
Happy Mothers Day

Written by: Nick Ortner

Happy Mothers Day!

We have a special (and funny) treat for all of you. In honor of Mothers Day, Jessica hit the streets of New York City to ask an interesting question… “What is the best advice your mother has ever given you?”

For most of us, our mothers are our first mentors and teachers. It can be helpful to look back and reflect on the positive lessons we did learn from our moms on this day and show our gratitude.

If your mom is still around on this Mothers Day, instead of just wishing her a “Happy Mothers Day”, spend time asking her questions about her childhood and her greatest lessons. You just may be surprised as to how much you may learn!

After watching the video, comment below and let us know what the best advice your mother ever gave you was!

Jessica first tried filming this video a few weeks ago and on that first day she had some “challenges.”  We thought we’d share some of the bloopers from that first unsuccessful day of filming.  🙂

She actually shared this video on her Facebook page at the time.  Watch Jessica’s “blooper reel” video below and remember, even if things don’t go your way you can always laugh!

Jessica’s “Bloopers”

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Remember to comment below and let us know what the best advice your mother ever gave you was!

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214 Comments on this post

  1. Lisa D. Richards says:

    I really like your site. I will regularly visit your site and share for my friends.

  2. Harrier says:

    I really like your site. There’s nothing more important than looking after our bundles of joy.

  3. Loni says:

    I really thought you would have alot more responses in the film than seemed to be happening! Then I tried to think of the best advice my mother gave me and it was so hard because she and I were so different and had very different views of life. i don’t remember good advice from her, but I am sure she gave some that I thought valid! So,I am staying on here until I remember one!!!! I’ll tell you how long I was here!!!!

    hah!!!!3 minutes I don’t know if she ever said it to me or I just knew by her attitude and actions…..”Always.remember I will be here for you!” Yes, I am crying….but I feel loved! Thank you Jessica!

  4. Alicia says:

    My Mom has a lot of wise sayings that she learn from her family and my favorite is (which it might not translate very well): people give away what they have in excess. So every time I give a compliment or a judgmental comment I can’t help but wonder what is it that I have in excess 😉

  5. Marilyn McCormick says:

    My mother always told me, “Don’t believe anything that you hear and only half of what you see.’ I didn’t quite understand this when I was young, but later I learned that what we often hear is gossip so don’t believe that when I hear it. And because there is usually more to a situation than the small part of it that we see, so we shouldn’t draw conclusions from what we see and think we “know” the whole story.

  6. Joan Carter says:

    When I was just a child my mother told me that happiness is a choice, that in any situation one can choose to be unhappy, mad, bitchy,or one can choose happiness. It’s as simple as that.

    Much later, I was 45 and Mama 75′ she said…’Don’t sweat the small stuff.”

    Now she’s 92 I am 62, she says…”don’t worry,cause you are worrying about the wrong thing.”

    Thank you Mama,, I am blessed

  7. Marion Robinson says:

    My Mother always taught me well, she said the following…..



  8. Guru Prem Kaur says:

    The best advice my mother gave me came after she passed away. When I was getting divorced from the father of my only child, she came to the divorce court and testified against me to give custody of my two-year old to her father–an abusive husband. A few years after her death she came to me to ask my forgiveness. Apparently she was unable to leave the planet’s hold on her without it. It taught me to forgive and freed me from a lifetime of tears.

  9. lilya says:

    don’t hesitate to compliment people, it will make them feel good.don’t say things that are demeaning,or that may hurt people’s sense of self esteem and above all, don’t ever be overly cautious or too careful when facing new situations, you’ll regret it when you’re 60 yrs old.(I was aboout 15 yrs old at the time), I am now 72, and spent time last year, volunteering in Rwanda and in South Africa…She’d like that!
    I love your newsletter. It should also be done in French. I’ve worked on stage and in television most of my life, and nothing resembling your program, exists here, in Québec, or in France, for that matter.
    best wishes to you

  10. Nancy says:

    Loved the video! My mom was very intuitive and she always told me: your first idea is always the best one. This was the best advice ever!!!

  11. Maylin says:

    Jessica, you are about the cutest, most adorable person I have seen today. This said by a 74 year old mother and grandmother of seven. I am glad I met you through The Tapping Solution. Thank you for the Mother’s Day gift!!!

    Mama Maylin

  12. Jeanette Widdows says:

    My mother always said to buy good shoes and a good bed, because if you are not in one you are in the other.
    Best wishes,
    Jeanette Widdows

  13. Tone Mygind says:

    What a funny movie Jessica! Great to hear you sing too and get people tell about their mother. I suddenly missed my mother so much – she died in 2006 and one thing she always told me was to be able to take care of my self – also financially. Dont be dependent on a mans income. I think she was right and i am still on my independant journey! She also broght me beautifull things in life such as classical music and books – and her love for the greatness in nature – she was from Norway.

  14. Maria says:

    Wonderfully spontanious! My Mom said that I should be grateful for what I have.

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