Pain Relief

Tapping Meditation – Letting Go of the Past

Written by: Nick Ortner

One of the greatest powers in Tapping comes from releasing events from the past

If we have negative emotional experiences that haven’t fully healed, that we haven’t let go of, the reality is that they are STILL affecting us on a daily basis, often unconsciously.

Has something happened to you in the past, that when you think about the event, it still holds an emotional charge?

Perhaps a broken heart that still aches? Difficult financial events that you can’t seem to let go of? Did you do something that you feel guilty about and are still beating yourself up over?

If so, one of the fastest ways to let go of these past events is a Tapping technique.

“The Movie Technique”

So today, if you want to feel a little lighter, let go of a little more, find that energy and joy again, then I have a free Tapping Meditation for you!

This meditation was originally designed as a companion to my book, “The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief”, but even if you’re NOT in pain, you’ll find the meditation applies to letting go of any event from the past.

It’s also a great meditation to listen to if you’re currently dealing with an autoimmune disorder as well since many of those are often associated with physical and emotional pain.

Go ahead and give it a listen, do some tapping, let those past events go, and allow your body to heal.

Letting Go of the Past – Tapping Meditation

Download the Transcript Here

Until next time,

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Did this Tapping Meditation help release some emotional events of your past? Let me know below!

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56 Comments on this post

  1. NANCY says:

    Just ordered this book called””‘Tapping Solution for pain relief a step by step guide to reducing —–
    so helpful book, thanks Nick…

  2. NANCY says:

    very powerful, just on time.
    Thank you Nick

  3. Carole says:

    This meditation is wonderful!! I tapped on an incident from a past relationship and I feel so much lighter!! The interesting thing is that I thought I had already worked through the incident; however, when you said to think about something from our past, that one came to my mind, so, I went for it. I’m so grateful to you for bringing these opportunities to all of us, which help release the negative and replace it with positive energy. Thanks again!!

  4. Ana says:

    Great ! Thanks

  5. Pamela says:

    Dear Nick a death like sense of aloneness has walked with me all my life and driven many unfortunate choices. After decades of inner work I am now working with an EFT counsellor and at the age of 77 for the first time meeting this despair and not looking for bandaids for it. It is challenging and every day I have to face it when I wake up but I do have brief shifts and they give me hope. Bless you ? and thank you. Hugs Pamela

    • Nick Ortner says:

      That’s so brave of you, Pamela! For these types of issues, working with a practitioner is one of BEST choices you can make. I’m proud of you for deciding to face these fears so that you can heal them. 🙂

  6. Anna says:

    Thank you Nick for this guided movie technique. I have your book and am familiar with the technique. Severe toothache connected with fear made me listen to your voice today,and I was led to the time as a teenager when 4 teeth at a time were extracted for braces, I went throught he whole procedure again, all the fear, pain, beeing left alone, having to be strong and even going to school and track later, all the blood, deep sadness about loosing part of me…. but I could release a lot, and forgive, realising how it taught me to take good care of myself and my body, always looking for gentle and natural solutions and methods. So thank you for lesding me through the process.

  7. Jane staley says:

    This was a terrific meditation. Just like everyone else thank you so much it was perfect timing. Had a big fight with my son. It really help me resolve that and love and forgive. Thanks

  8. Manon Angel - Buenos Aires says:

    Very rewarding. There´s always more in there to clear out.
    Thank you

  9. amelia bare says:

    Thankyou Nick! Helped allot and continued on tapping and imagining feeling the emotions lighten, the scenes getting father way and less hold.

    I hope this isn’t inappropriate. The last song on this meditation is a cd I use to have and no longer own. I would love to know the name to have to tap to on my own. Or, would be happy to buy just the music version.
    Again thanks for all you do?

    • Nick Ortner says:

      That’s great, Amelia! Glad it helped. I actually don’t know the name of the music track, since this was put together by our A/V team. 🙂

  10. Maria says:

    Worked good for me. Happy to get to know your work through VMR) Thank you.

  11. ron says:

    thanks nick, brilliant as always,scary to replay,but listening to your words always helps.

  12. Kim says:

    Nick, thank you so very very much. This technique is the one that is really moving things, getting to the core issues, and helping me. I don’t have to say anything, just FEEL. That feels really good to me because while my trauma was happening I wasn’t “saying” anything. I was in shock and denial and all I said was “No” over and over again and then dissolved into different degrees of crying/sobbing. The FEELING of going through all of it was INTENSE and I’ve been told I have PTSD as a result of it. I’ve been stuck and stagnant and full of immense grief and pain for over two years because of it. I couldn’t let it go, but I want to and I know I need to. This movie technique helped me realize that this particular traumatic event is very similar to something that happened when I was a baby – which I would never have realized. I also had some major AHA realizations about the beliefs I have internalized about myself, others, relationships, and life related to this issue/trauma and the MUCH earlier ones that it is related to. HUGE realizations and I went from body-wracking sobbing doing this to deep calm breathing as it
    this finished. I sense that I feel a bit less traumatized when I think of certain climactic parts of my movie. I am hopeful that I can begin now to heal from this and let it go and give myself the love, support, and understanding I need to leave it in the past and to find myself and some sense of safety and stability again. THIS technique was what I needed. Thank you so very much for what you and your family do…and who you all ARE. Deepest gratitude and love to you from the bottom of my heart.

    • Nick Ortner says:

      That’s so beautiful, Kim. Thanks for sharing! Tapping is such a powerful and effective technique to utilize when it comes to healing from trauma. Just remember to be gentle with yourself through the process, and simply work on those areas that you feel ready to release. Big hugs to you! 😀

  13. Michelle says:

    Hi Nick I have been using your beautiful gift daily to cleanse and feel released through realising and letting go of old habits and beliefs traumas from my past. I truly had not realized how much I was holding onto.As I gently heal each issue the more compassion Love and understanding I feel. A deeply profound knowing that everything is flowing and that I will some how achieve my goals of helping others in some way.?

    • Nick Ortner says:

      That’s wonderful, Michelle! There’s so many things we don’t even know are there until we start tapping. 🙂

  14. Ian says:

    I was hit on the head with a brick by a playmate when I was three years old, and had to have six stitches in my head. I’m 57 now and its become an old family joke. But revisiting the event with this meditation helped me understand the profound shock I felt and the reluctance afterwards to engage any kind of confrontation.

    • Nick Ortner says:

      It’s amazing how childhood traumas can stay with for so long, isn’t it, Ian? Even innocent events or accidents like the one you experienced. It’s great you made this connection. Now you can tap and release it. 🙂

      • Ian says:

        You’ve used the analogy before about layers of an onion. A much more recent trauma is the death of my wife 18 months ago. It’s remarkable how these layers are connected in ways we can’t even see.

  15. Michelle says:

    Thank you so much Nick, I have truly benefitted from the release of letting go of the past…

    So many feelings I had been holding onto. I feel so much lighter and at ease.

    I truly do thank you

  16. Martha Williams says:

    Thank you! I was able to release a lot of the upset/angry relating to my son’s death and do some forgiving. LOL

  17. Brian says:

    Thank you for make this available , I was allowing someone to keeping replaying in my mind. But now this over.
    I have used Tapping in past and it has always helped.
    This works and much cheaper then Therapist.

    Thank you so very much.

  18. Lorna Gerard says:

    Dear Nick,
    Thank you with all my heart for the wonderful work you do. I have been using you Tapping for many many years as well as other tools from Louise Hay and many spiritual healers. My journey has been a very deep profound one, as a mother of four beautiful children and going through the suicide of our eldest son twenty years ago, has left a deep wound in all the family. I am so grateful and thankful for being shown and having access to all the wonderful healing tools, to set us free from pain and heartache as we as a family allow the love and healing that we are so worthy of to help us along this journey to wholeness. With much love and gratitude and compassion for all that are in our wonderful movies of life.?

  19. Nohleen says:

    Thank you Nick. The movie that popped up was one that I had thought I’d dealt with, but obviously not. The betrayal and grief and total disbelief that this could be happening to me was as real 11 years later as if it had just happened. The realization also that this scenario has kept repeating itself through the past 11 years in one way or another is a perfect sign that I have not dealt with it fully. I’ll keep tapping through the tears. So grateful for you and what you do.

    • Nick Ortner says:

      That’s a great insight, Nohleen. Repeating patterns is a good indicator that our subconscious is still operating under the same beliefs. I’m glad this tapping helped! 🙂

  20. Nitza Sanchez says:

    Hi Nick, what if i have more than one event? Do i have to do a meditation for each one? or what do you recommend?

    • Nick Ortner says:

      Typically for the movie technique, Nitza, it’s best to focus on one event at a time, unless they are somehow related and can flow smoothly together. However, sometimes when we tap on one “movie” it can positively release other similar instances from our past that may be emotionally related. 🙂

      • Nitza Sanchez says:

        Thank you Nick for your response. I will find a moment today to concentrate and do this meditation. Deep inside i feel that i need to let go so many moments that haunt me and even when i try to move on in my life i occasionally feel that these moments still wander around and it´s a burden and sometimes hurt

  21. Milany says:

    Wow! That was really powerful . It helped me release the disappointment about an upsetting situation that I just had to deal with

  22. Elizabeth says:

    Hi Nick
    Thank you so much for this – I’ve just tapped through the last time I saw my Mum 11 months ago – she was in a hospice suffering with mesothelioma. She was due to be discharged in 2 days – they said she wasn’t dying – I’d felt so guilty because I left her at 8pm saying I’d be back the following morning. I turned as I walked out of the ward and she smiled at me and then I got a call at 12.40am saying she’d deteriorated. I was distraught and called our pastor as I have no other relatives and he met me there. She was unconscious and we sat holding her hands until she died at 3.45am. That was 6 August 2018, 4 days before my 50th birthday which I obviously didn’t celebrate. I’ve felt so ashamed and guilty ever since because I didn’t stay longer and I miss her so much. When I did the tapping I really cried and I continued tapping for a while afterwards and I definitely feel better about it.
    Thank you so much. You’re like an Angel on Earth.
    Best wishes from
    Kent, England

  23. Barbara Jacobsen says:

    Your meditation helped me to go deeper into my painful memory of betrayal and feel my mother’s pain and find forgiveness. Thank you for your guidance.

  24. Hollis says:

    PLEASE provide a transcript for those of us who can not listen to just audio, please!! I’m in an extremely trying physical situation right now and this is exactly what I need. . .but I can’t access it. Is there ANY way you could send a transcript to me? Thanks so much.

    • Nick Ortner says:

      Hi Hollis! While we don’t always have transcripts for all of our audios, I WAS able to find one for this meditation. I’ve added it to the blog post itself, but you can also download the transcript here. Hope this helps! 🙂

      • Hollis says:

        Nick — I had searched, obviously unsuccessfully, for a transcript on-line, so thank you SO much for providing it for me here! I greatly, greatly appreciate it!

  25. Ivana says:

    dear Nick, this “movie technique” moved me to tears – I thank you.

    • Nick Ortner says:

      You’re welcome, Ivana. Tears are common when using this technique because it is so powerful. But when tapping, it’s also a powerful release from your body. xo

  26. patricia patane says:

    Thank you so very much. I have a peaceful calm. Bless you.

  27. Gail says:

    I was raised in a negative environment. Never had much confidence. My Dad didn’t know how to show love. Felt I was completely whole when I had a man in my life. Been married three times. My negativity in life has caused so many problems. From making bad decisions I’ve lost my son who has no respect for me. I have grieved for 20 years because I should have never gotten a divorce. I live in fear, have no confidence, low self-esteem, feel sorry for myself, live in the past, try too hard to make friends but no one wants to be around someone who is sad and won’t try things because of fear, lose so called friends because I dwell in the past and self-pity. Read to give up.

    • vanessa says:

      hi gail, well, welcome to a new way of doing things! I’ve been so fortunate to have found this style of processing and releasing, and it’s helped me tremendously, and I know it can help you move out of these old patterns and into a life you love and you actually create for yourself. How do I know this? Because I’ve seen it work for thousands of people, as I discovered a version of tapping in 1993, then called “the 5 minute Phobia Cure”. I’ve seen many with mental illness (or mental / emotional issues, deeeeep ones) move out of living from fear and repeating old unwanted patterns, just by tapping on these points and saying the words. Nick provides some great words, (tho this movie technique doesn’t use words) and you can just follow along, easy as pie. You do NOT have to believe each statement as you say it, OK? Such as, “I love and accept myself.” You just have to check in on how much you do or don’t believe it, notice how much resistance you have to saying it, and see what emotion arises as you say it. Then you tap that one thru. If you take the time to process each event, you CAN and you will clear it. One practitioner calls it the PPP- the Personal Peace Process. It will bring you peace, if you use it. Best of fortune to you!

    • Nick Ortner says:

      I feel your distress, Gail. I’ve worked with lots of folks who have felt the same. But there are always new choices to make, new ways to live, a new YOU to create. It all starts with a decision to carry on, and then to begin remaking yourself and your life in a new, positive way. Tapping can certainly help, and it may be very beneficial to work with a practitioner for their guidance and encouragement. Big hugs to you! xo

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