Starts February 24th 2025

Free 10-Day Online Event

Discover the Secret to Overcoming Stress and Anxiety in 2025 with the Tapping World Summit

Tap into your higher potential starting Feb 24 - Register now!
17th annual Tapping World Summit This free event only happens once a year. Sign up now to reserve your spot.
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* By submitting this form you agree to receive email updates from The Tapping Solution. Your email will NEVER be shared or sold and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.

Join 24 of the World's Leading Personal Development and Health Experts

They’ll Show You Step by Step How to Use a Technique Known as "Tapping" to Improve Your Finances, Health, Emotions and Much More

See all experts

Discover Why EFT Tapping is Quickly Becoming the Most Talked About Wellness Technique

“Tapping is a breakthrough, research-backed technique that I've used in my life and seen people around the world get incredible results with. The Tapping Solution App is an easy and powerful way to get started.”
Tony Robbins Author, Coach, and Speaker
"Tapping is a powerful tool I use in my personal and professional work"
Iyanla Vanzant Author & Motivational Speaker
“Tapping has helped me break down walls that prevented good sleep, and limited my joy. With each session I feel more freedom from lifelong anxiety. It has changed my life.”
Jason Segel Actor, Producer, and Screenwriter

This Event Only Happens Once a Year. Don't Miss Out!

17th Annual Tapping World Summit, sign up now to reserve your spot

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* By submitting this form you agree to receive email updates from The Tapping Solution. Your email will NEVER be shared or sold and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.
"The tapping is brilliant. I tap with all the presentations regardless of what they are for and after feeling at a dead end I am beginning to feel light and free."
Jane Dudley, Nottingham, UK

What is Tapping?

Tapping, also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), is a powerful stress relief technique. Tapping is based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. While maintaining your mental focus on an issue, you use your fingertips to tap 5-7 times on 9 specific meridian points of the body. Tapping has been clinically proven to reduce cortisol (the stress hormone) in your body.
Stress impacts every aspect of your life, from your financial choices to your health. Learn how to calm your nervous system, reduce your stress and bring your body and mind back into balance.
Stress is Linked to:
  • Anxiety
  • Weight Gain
  • Sleep Problems
  • Lack of Motivation
  • Chronic Pain
  • Stomach Issues
  • And Depression
Tapping Is Proven to:
  • Reduce Stress
  • Lower Cortisol
  • Improve Sleep
  • Reduce Anxiety
  • Relieve Pain
  • Increase Productivity
  • And much more!

“More than 100 studies published in peer-reviewed journals have been conducted on EFT tapping, with the majority noting its efficacy”

- SHAPE magazine, April 2020

During this life-changing event, you'll be guided through 10 powerful days of presentations on a variety of topics:

Day 1

Creating Emotional Balance: How to Consistently Process and Release Negative Emotions and Shift Towards Positive Emotions

Kris Carr
Overcoming Fear and Cultivating Courage: A Journey to Building Inner Strength
You'll Learn...
  • The importance of creating a safe space where your fears can express themselves (and how to decode the secret messages they share with you)
  • How to use Tapping to return to the present moment when fearful fantasies take over
  • Why you've got to stop stopping yourself when you're afraid, and how to tap into the courage and confidence within you
Nick Ortner
The Energy of Emotions: How To Release Stressful Emotions and Cultivate Empowering Ones
You'll Learn...
  • The key to getting the best results from your Tapping World Summit experience
  • How to take your power back when you're feeling overwhelmed and powerless
  • How Tapping can not only release negative feelings but help you cultivate incredibly powerful feelings that will encourage and uplift you.

Day 2

Breaking Free from the Past: How to Recover from Trauma, Break Ancestral Chains, and Reclaim Peace with Tapping

Iyanla Vanzant
Healing Ancestral Shadows: Using Tapping to Break Generational Chains
You'll Learn...
  • The importance of embracing and honoring the struggles of our ancestors (after all, their victories paved the way for us to be here today!)
  • How to use Tapping to liberate yourself from generational patterns and deeply ingrained cultural conditioning.
  • Why it is so powerful when we allow deep emotions to come to the surface while Tapping (the less we repress, the more we heal!)
Dr. Arielle Schwartz
Tapping for Trauma: Unlocking Resilience, Inner Wisdom, and Post-Traumatic Growth
You'll Learn...
  • The truth about trauma (hint: it's not just limited to catastrophic events!)
  • The difference between post-traumatic stress and post-traumatic growth (this is an eye-opener, I'm telling you!)
  • How to use Tapping to increase self-compassion, gently communicate with your body, and offer a safe place to express your feelings

Day 3

Quieting the Mental Noise: How to Release Anxiety, Find Daily Balance & Get Deep, Restful Sleep

Karen Ortner
Tapping for Anxiety Relief: A Mind-Body Approach to Finding Peace in Your Daily Life
You'll Learn...
  • The true definition of anxiety (something most of us don't actually know!)
  • How to chill out your nervous system and find peace in the present moment (with the help of Tapping, the ultimate anxiety-relief tool)
  • How to turn anxiety into your best friend and powerful sidekick, rather than your enemy
Dawson Church
Say Goodnight to Insomnia: Tapping Tips and Tricks to Get the Best Sleep of Your Life
You'll Learn...
  • The secrets to sleeping like a baby, even if you've been tossing and turning for decades
  • A surprising myth about sleep (you might be shocked to learn how much sleep you really need!)
  • What we can learn from the research on insomnia and the effectiveness of Tapping for sleep issues

Day 4

Embracing Your Whole Self: How to Finally Allow Self-Acceptance and Self-Compassion for Deep Healing

Dr. Claire Hayes
From Self-Criticism to Self-Compassion: How to Quiet The Inner Critic and Overcome Intrusive Thoughts
You'll Learn...
  • Where our inner critic comes from (and why it eventually ends up hindering our growth)
  • How to separate yourself from that critical voice, and no longer let it rule the show
  • The profound impact of cultivating compassion for yourself and others (it's truly a game changer, I promise you!)
Brad Yates
Freedom Through Acceptance: How to Unleash Your Potential by Embracing Your Authentic Self
You'll Learn...
  • The true meaning of self-acceptance (and why it's NOT about settling for less)
  • The importance of separating your intrinsic worth from your behaviors, circumstances, or past experiences
  • The surprising truth about self-sabotage (spoiler alert: accepting yourself as you are can actually motivate positive change more effectively than harsh self-criticism)

Day 5

Supporting Your Body: How to Uncover the Root of Your Health Problems and Tap into Your Body's Natural Healing Potential

Julie Schiffman
Releasing Secrets from the Cells: From Emotional Pain to Physical Healing with Tapping
You'll Learn...
  • How unresolved traumas and internalized shame can manifest physically
  • Why the gentle, nurturing technique of Tapping is so effective at healing emotional burdens and providing relief
  • How shame thrives in secrecy (and why we've got to find a way to let it out safely)
Dr. Kim D'Eramo
What's Under Those Symptoms? Looking Deeper at the Root to Find Relief
You'll Learn...
  • Why it's so important to listen to your body (it may be calling your attention to something that isn't obvious at first sight)
  • How to understand that while pain is absolutely real, there may be underlying emotional causes or contributors
  • How to easily and clearly identify and clear out those hidden emotional challenges

Day 6

Maximizing Your Potential: How to End Procrastination, Eliminate Limiting Beliefs, and Live Your Life to the Fullest

Alex Ortner
Ending Procrastination: How to Cut Out the Noise, Create Clarity, and Get More of What You Want Done
You'll Learn...
  • The common ways we procrastinate, and why (they're not what you might think)
  • A powerful 3-step approach to overcoming procrastination
  • The importance of self-compassion (and why you need to start by being a little kinder to yourself)
Marie Forleo
Breaking Through Your Blocks: Tapping to Discover and Eliminate Your Limiting Beliefs So You Can Live a Fuller Life
You'll Learn...
  • How our beliefs act as the "train tracks" of our lives, directing our path and ultimate destination
  • What limiting beliefs are and how to spot them in your own life
  • The top questions to ask yourself to counteract your limiting beliefs

Day 7

The Best is Yet to Come: How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life!

Cheryl Richardson
Redefining Aging: Making the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life
You'll Learn...
  • Why self-care is so important to your longevity and aging experience (it really can't be ignored!)
  • How to age intentionally by reevaluating your priorities and relationships (plus, practical tips for restructuring your life to live in alignment with your personal values).
  • The importance of setting boundaries and saying NO (even when it's hard!)
Jim Kwik
Think Clearly, Remember More: Tapping and Techniques for Optimizing Brain Performance
You'll Learn...
  • The truth about memory and focus (spoiler: regardless of your age or background, anyone can improve their brain function!)
  • Proven methods to build a better, brighter brain (never again forget where you left your keys – or your car!)
  • Why you've got to exercise your brain like it's a muscle (as the saying goes, use it or lose it)

Day 8

Becoming a Stronger You: How to Build Deep Resilience and Turn Life's Challenges into Gifts to Become Unstoppable

Abiola Abrams
Gifts in Disguise: Turning Life's Hurdles into Gateways for Growth
You'll Learn...
  • How to shift your perspective on personal challenges, viewing them as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles
  • The power of self-acceptance and why it's crucial to healing (hint: you can't hate yourself into happiness!)
  • How to use Tapping to release shame and embrace your authentic self (perceived flaws, past mistakes, and all!)
Geneen Roth
You're Stronger Than You Know: How to Use Tapping to Keep You Moving Forward During Tough Times
You'll Learn...
  • How to immediately find relief during turbulent times
  • How to use Tapping to navigate these difficult moments and gain greater clarity.
  • The powerful distinction between your thoughts and your true self (and why this matters so much!)

Day 9

Discovering the True You: How to Eliminate Self-Doubt and Bad Habits, Connect with Your True Worth, and Finally Become Your Best Self

Mary Ayers
You Are Enough: Using Tapping to Eliminate Comparison, Feelings of Inadequacy, and Deep Self-Doubt
You'll Learn...
  • The signature symptoms of “I Am Not Enough” (and how to recognize them in yourself)
  • Why combining cognitive approaches with body-focused techniques like Tapping leads to more profound, lasting change
  • A simple yet powerful question to uncover hidden limiting beliefs that hold you back
Dr. Damon Silas
Breaking Free from Unwanted Habits: How to Leave Old Patterns Behind and Tap into New Horizons
You'll Learn...
  • How Tapping can help us get unstuck from old, habitual patterns (and make more intentional choices that lead to true connection and joy)
  • How to reframe the stories you tell yourself about your habits
  • The importance of pausing to identify the emotions that drive your habits and clearing out emotional clutter

Day 10

Prosperity Unleashed: How to Revolutionize Your Money Mindset for a Life of Abundance

Margaret Lynch Raniere
Manifesting More Money: How to Release Financial Stress, Take Empowered Action, and Create Financial Abundance
You'll Learn...
  • The importance of getting clear on your feelings around money (and your own value)
  • How to release the fight-or-flight response and deep emotional blocks that keep you stuck in financial stress with the help of Tapping
  • Techniques for identifying and overcoming the unconscious fears holding you back from confidently asking for what you're worth
Carol Look
Magnetizing Abundance: Tapping into the Power of Emotions, Beliefs, and Vibration to Transform Your Relationship with Money
You'll Learn...
  • How your feelings and beliefs about money can either make or break your bank account (spoiler: being stressed about money won't ever bring in more cash)
  • The art of Tapping on those pesky emotions and beliefs that hold you back from financial abundance
  • The secret to attracting abundance like a magnet (hint: it's all about vibration)

Bonus Presentations

Additional Content

Day 5
Donna Eden

Expanding Your Energy Medicine Toolbox: How to Integrate Advanced Techniques into Your Practice

You'll Learn...
  • The basics of energy (what it is, why it's so important, and how to get more in touch with it)
  • Why learning to work with your energy is the most important thing you can do (it just might save your life, and definitely your sanity!)
  • Unique techniques you can do in seconds to cleanse, protect, and boost your energy (they're so simple and effective, they just might blow your mind!)
Day 8
Nick Ortner

The Tapping Solution Full-Length Documentary Film

You'll Learn...
  • See first-hand, REAL LIFE CASES of Tapping changing lives in a way that's never been seen before
  • Watch ten people spend four days working with EFT practitioners to see if they can turn their lives around
  • Featured in this video are experts such as Jack Canfield, Bruce Lipton, Bob Proctor, Rick Wilkes, Joe Vitale, Nick Ortner, Carol Look, Norm Shealy, Fred Gallo, Cheryl Richardson, Carol Tuttle, Dawson Church, Patricia Carrington, and Brad Yates.

This Event Only Happens Once a Year. Don't Miss Out!

17th Annual Tapping World Summit, sign up now to reserve your spot

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* By submitting this form you agree to receive email updates from The Tapping Solution. Your email will NEVER be shared or sold and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.
"Just wanted to send you a big cyber hug and tons of appreciation for this program. It is SO important."
chistofer aven, hayward, ca

If you have any questions, please email us at

*DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this website is educational in nature and is provided only as general information. As part of the information presented on this website, I understand that I will be introduced to a modality called Emotional Freedom Technique ("EFT") which is a technique referred to as a type of energy therapy. Due to the experimental nature of EFT, and because it is a relatively new healing approach and the extent of its effectiveness, as well as its risks and benefits are not full known, I agree to assume and accept full responsibility for any and all risks associated with viewing this website and using EFT as a result of viewing this website. I understand that my choice to use EFT is of my own free will and not subject to any outside pressure. I further understand that if I choose to use EFT, it is possible that emotional or physical sensations or additional unresolved memories may surface.

The information presented on this website, including introducing EFT, is not intended to represent that EFT is used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or psychological disorder. EFT is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment. Any stories or testimonials presented on this website do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual using EFT for any particular issue. While all materials and links to other resources are posted in good faith, the accuracy, validity, effectiveness, completeness, or usefulness of any information herein, as with any publication, cannot be guaranteed. The Tapping Solution, LLC, accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information contained on this website, including, but not limited to, EFT demonstrations, training, and related activities. We strongly advise that you seek professional advice as appropriate before making any health decision.
© 2025 The Tapping Solution LLC, 2025 Annual Tapping World Summit
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17th annual Tapping World Summit

Don’t miss out!
This free event only happens once a year

We often regret the things we don’t do more than the things we do. This is your opportunity to make your health and wellness a priority and learn step-by-step how Tapping can help you take your life to new heights.

You have nothing to lose...
except stress, anxiety and overwhelm
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*By submitting this form you agree to receive email updates from The Tapping Solution. Your email will NEVER be shared or sold and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.
17th annual Tapping World Summit

Free 10-Day Online Event
Release Stress & Boost Your Health, Happiness, and Confidence. Take Your Life to New Heights in 2025!

This is your opportunity to make your health and wellness a priority and learn step-by-step how Tapping can help you take your life to new heights.

You have nothing to lose...
except stress, anxiety and overwhelm
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*By submitting this form you agree to receive email updates from The Tapping Solution. Your email will NEVER be shared or sold and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.