
Tapping Meditation: Releasing Resentment

Written by: Nick Ortner

Resentment, either subtle or overt, eats away at our soul. - Nick OrtnerResentment, subtle or overt, eats away at our soul.

It’s an energetic drain that stops us from living our happiest, most productive lives.

Resentment is real. It happens. And it’s OK to feel it.

It’s a sign that something needs to change. But it’s NOT OK to hold on to it for long. 🙂

At some point, we all experience feelings of resentment, whether at a significant other, family member, friend, boss, or even a passing stranger.

You may resent someone who you feel has taken advantage of you, brushed you aside, failed to express appreciation for you…

Or maybe you resent someone who asked you to give more than you wanted without giving much back in return.

There are lots of reasons for feeling resentful, and often the core of those issues is an absence of healthy boundaries.

When we’re able to say “no” and create boundaries that support our wellbeing, we can more successfully avoid the situations that cause us to feel resentful.

With healthy boundaries in place, our relationships also become healthier and more fulfilling.

So if you’re ready to let go of some resentment, big or small (and it feels SO good to let go of this draining emotion), I’ve got a great free gift for you today: a resentment-eliminating Tapping Meditation!

It’s my gift for you because I know just how draining this feeling can be.

And I’ve even made it available for you to download and keep, so you can have it on your phone or iPod when you need it most.

Download the Audio Download the Transcript

(I’ve also included the transcript if you’d rather read and tap along.)

And please do let me know of your experience using this meditation.

If you’re new to Tapping, and realize that NOW is the best time to get started, you can learn the basics in minutes here.

AND… my NY Times bestselling book, “The Tapping Solution,” helps you clear out all the old baggage and mental patterns of resentment so that it moves further and further away. So if you haven’t already, you can pick up your copy here.

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

P.S. Make sure to share this meditation with anyone you know who might need it. They’ll forever thank you for it!

What did this meditation bring up for you? Comment below!

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14 Comments on this post

  1. Carol Browning says:

    The weather is what it is. But the constant smoke outside that puts my community in the hazardous zone is really tough on so many people. I resent our government that blames so much of the impact of global warming on the previous administration instead of waking up to the horrors of what THIS administration is doing to destroy our environment!

    • Nick Ortner says:

      Politics and environmental issues can surely raise some resent. Keep tapping and releasing, Carol. 🙂

  2. Inga Bergquist says:

    Thank you. Your words helped me formulate some thoughts and to find some thoughts of my own. I was yawning a lot and now it feels much better.

  3. Bess Scher says:

    …however, I’m so enjoying the process and look forward to releasing more and more old conditioning…Thank you!

  4. Bess Scher says:

    First, the second half of the session was way too fast for me. It appeared that Nick went to the next point before I was finished repeating the statement.

    Anyway, when I did the tapping by myself and spoke to the two individuals about the combined situations, I got angrier and angrier…and didn’t know how to proceed…

    Thank you – I will do this a few more times.

  5. Caterina says:

    I want to thank you for the script from a place in my heart I haven’t been able to access. I’ve been having pain in my liver for some time now but I’m not “unhealthy”. My Dr said it was anger/ resentment. This helped me access and then vocalize how wrong they were for taking advantage of a child. They taught me wrong ideas about myself, my body and a deep need for protection. THEY were wrong and today was the first time I vocalized that! Thanks again

    • Nick Ortner says:

      That’s wonderful to hear, Caterina. It feels good to release those emotions. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  6. Harlyn says:

    From 10 to 9! I will continue tapping! Thank you so much! For be part a my Life❤️✌️?

  7. Kaye Karfdell says:

    I went from an 8 to a 7. Towards the end I felt light headed and a tad bit dizzy. Then I saw a dove fly up and away. The natural greyish brown colored dove. Kinda neat.

  8. Marie says:

    Thank you Nick! This is wonderful and oh so timely!

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