Financial Success

Shhhh… Don’t Tell Anyone… (How to Nurture an Idea)

Written by: Nick Ortner

Perhaps it’s just because of my “story”…

About how I had this crazy idea to make a documentary film about EFT Tapping, with no filmmaking experience, limited funds (my personal credit cards!) and no initial team…

And yet somehow managed to get the film out into the world, create the Tapping World Summits, and write a NY Times best-selling book… people ask… “HOW???”

“How did you do it?”

Obviously, there were a lot of elements to this journey that just can’t be covered in one blog post (though I do share more of that journey in my book), but I’d like to share one that I found – and continue to find – VITALLY important.

It’s a place where a lot of people struggle, and where, frankly, some amazing ideas find their way into the idea graveyard or garbage can, never seeing the light of day.

It’s a crucial point in time, in the process of creating a grand vision…

It’s… right… in… the… beginning…

The… birth… of… this… fresh… young… tender… idea…

The Birth of an Idea

You know the feeling: Ahh… inspiration! You’re relaxed, you’re taking a bath or a shower, you’re walking in the woods… and it hits you! What if I create this? What if I start this? What if I change this? What if I do this?

It’s an exciting time! Yes! This is it! This is going to be great! This is going to change the world. This is going to change my life. I’m going to do it!

Now… hit “Pause” on that scene, because this is a crucial time in the life of an idea.

You have two choices here:

A. Tell others about it, tell the world about it, and take action

B. Stay silent and take action

What choice would you make here? What choice have you made in the past?

What do you think I’m going to recommend?  Well, the title of this blog post might have given that answer away, “Shhh… don’t tell anyone…” 🙂

How to Nurture an Idea

At this point in the lifecycle of an idea, I highly recommend you stay silent, OR at the very most share it with one or two people who you REALLY, REALLY trust to give you positive feedback (though that can be really hard to find, so the preference is to stay silent!).

Why? Because this little (eventually big!) idea is just a little seedling. Like the young tender plants that my wife Brenna and I plant and nurture indoors for spring planting, we must first get them strong and ready to be in the ground.

They need just the right amount of water, just the right amount of light, just the right amount of air, etc.

So does your IDEA.

Let’s play out the opposite scenario, where you share your idea with someone, especially when it’s young, not fully formed, and tender.

You say, “Hey John! I just had this great idea to do X!” And John says, “Really? Wow, I don’t know about that, sounds like it would be really hard…”

Or even something a little bit more positive like, “That’s a really cool idea, but you have to be aware of this…” Or whatever John says that isn’t 100% positive, nurturing, and uplifting.

THIS is the place where ideas die. THIS is the place where that initial enthusiasm gets squashed and you start questioning yourself. “Maybe John is right…”

What’s crazy about this moment in the life cycle of the idea is that someone could be positive, but even give you a “look” that deflates your enthusiasm, and the idea could still wither.

We are, for better or worse, really influenced by our peers, our parents, our society (and again, you can tap on working to clear that influence!).

When to Share Your Idea

Now, let’s be honest here, the strength of your idea WILL be tested at some point. It’s a given.

I’m not saying, “Never tell anyone about it!” because that’s obviously impossible. When I had the idea to make the film, I had to get buy-in from other people to support the vision. I had to share the idea.

The key is to either:

A. Wait until you’ve thought about it more, started on the project (it’s harder for people to squash something you’ve already started), and moved further down the line.

B. When the idea does get tested, wherever it is in its life cycle, use Tapping to clear out any fear, limiting beliefs, etc. as per above.

When young plantlings are ready for the garden, they will thrive and grow because of the care we’ve taken with them in the beginning.

Treat your ideas with that same tender care, and they will flourish, come to life, and manifest in this world!

It is not once nor twice but times without number that the same ideas make their appearance in the world.” – Aristotle

(My addition to the quote: “So it’s not about having the idea, it’s about nurturing it to grow and spread in the world!)

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!


Have you had a great idea that perhaps you shared a little too soon, and weren’t happy with the reaction of others? Comment below!

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136 Comments on this post

  1. Laurence McGorian says:

    Yes. I had an idea. I sought advice from 30-people. 29 said “Go” and only one said “No”
    My lack of self-esteem led me to listen to the “No”
    A major company took it and made Millions!
    That was 15-years ago.

    If only Tapping had been around then!

  2. Naomi Blank says:

    You are so right. I can think back to so many instances when a bud of an idea shriveled and died when some well intentioned family member or friend decided it was in my best interest not to take that ri sk. I might end up looking foolish.or maybe they might by association. But equally important is knowing when to let that plant stand tall and attract all the bees and butterflies that will spread its pollen whe re it needs to go. I Know that all my ideas thrive with the right collaboration at the right time. Thanks for leading by example.

  3. Rondab says:

    I think it is a great idea. I have let so many ideas wither away because of the initial response I received when I shared. Thanks for the new path!

  4. Nancy says:

    Excellent advice and analog to seedling plants. Being someone mostly of ideas (manifestation has always been a challenge for me), I’d come to a place of finding good homes for my ideas instead of trying to bring them into fruition myself. However, there is one idea (to write about a needed cultural change) that feels too simple and tender to release into someone else’s care. I believe this post and tapping will help me with manifestation. Thanks, Nick!

  5. Helen says:

    Hello Nick. As usual, you have hit the nail on the head. I have had some
    Ideas (“way before their time” ideas) and have presented them with enthusiasm
    And watched them fizzle from those people not ” ready ” or my vision not being
    Formed enough to blow them away. Sadness for me is I had “given in and given
    Up ” on my vision or business idea. Low and behold to watch the idea come to life
    Several months or years later with others or even those people I had originally
    Presented the idea or concept. I must say I have lost the faith in creating for myself
    My late, best friend and ex husband always said to me sagely (25 years older )
    “Think twice and say nothing” and ” keep your own counsel”.
    Sometimes my own enthusiasm and deep desire to Trust and believe
    In others has just destroyed my faith in myself. Thank you for your sage
    Advice as well. Maybe if will finally sink in and allow me the courage to be creative again.

    All good wishes

  6. Michele Carter says:

    Thanks Nick,
    How true that is!! I have had an idea now for over a year and have not acted on it until very recently. It is in the beginning stages and I feel it will be very successful. The Shhhh!! is the only way to go. I know of too many people that would say to me. You cannot do that. You cannot afford to try that. It will never work. You are a small person in a huge amount of more important people that will do that. No one wants to be bothered with someone they have never heard of.
    Well, lol. that is what I would hear so Shhhh!! is a given.
    Thanks again for the thoughts. They are spot on.

  7. Priya says:

    Great Article Nick!
    Whether to take action on your own or share it to someone is actually depends upon importance of the idea. Some ideas are worth taking action on your own and some need input of others. Choice is ours 🙂

  8. Richard says:

    Whenever I’ve worked with someone with tapping I’ve asked them to say nothing about it for at least 3 days so that the healing really “gels,” -gets set in place and withstand the doubt onslaughts from others. As for myself if the project is personal I tend to be silent about it and just get into doing it and then talking about it. If it is social and involves others I’m look for a reality check for support and feedback. I don’t get discouraged if I get “no’s” and instead put the idea on the back burner for another time or place. I presently have a music project for which I’m told the money is not there. That’s OK, for now. But others now know that this is something I want to manifest and that the energy for it to happen is still there. It may not manifest immediately, but it’s gonna happen, i can count on that. I’ve been out on the cutting edge a number of times -and I’ve been cut, so I know it’s a rough place to play. But I’m in for the game -it’s life giving.

    Many thanks for your book/video. Keep at it!

  9. Terese says:

    Tons! I teach in a conservative district and my creativity gets pounced on daily. I stopped contributing my
    ideas to find out others use them down the line. I better start tapping every day. I ordered your book for a friend also and have only peaked inside once. Thanks for being their and all you do. Big hugs, from Wisconsin,
    Terese ( I have to code my name even because of stolen ideas). Help! 🙂

  10. Pavel says:

    Nick, I am so greatfull and thankfull for you. You are right. Shhhh…hhh, keep tapping and keep your ideas grow, keep time enough for a change, keep go on, keep be open, friendly and kind…..because Happiness, Love, Success and Prosperity will come to you without a world, noise and big celebration, completely in silence, back to you, back to me, back to all “good idea farmers” as well.

    I feel like a borning into beautiful, peacefull and happy existence here and I am very glad to have you as one of my very good fellow, creativity coach, help on the way to all that new in my new future. In Our new future.

  11. Shirley Anderson says:

    I think this a very important and necesary approach, and one that I normaly use. hhowever I have often gone a bit too far in NOT asking the right people for advice when I should have, and my “plants”/ideas have withered from not having been nurtured in the right way. Good on. And thank you.

  12. Mart Ramirez says:

    Thank you for the reminder, Nick! They say not to do this with story ideas too. I recently had an idea I was very passionate about and thought a friend could help. When she steered me away the enthusiasm and idea dwindled. It’s very true.
    Thank you!!

  13. jennie says:

    I am a nurse with a huge amount of experience I am planning to use some of my skills to become a life coach. I am always struggling for time with my patients, their physical needs often override their emotional ones and I am really looking forward to having quality time with my clients where they set the agenda and I help them to achieve balance and success in their lives.
    Whenever I coach I feel such a positive energy flowing through me,it helps counteract the burnout I sometimes feel from my nursing work.
    I have been wary about who I share this with because of people close to me who are instinctively negative: having said that I have had such an uplifting response from my friends and colleagues that I feel empowered to continue, but even without their unconditional support, I know this is my way forward.

  14. Dianne McCown says:

    Hi Nick,
    I agree that it is best to keep ideas to oneself. I learned this strategy long ago, and there are many reasons to do so. I have also taught others to do this.
    Thanks for enlightening others,

  15. anny says:

    Amazing!!, I love, enjoy this wonderful advise.

  16. E page Cunningham says:

    The saying is “Silence is Golden”. Oh yes!

  17. Diana M. says:

    Boy, you just may have something there! I tend to open my big mouth FAR too many times–I’ve allowed my dear, loving family to talk me out of much needed things to help my 2 Special Needs kids, only to regret it later on. I need to take those first steps myself, & either reap the benefits, or the negatives (God forbid!) whatever the case may be, & if the negatives should surface, i.e. things just DON’T work out in spite of the tapping, then just resolve myself to thinking that this certain approach just wasn’t meant to be, & then work on maybe a different approach. Thanks for your thoughts!

  18. Caroline says:

    Hi Nick!

    I have many times come up with great ideas,
    But unfortunately been either to scared to even
    “plant the seed” or been crushed by others!

    I’m now very sick and therefore think a lot too….
    I have this new idea about something….
    As I’m sick I haven’t had the strength to do anything yet.
    I shared it with two people so far….and you are right;
    They just smile and maybe because I’m sick they
    are trying to be “nice”!
    I got crushed and thought “of course they are right”.
    But I can’t let go of the idea….it’s more for others than for me!
    Not going to tell anyone anymore, just try to work on it when
    I get some strenght back.
    I hope one day I will be able to read your new book Nick,

    I will keep on tapping…and believing!
    Thank you,
    ~we are all connected~

  19. Chuck Gebhardt says:

    This really resonates with me, Nick! I have been working on a book about the illusions we accept as true in our lives. I have been posting rough drafts of book chapters on my blog. I have noticed that my motivation to write goes up and down depending on how each article is received. After reading this great message, I see the error in this approach. Sharing is ok just as long as the lack of immediate positive feedback doesn’t kill my enthusiasm.

    I would add another potential assassin of new ideas that I struggle with: demanding perfection before accepting something as worthwhile. Using tapping here has been helpful.

    And one more idea your message reminds me of. I have noticed that when I get an impulse to do something helpful for someone that is a little out of the ordinary, if I hesitate and think about it, my motivation will often disappear as my nay-saying mind starts giving me reasons not to act. I am trying to learn quickly act when I feel something is well intended and helpful. Don’t mull it over. Nice work, thanks!

  20. Lisa says:

    Nick, Great post! I agree with you and I highly recommend protecting a new idea/venture. In fact, in my November 7, 2012 post, You Know You Made The Right Decision When You Can’t Stop Smiling, I addressed this very same thing with a similar analogy! Here’s what I posted:

    “At this time, I feel the need to keep this path, this dream sacred and close to my heart. You see, over the years, I’ve learned that sometimes it’s best to announce your plans to the world seeking support and encouragement from others to attain your goals.

    And, sometimes, it’s best to keep your goals close to yourself until you see where they lead and how they fully form; to protect them from naysayers or well-intentioned critical ears so they can be safely planted, cared for, and fully developed. This is one of those times for me.”

    Before I started to let anyone know (other than my husband and my son), I established my new site, wrote drafts of several blog posts and published a few of them, created and printed new business cards, even took a specialized course w/an expert. After the basic foundation work was complete, I told 1 or 2 carefully-chosen people, then a few acquaintances, then did a soft-announcement on Twitter (gradually changing my profile-1 more step to go), and am now letting my neighbors know one-by-one. This is a very different strategy than I’ve ever done before and I find I’m excited yet relaxed (thank you tapping!!-really helps with anxiousness), and I have gained confidence with each step I’ve taken. Thank you! 🙂 ~Lisa

  21. Claudia Boy says:

    Dear Nick you are totally right! the comment of a loved one just before a project can be definitive, I began writing a book, and made the mistake of involving to many people, thinking that this way I could push myself to completition, many started correcting my writings,and suddenly the enthusiasm started abandoning me… yes, tragic, but I remembered tapping. After three rounds of tapping I sat in front of the computer and was able to push all the comments away and was ready then to have fun in the process, and with making mistakes. I looove Tapping.

  22. loretta land says:

    Curiously, it is what I have consistently observed in others; whenever I have heard people consistently airing their ideas they have never developed and born fruit. It is those who have kept quiet who have managed to surprise one with their fully realised project.

  23. Charlotte says:

    The impossible missions are the only ones that succeed-Jacques Cousteau

  24. Ludmilla Bulkeley says:

    dear Nick,
    I am keeping the Idea for myself and let it grow inside me.
    In my present suraundig sorry to let you know ,are very few who interested to new
    Ideas, I have even problem with my daughter to teach her to think positive, she needs it badly.
    I let me guide by the Spirit, this never fails. When it is ready to let others to know about it, than I will tell them.
    Best wishes Ludmilla

  25. lolly says:

    With age I have gotten much wiser, and understand the wisdom of this advice. No matter whom you tell there is always someone who will throw fire on your ice, and gloat as it melts away. Often times they are jealous or envious of your passion, energy and creativity, even your most trusted companions. We are so conditioned to react to someone else’s good fortune with envy and fear; that it should be mine they may think.
    I have learned to create, test, grow, nurture, cultivate and observe as my dream unfolds, and becomes the vision I imagined, and then I can share my joy and abundance in ways that may help them find their own dream to vision.
    Tapping has been an amazing tool when I am in a quandary, though the words often escape me the intention is no less viable and effective. I use it often and for a variety of reasons. Keep on gettin on nick ortner.

  26. Jennifer says:

    I know I need to tap to keep my idea fresh and new. I am about to retire from 30 years of teaching and have this great idea or at least I was inspired and even wrote out titles of chapters or little books. This is definitely not money making and that is not my intention. People kept asking what I was going to do post retirement all the while this book idea has been bubbling under the surface. At first I’d joke about this project but got many positive supportive comments. I started to do the research on the topic and that process is discouraging to me. Really knowing my project is not for money, still I question the uniqueness of the ideas of my “book” so that fear is arising , inspiration dying– largely due to telling people about it!

    Thank you for your book, blog, links. The 2013 summit and your book came appeared at the most needed time!

  27. Connie says:

    Wow…Thank you so much for sharing this. Since I began reading you email I’ve been following your tappings and I am enjoying life so much better. Learning to tap into the reality of the life I so deserve. Again WOW…Thank you,Connie

  28. Christine Osborne says:

    The person who has always put me off fulfilling a task that I wasn’t so much excited about more felt that I ought to do it, was a part of myself. Hence the need for tapping.

    But my task has now been completed, after much suffering! It is out in the open and on the internet. Not sure if the amount of suffering involved (for no reason other than fear of being noticed) was worth it, as I nearly made myself ill. This was pre-tapping days but there is still the constant need for tapping or releasing tension. Some things seem to go very deep!

  29. Jennifer says:

    I know I need to tap to keep my idea fresh and new. I am about to retire from 30 years of teaching and have this great idea or at least I was inspired and even wrote out titles of chapters or little books. This is definitely not money making and that is not my intention. People kept asking what I was going to do post retirement all the while this book idea has been bubbling under the surface. At first I’d joke about this project but got many positive supportive comments. I started to do the research on the topic and that process is discouraging to me. Really knowing my project is not for money, still I question the uniqueness of the ideas of my “book” so that fear is arising , inspiration dying– largely due to telling people about it!

  30. Eric says:

    Nick, thank you for being you. Authentic, genuine, caring for all. I have had ideas beyond measure only to go through what you describe, so excited to share only to get trampled with negative and or reluctant positivity. I really needed to see this email from you. Thanks for what you do and represent to a desperately needing world. To answer, I will and have been keeping recent ideas close, until the proper time.

  31. alma says:

    I am poor in English I am AN IRANIAN but I know what do you mean .dear NICK thank you I follow your articles……

  32. Melody says:

    I have to agree with you, and everyone else. Ideas do get put down a lot by others as well as the same ideas pop up later from someone else. I once had the idea years ago to offer insurance for pets, and people laughed at me. So I dropped the idea. You can now get insurance for your pet, because someone had the idea years after I did, and put it in motion. My brother told a friend about an idea and his friend took the idea, and sold it to someone before my brother had a chance. Ideas come and go everyday, and you have to be ready to act when one pops up. Thanks for the info Nick!

  33. Len Blank says:

    Hi Nick,

    I’ve read your book and watched your DVD. I do tapping every day. I wanted to share with you a book and accompanying CD (with 24 original songs) written and performed by my friend and I, which you might be interested in reading and listening to. It’s all about self-empowerment and self-love

  34. Dave says:

    Thank you, Mr. Ortner. Had I known about this sooner I would have either kept it to myself first or tapped on it. God bless you exceedingly more!

  35. jana says:

    Although I have only been tapping for about 5 years, even before that I guarded my seedlings determined no one would squash them. When they got a little bigger I would venture to test their strength (and mine) by telling a few people my plans/ideas prepared to hold fast in the midst of fear and negativity. This process has worked well for me. Today you mention tapping to keep these ideas “protected” and uninhibited which I thank you for because I had not thought to do that. I am anxious to learn more ways I can use tapping and will be open to all that I can learn.

  36. Gayla DeBose says:

    I was in my teens and told people that, as a musician, I wanted to work with the learning disabled and teach them through music. (This was years before the current”Music Therapist” degree was even a career or the education available) I was questioned and laughed at, so by the time the program was available, the schools were few I was not able to move or travel.
    I suppose that idea was picked up by others through Universal Consciousness.
    But it IS one of my regrets. Guess that would be a good tapping subject, huh?

  37. Mira says:

    Yes Nick,I completely agree with you. I had many ideas in the past and usually I didn’t tell anybody about it until it wasn’t ready to realize. That’s the way I feel more confident.

  38. Claudia Rios Zertuche says:

    It is true, it happens every time that I have a project and share it with my Family, something happened and could not be completed. Thanks for this great article, I am going to apply it since today !

  39. Robert Gschiel says:


    I have done this too many times in the past, I wish to change my profession since six years and never manage to do so ! Always I get in the information, follow through until the final point and then break it up again.

    Off I go to another round !

  40. Vivian says:

    you are completly right….since I was a girl I had so many creative ideas but the moment I share them with my parents, my father…well the idea became smashed potatoes… due to this I learned to shhh don t tell anyone….but the thing is that those voices were still in my mind…now with tapping and that famous first phrase…
    Even though….. I truly and completly accept myself oowwwwwwww… that makes the difference I feel relax and more confident….so I continue tapping… thanks for all your help!!!!

  41. Ruta says:

    @Jakub: No time like the present -DO IT – many around the world would benefit, for sure. Good luck – start a rough draft and go on from there.

  42. Dave Bolotin says:

    My initial reaction was to share it with people from the “get go”, but after reading your logic about it, I flashed on many ideas that I shared in the idea stage that never went any further because of someone’s reaction, so I concur. Thank you, Nick!

  43. Kelly says:

    Hi Nick
    What an inspiring article. I love the idea of comparing an idea to a plant such a beautiful way of describing it.

  44. Karen says:

    I agree! Sometimes the reason to stay silent and to keep holding the idea gently in both hands is that we are our own worst critics and can squelch the idea before we can even form the best words around it. All the more reason to not bring it out to others. Tapping helps me wait until I am strong with belief in it and it has been tenderly cared for and is growing and nothing anyone else says will sway me from trying.

  45. Vasiliy Neo says:

    Thanks, Nick! This is awesome advice for… actually everyone, because everyone is creative in something.

  46. Susan says:

    My son shared an idea with me and I gave him every reason why he shouldn’t consider it. He took my advice and didn’t act on his dream. He never stopped thinking about it and fianlly a year later he acted. It has been incredibly successful. Had he not told me he would have started a year earlier and would have already had a year of amazing financial success. Fortunatly he never let go of the dream. We both learned a valuable lesson. I could not agree more with your blog today Nick! You are right on!

  47. Chrissy says:

    Hahah. I needed to read this like 30 years ago. I am soooo bad at keeping secrets-So bad that I would eventually ask my daughter to GUESS what I got her for Christmas (lol). I do have a vision and have had it for 2 years now and have slowly been putting into action. I did tell some people and this is so spot on- there reaction does affect the process. I am shhhhh”n now and let my vision unfold. Thanks once again Nick.

  48. Katerina says:

    I absolutely agree with Shhhh. Our mind produces noise in the process that we have to work on quieting down why add to that from external sources.

    Thanks for sharing and reminding


  49. K says:


    Thanks for your thoughts on sharing new, creative ideas with others: I am of the mindset that it is better to hold on to ideas one may have, if that is possible; some people just have to “shout it out” and that’s fine, too! However, experience has taught me that the propensity for negative response is multiplied when putting forth a dream idea, so you are correct in advising to keep it under wraps until a more appropriate time when you have more certainty and back-up on the idea.

  50. Mary Roberts says:

    I am in the process of opening my healing energy business.I have taken it step by step with spirit guidance,I havent opened my business yet but know there are more pieces of the puzzle before it will be a reality.So I do agree about keeping your ideas quite until it is visalble.I know this is what I have to do with my career.I have been tapping for about 6 months now and it had changed my life.Thank You..

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