Weight Loss

The Real Deal About Food, Stress, Tapping and more…

Written by: Nick Ortner

Oh…food, food, food, food, food…

What’s happened to you dear food? What happened to the joy in food? What happened to eating meals in peace?

What happened to feeling grateful, nourished, warmed, happy… and more.

Our old friend, provider, sustainer, base of life…

Our memories, our families, our heritage… food… has turned into…


Cravings, weight gain, toxins… do I eat this? Don’t eat that! I feel guilty about eating this… so much stress…

When did food… forgive my French, become such a pain in the ass? On so many levels!

Well, there are two factors at play here, and we’re going to do some tapping to help significantly with one of them.

The first factor is the reality of our current food landscape: Stuff in a box.

This is a subject that books have been written about, it’s got so many complexities, that I’m only going to touch upon it here; but we are truly, deeply disconnected from our food. Once we as a culture started processing, packaging, freezing, and shipping our food, things changed in a dramatic way.

The nutritional content of “regular” food just isn’t there anymore and most of the stuff we’re eating either barely qualifies as food or is outright harmful. So I’m not going to take the approach that all you have to do is “tap”, feel good about your food, and everything will be fine. Can you transform a McDonald’s cheeseburger into something that is good for you with an elevated consciousness, positive thoughts, and a high vibration?

I absolutely think you can… but it’s a HECK of a lot of work! And most of us aren’t there, so the McDonald’s cheeseburger ends up being just that, a cheeseburger.

family preparing dinnerWe’re much better off starting with the good stuff, the fresh stuff, out of the garden, from the local farm, organic, full of nutrients and life force. Then it can actually help us, not be a burden on our system.

Ok, so the food itself needs to improve, but the information is out there to help you make that happen. But for most people, that’s not the big sticking point in getting healthy and nourished.

The big sticking point is that we’ve heard so many different theories. We’ve been told, “Eat this!” by one person and the next person says, “Don’t eat that!”, that our heads simply SPIN!

A meal is no longer a meal, it’s packed full of confusion, fear, guilt, stress, and more. And whatever you’re actually eating is nothing compared to the poison pill of negative emotions and stress that you’re swallowing. Heavy stuff!

So let’s start with easing that burden a bit with some tapping…


(By the way, if you read this article and don’t do this tapping right now, you’re wasting your time. 🙂 I don’t mean to be harsh, but the difference between this system of thinking is we’re actually DOING something to change right now, instead of exploring it intellectually. I don’t want you to walk away “knowing” more about food and our experience with it, I want you to walk away “being” different around food and YOUR experience with it – so TAP!)

If you’re not familiar with the tapping points, you can see them here.

It’s always important to measure our progress with EFT, so we know where we are and where we’re going, and even though these tapping statements are a bit more “global”, try this to measure it:

Say out loud: I am relaxed, at peace, and full of joy regarding the food I put in my body.

On a 0-10 scale, how true does that feel? 10 being 100% true, 0 being not true at all. Give it a number, it doesn’t have to be exact or perfect, and write it down.

Now let’s getting tapping!

Karate Chop: Even though I’m really stressed out about what I should and shouldn’t be eating, I deeply and completely accept myself
Karate Chop: Even though I can’t stop worrying about what’s “good for me” and “bad for me” I deeply and completely accept myself
Karate Chop: Even though I’ve heard too many different things about food, I’m overwhelmed and don’t know what to do.I choose to relax now

Eyebrow: All this stress around food
Side of the Eye: Should I eat this?
Under the Eye: I can’t eat that!
Under Nose: This is good for me
Under Mouth: That’s bad for me
Collarbone: Or is it?
Under Arm: I just don’t know what to eat
Top of the Head: So stressed out about eating

Eyebrow: I’ve read so many different things
Side of the Eye: Everyone seems to disagree on what to eat!
Under the Eye: I’m confused, scared and stressed about food
Under Nose: All this stress around food
Under Mouth: Releasing all this stress around food
Collarbone: All of this anxiety around food
Under Arm: I shouldn’t eat this
Top of the Head: I shouldn’t eat that

Eyebrow: Should, shouldn’t, should, shouldn’t
Side of the Eye: So much confusion
Under the Eye: Such a burden
Under Nose: So much anxiety
Under Mouth: So much stress
Collarbone: All around food
Under Arm: This stress around food
Top of the Head: Releasing all this stress around food

Let’s do some positive tapping (if you’re still feeling strongly negative, or if other things have come up, tap on those specifically before moving on to the positive).

Eyebrow: I choose to relax around food now
Side of the Eye: I choose to feel safe around food now
Under the Eye Food is safe
Under Nose: I am safe
Under Mouth: I am at peace and easily choose the foods the best nourish me
Collarbone: I relax around food, enjoying every bite I eat, regardless of what it is
Under Arm: Once I choose to eat something, I relax and release any guilt, fear or anxiety around it
Top of the Head: I choose to relax around food

Eyebrow: My body knows exactly what it wants and needs
Side of the Eye: I attract all the right information to help me choose the best food for me
Under the Eye: Food is safe
Under Nose: I am safe
Under Mouth: I choose to relax now
Collarbone: I let go of any fear, guilt or anxiety around food
Under Arm: Letting it go
Top of the Head: Letting it all go

Take a deep breath… and let it go.

How ya feeling? Let’s check in.

Say out loud: I am relaxed, at peace, and full of joy regarding the food I put in my body.

How true does that feel? Did the number go up? What else came up when you were doing the tapping? Remember, when we’re doing “global” tapping like this, we really want to pay attention to “specific” things that come up for us. I can’t instruct you to tap on a specific experience you’ve had because I don’t know what they are!

But you do; so as anything pops up, tap on it and release it. The more specific we get, the more the global tapping will “stick”.

And as a bonus, I’m also including one of the Tapping App Meditations to assist you even further.

Getting Back on Track

That’s it for now, just a couple of quick rounds to ease the burden a bit, release some stress and help you get more clear around food.

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Share your experience with the above tapping. What came up? How did you feel before as compared to after the tapping? What insights, breakthroughs, or ideas did you have?

Download The Tapping Solution App today!

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181 Comments on this post

  1. Ellen says:

    Perfect timing for me. I’ve started exercising 6 days a week for the last 3 weeks and only lost 2 lbs. I started to stress out about food. What also came up was the cost of food. Since i spent so much on personal trainers, I felt guilty about my budget. Add to that the wastefulness of my teenagers. I was really feeling the stress. Thanks so much!

  2. lieve says:

    Hi Nick, thank you for the tapping! It really helps. You bring so much Light in so many hearts!! THANK YOU for who you are!!

  3. damir says:


    My first experience with tapping was just last week ago and it has helped me tremendously.

    I am a new fan.


  4. Debra Crossman says:

    I’d really appreciate the workshop you describe, could you please do it like NOW??? LOL! Thanks, I’d love to hear more and attend…

  5. JF says:

    Thank you for this! I’m very new to tapping and found this very basic yet effective and easy to understand! Also your tapping weekend sounds awesome! Do it!

  6. Jill says:

    Hi Nick – that was such fun, it made me giggle a few times! Now how about some tapping for sinus issues?

  7. Susan says:

    Hi Nick,
    thanks so much for this. I struggle a lot with food. So I would love a three day summit on.
    The 2011 World Summit and the Summit on pain were great, and I feel so much more peaceful, focused and my body is more fluid. I feel much less stiff, and I ejoy walking again.

    thanks you for all the great work that you and Jessica do.
    Peace and blessings to you.

  8. Joan Marshall says:

    Nice one Nick and can be used for other complex worries eg work place

  9. Beverly Compton says:

    Just got started with Tapping. I am amazed at the thought and effort that went into this info. It was very helpful to read a prepared script to see how to work with tapping. I will continue to learn and work with Tapping. Thanks so much.

  10. Bernie Austin says:

    Talk about synchronicity! For the past 3 weeks, I have been conducting a book study on Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s book, Eat to Live. In addition to the book study, which lasts 7 weeks, I have invited an Energy Psychology Practitioner to our 6th meeting. She will customize a tapping program for our group.
    The protocol you have provided will be a lovely addition for our group learning, to remind them to let go of the fear, guilt and stress.
    Perfect. Thank you.

  11. heather says:

    I liked that – thankyou – what came up for me is that I love good nourishing food but
    I often get into a rut and sugar and caffeine take over my body and mind and they win
    the battle temporarily until I finally say enough. I would like to be able to have the
    resolve to always eat the stuff that is good for me because I know how much better
    I feel when I do. I think this kind of group thing helps because release charge that I have
    pulled in over the years on what is good and bad etc. I don’t like the guilt feelings but they
    are deep and I am working on them.

  12. Laura says:

    Nick this was awesome! I get stressed over what I am going to serve for dinner and how much my husband is going to eat. I have been trying to serve him more healthy food since he’s become overweight and can’t stop eating – hungry all the time although he resists more vegetables and fruit. I don’t buy snacks, but he brings them home and will mindlessly eat them right after a full dinner while watching TV. I feel so much better now after tapping this script – would have not thought of that approach myself. Thanks for all you do to help – it means the world to me. Thanks!

  13. Mary says:

    What came up for me? Knowing what to eat and what not to eat and eating it anyway. Feeling powerless to stop. If I could stop eating so much and lose weight on my own, don’t you think I would have done it by now? Well, I have. Several times and gained it back plus more. Classic yo-yo.

    “Oh, you’re being good today?” when someone sees me making wise food choices. That insinuates that I am usually being bad, when I eat other stuff, or it’s almost a recognition of the badness that is me all the time, if what I’m doing now is good and different. And noticeably different.

    Comfort food, habit food. I eat when I’m nervous, anxious, relieved. I just love ice cream. I have often said, “If you don’t get enough hugs and ice cream, you die.” I need to change that.

    I do eat good food. I just eat a lot of it. And I also eat bad food. Not as much as some people do, but I just don’t move around as much as I did when I was in college, but I still eat as much.

    I sometimes eat enough to feed a village and just don’t stop. Don’t know how to pay attention to when I’m hungry or not. Can’t waste it. Must eat it rather than throw it away.

    Safe, needs to equal thin. For some reason, safe=fat. Being fat makes me unattractive to other men who are not my husband. People getting thin=sick and dying, or old and dying. That’s when fat people get thin. And I’ve had two very important people in my life, two people who were very conscientious about eating right and getting exercise, who died young. I think that has affected me.

    Wow, that’s alot that came up. I’ve got work to do.

  14. Annabel Bateman says:

    After doing that little tapping sequence, I do feel somewhat more relaxed about food. I went from a 3/10 to a 5/10 so still have some way to go. I’m pretty new to tapping so still finding my way around. Your 3 day workshop sounds fabulous, any chance of running it in Australia?!!

  15. Lesley says:

    When I said this phrase “Once I choose to eat something, I relax and release any guilt, fear or anxiety around it…” the thought of my deceased sister came to mind. I think I might have some guilt issues there . Guilt -a very powerful emotion .

  16. anne mincey says:

    Dear Nick
    Thank you so much for this and all of your articles I love the tapping script it got me to do it- right then and there. Thank you so much. I would really, really be interested in any help you can offer on how to loose weight and overcome cravings. I have so much emotion around food and just can’t get to a place where I can face dieting and exercise again. I have always started and suffered a lot for long periods and lost some weight only to gain it and more back again once falling off the wagon. Exercise has always been a chore I have never been able to sustain a regular program. I am just a physical slug. I realize I have all kinds of psychological issues around food glamourizing it and feeling deprived if I can’t have any kind of it and any amount I desire. I suffer from food lust. But knowing this with my brain doesn’t help with the day to day moment to moment food obsessing. Any immediate help would be great…I don’t think I can wait til spring!

  17. Patricia (Pasha) Buck says:

    My “take” was that I already do feel comfortable about nearly everything I eat–much of it raw fruits and vegetables, just a little meat and fish. plenty of water, and dark chocolate! And have already lost the extra weight (I do not know how). I wish it was easier to “eat local”; I try to garden–kind of hard in the winter in Iowa!! Thank you for all your help.

  18. Audrey Lloyd says:

    I loved this article and tapping –very timely for me. There is so much info around these days about what and what not to eat, and some of it conflicts. I enjoyed the tapping. I ended up feeling relaxed, even joyful. I do enjoy food, and I don’t like to feel guilty about eating it. According to my height , weight and age, I’m actually only about 5-7 lbs overweight, but I get into moods where I really beat up on myself.
    Thanks for the tapping.

  19. Janice says:

    Trying to reverse insulin dependent diabetes diagnosis, I have over the past year become more aware of all the choices we have to make and because of limited incomes, it makes it even harder to do the right thing. I enjoyed the tapping technique here as it evoked positive feelings about food. Earlier today…just walking through the grocery store nearly made me sick with anxiety. I’m glad I came across this exercise and will have to make time for this on a regular basis.

  20. jeanne says:

    nick, thank you so much for all you do….i am brand new to tapping and am every intrigued by it…as several people have mentioned, i really just speed through a meal and don’t take the time to enjoy it…will attempt to change that…i also am very aware i have very poor eating habits and live and salt and sugar…will attempt to change that too….

  21. Carolyn says:

    What came up was radiation in food. Animal protein causes cancer and my dairy intolerance.

  22. Joanne says:

    Thanks so much! I still have some moral issues about certain kinds of food but that is more from the heart than the mind. This has made me more relaxed about being in social settings when my available choices may not be “the best ever”. Now I can enjoy food while still being aware of choosing what’s best for me in the moment. Thank you!

  23. Pam says:

    What came up was this type 2 diabetes the doctors want to saddle me with. Blood doesn’t lie, but . . . Letting my body know that I am willing to let it choose my food with the right balance of sugar and whatever else metabolizes as sugar, while providing the proper amount of energy for what my body needs to do and what I want to do, that’s what else came up. Yay! body mind, glad I am that I have a channel open for listening to what you want to say to me. By the way tuning in through the Eat Right for Your Type – D’Amado and friend – was the first real sense of peace I got. Mind and body on the same page. What a relief! When I’m feeling out of sorts I go for the list of optimum foods for my blood type. Thanks for the listening tool!

  24. Karen says:

    Nick…that was brilliant. I howled my eyes out – I had no idea how distressed I had become over what foods to select to eat. My mind was so shredded by all the ‘should’ and ‘shouldn’ts’ I had become almost immobilised. Thank you for that wonderful little tapping package.

  25. Launa Larson says:

    The 3 days in Connecticut sounds great! If it’s anything like the movie I’m sure it will be wonderful.
    I would be interested in participating.
    I am a 67 year old great-grandma. I’m about 60 lbs. overweight. Fat and happy but it’s been taking a toll on my health. I try to eat better, but it’s difficult for me. My husband drives truck and I’m alone a lot. It’s hard for a person who has cooked for a large family all her life to try and fix for one. Frozen entrees, snack food etc. seem to be my staple. I also have little resistance to temptations. The leftover Halloween candy keeps calling to me.
    Thanks for the tapping in the email. I do feel better a little. I hope I can succeed!
    Thanks for everything I have learned from you!

  26. Linda says:

    I’m hypoglycemic. I’m very sensitive to sugars, starches, and stimulants. I believe some of my metabolic dysfunction is related to my mother’s unwillingness to bond with me or to nourish me when I was a child. For me, food doesn’t feel safe: it’s a stressful reminder of my mother’s rejection.

    I complicate the situation by playing head games with myself about food. I tell myself that it’s good for me to have hypoglycemia because my diet–a very strict diet–permits me to eat only healthy and nutritious foods. Yet I feel envious and left out when my friends and I get together for a restaurant dinner and they’re eating all these wonderful, savory foods and I’m eating yet another salad. Yech!

    For most of us, food, like money and sex, is a complicated topic. It weaves in and out of our lives on many levels. I’ve been tapping on the hypoglycemia and the various aspects of it for several months now. As I tap, I learn more and more about myself. It’s as I’m peering through a darkened window and the light of dawn is slowly coming on.

    I liked this tapping exercise about our stressful relationship with food. I’m finding it helpful. I expect to work with it some more over the coming days and weeks. Prior to doing this tapping exercise, I had never considered that when it comes to food, I don’t feel safe. But it’s true, I don’t feel safe, and I don’t believe I’m making good choices for myself. I know it sounds strange, but when I eat healthy foods, it seems as though I’m hiding out and not addressing the real, underlying causes for the hypoglycemia.

    Thanks for reading my words. I appreciate having this opportunity to share with you some deeply private aspects of my life. Enjoy your day!

  27. anna says:

    in the last 2 months i have gained 20 lbs as a result of starting anti-depressants. now i stopped taking them and am dealing with this weight emotionally and physically and it is more overwhelming than my original problems. tapping has helped me a bit, but i really wish i had someone in person to help me so i know that i’m “doing it right”. HOW DO I FIND SOMEONE IN TORONTO WHO DOES THIS?

  28. Venie says:

    From S Sadowski…so funny, I thought I was writing it myself! That’s right about where I’m at too. Super frustrating. And I’ve thought about HCG but haven’t yet committed to that. A part of me feels if I could just get my thinking right, things will all begin to change. Thoughts?

  29. Venie says:

    Thanks for that, Nick. I like that you write that whatever the food is to feel good, release the guilt around it. Generally speaking, I have a pretty good idea of healthy/unhealthy so I’m not confused about that very much, but I still manage to have food issues and am not entirely sure yet what my emotional issues are yet. Question: while tapping, the eyebrow seemed particularly sensitive. Are there any correlations between which points are more “stimulated” and which emotions/issues come up? For example, under the nose sensitivities might mean feeling powerless as a baby. I ask because I’ve heard before about different body parts referring to father issues in childhood, etc. I would certainly be interested in your weekend seminar. However, I live on the other side of the continent, in Canada. Any chance of something out west?

  30. Frances says:

    Hi nick,
    What about tapping for Eating Disorders, Anorexia Bulimea etc. There is so much focus on weight loss can we look at the other end of the scale. Could you include this in your seminar.
    I have come in contact with girls, of all ages, and some young boys with severe eating disorders.
    The script above is great, I found it very helpful for myself. Of course other issues have arisen for me to be worked on.
    Teleseminar would work for those of us in Australia.
    Thank you… Thank you… Thank you…

  31. Danielle says:

    I would really enjoy doing a 3 day seminar around tapping for weight loss. Ideally, I would like to do it now as I need to loose 50 pounds for health reasons and I find it really tough. I know I need to release my fears aroung loosing weight. Each time I loose 20 pounds I put it back immediately and it is a vicious circle. Please help and do a seminar on tapping and weight loss. I know so many people would appreciate it. Thanks for your attention.

    Danielle- 54 years old Ottawa, Canada

  32. Carol says:

    Hi Nick. Please keep on writing and tapping for us. Since I am Diabetic I have done a lot of tapping for the reversal of that condition. Right now my a/1c is hovering just at 6 and my tests per day are holding under 120 which is perfect for me. I am steadily losing excess fat (I am really right where I want to be). I have also cut off my metformin and pretty much eat whatever I want. Small portions and foods within reason.
    I couldn’t be more pleased.
    I am also tapping for prosperity and I have had a few monumental surprises that I am not quite ready to talk about…will get to that later. Many thanks to you for introducing me to EFT. Carol

  33. Becca Pronchick says:

    Hello Nick,
    Thank you so much for this wonderful message and tapping lesson. Perfect timing for me. I am a Pro-EFT practitioner and often support people with weight loss and food issues. I have some food sensitivities and often feel that I don’t know what to eat to feel good and healthy. Lately I’ve gained a few pounds and noticed how quickly the old thoughts and what-ifs start coming up. Ahhhh… I will share this lesson with my clients. Thank you for all that you are offering to the world. With love & gratitude, Becca

  34. Jazzel says:

    it’s a grt idea and very welcome….thanks!

  35. kiki says:

    That was awesome! Just what I need it!

  36. Dr. Larry Quell says:

    Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!
    It’s really needed in the world today

  37. theo says:

    I have the DVD on Tapping, Nick. It feels like a life line, thank you; although, I still feel like I’m in the ‘bringing up stuff phase’. You mention your friend, Donna Gates and her new book and how much you highly recommend it. Funny, I purchased that too and mailed it back to Amazon just today! I’m at a saturation point of dealing with food struggles ( 4o years) I have gotten to where my sanity is urging me to tap, relieve the stress, and do my best to (as Dr. Harry would say from ‘Younger Next Year’, ‘stop eating crap! I feel like I have read every book, listened to every DVD, and bought special foods, vitamins, supplements, protein powders, etc. for most of my adult life. I’m way past striving for the skinny jeans. I’m just trying to stay out of the nursing home and eating smushed peas! If you do the 3 day seminar on weight issues, it would be helpful to so many not having the time or funds to travel, if you were able to make it available for sale. You’re a good guy, Nick. Keep trying to do what you can. Thanks.

  38. JUDY says:

    I love what you wrote Nick; you address a dilemma that is getting more and more challenging to handle. Even what the FDA deems fit is questionable, making it harder and harder to know which source to trust. Through the tapping we can clear anything that blocks us from receiving enjoyment when we do chose to eat, and ultimately we may find ourselves making healthier choices. Tapping is a great technique that truly returns us to a state of self empowerment…..and that’s an awesome place to be!

    Thank you for all you do in getting EFT out to the world!! 🙂
    Much Love

  39. Joanne Richards says:

    thanks Nick, most of us have such mixed feelings about food it feels great to be able relax over this issue even a little bit.

  40. Theresa says:

    This was great thanks!
    Specifics for me…. They think they know more than me, what’s right for me. That’s not true, I innately know what is true nourishing and supportive of my body…. Then I tapped on the guilt etc of eating flesh and the guilt of feeling so good when I do. It is ok not to be fully raw and vegan.

  41. Betty says:

    Thank you Nick and thank you everyone for sharing your problems. I can actually feel your anxiety which puts my overwhelm in a slightly better place….and that’s before any tapping.

  42. Catherine says:

    I do so appreciate all your tapping solutions. This one is very important to me, as I have allergies and digestive problems, (gallstones, duodenal ulcer) and this is certainly something I know will benefit me greatly in my choice of food. Also to learn to relax and enjoy my food knowing I will be tuned to positive energies and so release the stress that is at the cause of my problems.
    With gratitude for all your wonderful help.

  43. veronica says:

    this blog post was exactly what i have been needing, nick! thank you! please post more like this!!!

  44. Judi says:

    Hi There Nick, thanks again for your support, I will now share of my expereince….first my negative reading as in disfunctional eating came to an 8…whilst tapping 2 other issues came up which I will now tap on….the first issues that came up were…never enough…be in quick…you’ll miss out…..abundance means food….(1 of 8 children)….then !!! the same issues that you are speaking of came up about Supplements !!! Do I take that? do I take this? but some has said this is good…that is good….then I feel fear that I could overdose myself…so as you can see… I have more tapping to do !!! using the same principal as you provided for supplements !!!! Yippeee…many thanks….and I would just love to see you provide a Seminar on all these issues…Love and Gratitude Judi x

  45. Beppie Adams says:

    Hi Nick, This was a great subject for me. I have been attempting to eat healthy because I was treated for cancer with chemo and radiation therapy 2 1/2 years ago.(no surgery) I just recently found out how important diet is for people like me. Neither the oncologist not the radiologist ever mentioned to me to limit my sugar and salt intake, etc. Not a word. As a matter of fact there was a large bowl of candy sitting out in the reception area full of cancer patients. Truly bizarre!
    The problem for me is that now I have seen the light, I am getting really too anxious about food and the above tapping which you formulated will nip this in the butt I hope. I have tapped for quite a while and always appreciate the work you and your sister are doing. Thanks for all your help.

  46. Rachel says:

    Thank you Nick. I found this very helpful and it came at an extremely good time. I’d like to find someone to work with individually — can you suggest someone? I feel like I need help.

    I agree with what someone wrote about — a weekend workshop would be great and a webinar would also be great! Maybe you’ll do both. 🙂

    Happy Tapping!

  47. sheilmck says:

    Spot on Nick. I live in a remote part of Scotland in the uk so cost of getting to Connecticut is extortionate. Any chance you’ll consider an online or audio/viz version?

  48. S Sadowski says:

    What issues came up for me? Too many! Like I know I don’t really eat that much and
    most of the time I eat quite wisely and with discipline, yet, I still don’t lose weight and sometimes even gain! I also exercise daily – yoga and 30 minutes (minimum) of walking briskly.
    Eating is a pleasurable and comforting activity for me but I do control my eating and I’m not a couch potato – so, someone please, please tell me why I have difficulty with my weight! Sometimes I think it’s because I’m female or my age or because I have a thyroid condition (but I take medication like I’m supposed to) or because I’m hungry a lot or I must have a slow metabolism or I’m allergic or I have some kind of fungus infection! What is it????
    All the doctors do is tell you the same thing: Eat less, exercise more – or eat less carbs and exercise more but no one takes the time to look at you and your history as an INDIVIDUAL to figure out what might be preventing your weight loss in spite of all your effort. They think we want to be heavy?! I don’t think they ever believe you when you say “But doctor, I’ve been doing everything just
    as you said and no weight loss.” Only my husband knows because he knows how meticulous I am when I diet. He goes on the same diet, cheats, and loses weight – that’s frustrating, too!
    I did try the HCG (against my better judgment but in desperation) and I did lose on that but I was hungry all the time – my hunger never went away like they say it does. I tried it for 3 weeks but I don’t want to keep doing it. Does it really reset your hypothalamus – does my hypothalamus still need to be reset again? I could just scream. I think that’s enough, although I could probably write you a few more pages. Help! (if you can)

  49. Verica says:

    Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
    Greetings from Croatia

  50. Joyce says:

    I was recently at the Dentest office (holistic) for work to be done. I was reminded to do some tapping for my tight jaw. I had forgotten about it and thanked him for that. So I was delighted to see your email. I did tap as I read and it was very helpful. I do get a little tired of hearing about the weight loss thing though. Not everyone wants to lose weight. I know its a general comment. (or should I tap on that) lol
    Thanks again for your helpful email, it came just at the right time.

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Follow the producer of the Annual Tapping World Summit Alex Ortner on Facebook or Instagram!

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