a publisher…or how my book would be any more enticing than any other…and how will I support myself while I am doing this writing!

    but it is…and I will…with the help of the universe and taking this one step at a time!

    Thanks, Nick!

  33. Barb says:

    Nick, just reading this shifted a burden off me. I have a project that I have been thinking about and now I realize how to approach it. I’m going to make a sign to tape to my bedroom mirror reminding me to take only “The next step and the next step and the next step.” Thank you.

  34. Kirk ( says:

    Thank you, Nick, for telling us how you use EFT to stay focused on the next step. Two of my three books for endurance runners and walkers have highlighted the power of tapping. I am about to launch two more books, and staying focused on the immediately next step is helping me to get there quickly. Your tapping recommendations for staying focused are an excellent tool!

  35. Judy says:

    Perfect, Nick, just what I need right now! Thank you!

  36. Victoria Seeley says:

    I have a stress pain in my left shoulder for years, I have also been working on many facets of my Spirit also for the same amount of time, and found many wonderful ways to live free and peaceful life, but never could get rid of the pain as soon as a problem, no mater how small popped up. Then I got an email from your brother and watched the video! I have been almost free of this type of reactionary pain since then and as soon as I feel the pain start to threaten I Tap and it is gone! Thanks for making my Comfort level and my life better!

  37. Jean Neuvel says:

    Three comments:
    1) Thanks for this piece of advice.
    2) In the morning, I use my shower device to do the tapping: It has a massage position; it has a jerking jet and does the tapping generously…
    3) I put Jesus in the process, thinking He is finally the one wo will give the result and I ask Him to accept the tapping protocol I am using as a means to grant me what I am expecting.

  38. Jane says:

    Hi Nick,

    Been using EFT about 3 years now & had some significant results & small increases. have worked on my inner sabateur,unworthiness to receive,guilt,blame,fear of success, fear of failure etc & yet I remain stuck,lonely,lost,without clear direction! Still tapping away,maybe should try “Even though I am stuck” etc etc.

  39. KRISTINE says:

    My husband, myself, and 3 cats, one very very elderly and not well, are moving to a different house. [ By the way, the ONLY reason we are moving is because of the tapping we have done together with ourselves and our God. It is our dream come true] [ oh and by the way, the ONLY reason we are moving with me no longer being a diabetic from having been a sever diabetic, is the tapping together] [Oh, and the only reason w are moving to our absolute dream house is because of our tapping with God as our center] [Oh and the only reason we are moving to our dream house is because we tapped to get out of our financial mess and God saw us to the other side] and and and …so now the move with my dream husband to our dream house through his dream job and my dream good health is being tapped and taken step by step by step, and Gods will will unfold, because, surprise surprise, he wants us to have the desires of our hearts…what in this difficult world, we’re supposed to be HAPPY? Yes!!!!!!!! read the 30 day Diabetic Cure, please. : }

  40. Jan Sherman says:

    Thank you! I received your email at the perfect time! I look forward to the next step you share on transforming finances.

  41. Peter Wood says:


    That makes SO much sense. Here I am trying to figure out what to do when the money runs out in 2 – 3 weeks when all I need to do is take the next step. Thanks!

    Peter Wood

  42. Daniela says:

    Thank you Nick! This is a great article. It is exactly what is blocking me in my projects and I didn´t see what the cause for my overwhelm really was. Once again you showed nicely how important it is to brake a project down in to small steps and go step by step. EFT is such a great help on that way. Thanks for all your inspiring work!

  43. Grace Garneau says:

    In reading this I realized that there are many ways in which I do what the lady in your example was doing – skipping ahead in my mind to steps that haven’t arrived yet. Thank you for making this clear to me!!

  44. Stacie J. says:

    Well written and fantastic information. This is exactly what I needed to read today. I have been really enjoying the transformations in my life and I have been amazed and excited to see how much tapping has done for me ( and for everyone around me).. I feel as though doors are opening, the old is releasing, and I am more alive then ever before. Thank you for the information and thank you for growing, learning, loving, and sharing to make your life and ours more gentle, kind, and full.. Keep tapping and so will I.. Who knows what could happen??

  45. Jose Garcia Valdivia says:

    I am looking to what decisions (mental Blocks) I have set up for myself, have had several opprtunities to have financial abundance and they just vanish for one reason or another. I am looking for the next step.

  46. Denise Trottier says:

    I’ve started tapping and it’s slready made a huge difference for me healthwise…thank you for all your info it’s much appreciated…

  47. Edward says:

    Hi, Nick,.
    The tapping has done me well but in business I am dealing with allot of loosers.
    ,Is there anything in the tapping that can change that.
    I can change threw tapping but the people around me don’t tap, and don’t change.
    So how does one work with that.

  48. Anne says:

    Thank you for this timely advice – we are so overwhelmed with what we need to do next in such a short time – it is one am in the morning and I thought I would just check this incoming email which was yours and there was the solution to the remind me – to tap on the issue to get to the next step – thank you

  49. bryon newbery says:

    Very — very good advice. It has just made me re-think my approach to something I am tapping for.

  50. Adelee says:

    It’s amazing! I am in the process of fullfilling my dream of becoming a psychotherapist. I am finishing my BS in Psychology and starting my MS in counseling. I want to incorporate tapping into my practice, as I now KNOW it works (my life is improving daily).

    I kept asking the questions “how”, “when”, etc…to the point that I have been experiencing anxiety over this. This blog came at the perfect time and with the exact message I needed to hear. I simply need to take it a step at a time…and tap myself out of being overwhelmed.

    Thank you! Not only for the tiely blog, but for all of your efforts to spread the word about tapping!

    Love & Light,

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