
Tapping Meditation: Overcoming Exhaustion

Written by: Nick Ortner

Using Tapping, even just for 10 minutes, can reset your whole system. - Nick OrtnerThere’s tired, and then there’s exhausted.

Tired might be a night of poor sleep, or just a busy week, easily made up by a full night’s worth of sound rest.

Feeling exhausted is something else completely.

It’s a deep, to-the-bone depletion of energy, and I believe it often stems from running our fight/flight/freeze cycle day after day, year after year…

It’s like your mind, body, and spirit are continuously running on a hamster wheel of life!

But you can change that.

Using Tapping, even just for 10 minutes, can reset your whole system. And to make it really easy for you today, I’m sharing a Tapping Meditation on “Overcoming Exhaustion”.

It’s my gift for you today because I know how tired many of you are, and I want to make sure you have this to help. 🙂

I’ve even made it available for you to download and keep, so you can have it on your phone when you need it most.

Download the Audio Download the Transcript

(I’ve also included the transcript if you’d rather read and tap along.)

And please do let me know of your experience using this meditation.

If you’re new to Tapping, and realize that NOW is the best time to get started, you can learn the basics in minutes here.

AND… my NY Times bestselling book, “The Tapping Solution,” helps you to drop your old baggage so that you can create more abundant energy in your life. So if you haven’t already, you can pick up your copy here.

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

P.S. Make sure to share this meditation with anyone you know who might be exhausted. They’ll forever thank you for it!

What did this meditation bring up for you? Comment below!

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22 Comments on this post

  1. Michael Pescador Johnson says:

    nice, gracias ill try it, Uncle Steve, 80 y.o. still surfing, in Bonfiel, he uses it

  2. Margaret Robinson says:

    Thank you Nick. I feel so much better. I went from 10 to 4 and also my blood pressure went from 141/101 (pulse 88) to 133/83 (pulse 83). I WILL do this every day! It truly hit the spot!!

  3. Alicja says:

    10 Thank you so much really help me i fell relaxed

  4. Name (required) says:

    As a single woman, and mother of three, the idea of doing it all is exhausting sometimes. But the thing that came up most strongly for me was a feeling of desperation to create a flow of consistent long term income that will allow me to have financial security for myself and my children as they transform into adults and still have the time and energy to focus on their needs now. That is where I feel the most stress which can manifest itself as exhaustion.

    • Nick Ortner says:

      Keep on focusing on that and releasing the stress that is coming up for you one layer at a time. You can do this! 🙂

  5. Gazelle Johnson says:

    My stress comes from not being able to live up to my own high expectations, and at the same time wanting others around me to live up to the high expectations I have of them , I become intolerant … Through tapping , I have now realised just how much pressure and stress I then put on myself !! … I have basically created my unhappy working environment in pursuit of perfection
    So glad I have found tapping, the best school for learning and now using ” All is well ” and day by day in everyday I get better and better … From Dear Louise L Hay . Thank you Nick and team . .

  6. Valanne MacGyvers says:

    That helped me a lot. Thanks Nick. But you might want to check the download for the audio, I was not able to download it, but it did play for me. I was able to download the transcript, so I will use that to keep tapping on this. I am in a state of overwhelm and trying to dig out, and this really helped me to focus today.

  7. Jennie Napier says:

    A very big thank you Nick. I have been tapping with you for a while. I am a young 79 year old and have found tapping invaluable. The tapping on exhaustion was incredible. I have been under a lot of stress and sleeping has been a problem, every time I wake up I tap and it sends me back to sleep. It has cured back problems and other ailments. You have no idea how your guidance in tapping has changed my life. I tell all my friends about it and do it with them. Thank you for your generosity in sharing this with us all, it is so appreciated. You are special.

    Best wishes for a beautiful life for you and Jessica

    Jennie Napier

  8. Melinda says:

    Just what I needed. Thank you!

  9. Toni Joyner says:

    I went from waking up feeling tired and exhausted to smiling and ready to go halfway through my taking session. Thank you Nick Ortner for the Tapping Solution ???

  10. Dawndee says:

    Thank You Nick. My life is literally transforming between you and God. Together it is unbeatable!!

  11. Ursula Defferary says:

    Thank you, Nick, your meditations and tapping are amazing. I have recommended your site and tapping to so many people. In Gratitude for making it so accessible

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